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Fire Emblem Awakening Tumblr Voice Meme

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I don't particularly care that much about my gender and you can keep on thinking of me as a guy anyway.

It's not like I make any attempts to act in a more socially-coded-as-masculine way than I normally do. 's just how I am.

...wait, did my voice meme actually sound like a dude? I can only pass as my dad when I'm talking to people with shitty office phones. That's actually great I've been trying to do more male covers of songs lately since I'm gradually losing my high range. Was never my natural range to start with so I'm not sure how productive I can be in getting it back.


Edited by Thor Odinson
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I tried to tell him just that. It took a good five months for him until he stopped being "sweet" on me and even then he still took shots at my friends and me over petty things.

I just block/ignore him then.

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I kinda want to do one of these myself, but I don't know the first thing about recording videos or audio files (yes, I'm technologically challenged).

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I used Audacity to record mine. It's a free program and works on both windows and mac (I don't remember if it does on linux or not). You'll also need a microphone especially if you use a desktop. Most laptops within the last couple of years comes equipped with mics, though. I know my macbook of 5 years have one, though windows is more variable by the hardware maker.

If you have a smartphone, you can also use the inbuilt camera functions. They have video options.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Thanks for the enlightenment on Cordelia's pronunciation. I'm not sure if it's right, but I always pronounced 'cherche' as single-syllable, as like a french version of 'Serge' or w/e. Also, isn't Owain's name pronounced like 'Owen'?

I actually like the little Grima-Rey voice you did there, that wasn't too bad haha.

[Princess Bride / Inigo Montoya reference]

*slow clap*

*awards this thread all the internets*

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I was going to upload a video. I had the audio file all recorded and everything.

Then Youtube decided to be a piece of shit and not let me upload the audio and image files separately. Then my fucking video player wouldn't import the audio file at all so I could turn it all into one video file.

So nobody's getting a voice meme from me because god fucking damn it this is more trouble than it is worth.

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Thanks for the enlightenment on Cordelia's pronunciation. I'm not sure if it's right, but I always pronounced 'cherche' as single-syllable, as like a french version of 'Serge' or w/e. Also, isn't Owain's name pronounced like 'Owen'?

I'm a native French speaker and 'cherche' is a conjugation of 'to seek' pronounced as a one syllabe word (the 'e' at the end is silent), so I always pronounced Cherche's name the same way.

As for Owain, I always pronounced the '-wain' part the same way I would pronounce it in 'Gawain'.

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I kinda want to do one of these myself, but I don't know the first thing about recording videos or audio files (yes, I'm technologically challenged).

I'll teach you, SL! It's very easy. :) But it requires a mic, so if you don't have one, you'll need to get a good one if you ever want to do it. Only the fancy ones are expensive, but you don't need one that fancy, so a good mic is pretty affordable.

Everything else you need should already come with a windows computer. You only need two simple programs as well as internet which you already obviously have.

Firstly, you need the Sound Recorder. This is found in your Accessories folder under Programs. Just open it after you plug your mic into your PC and click the available buttons to start recording and stop recording. You now have your audio!

Now, you need to open up Windows Movie Maker. It doesn't matter what version it is, any of them these days will be able to make a video that can go on Youtube. Click add music to add sound and music and click upload image files to add image files. You can even add videos you already made so you can do overlapping sound files (that's how I have both music AND my voice playing at the same time).

You can choose to just add a music file or you can add a music file at a certain point. Under the music settings, you can split your sound file into two sections at whatever point in the file you want. Just click a point in your video and click the split button. You can also change the volume under the music settings and the image/video settings.

You can only upload images and sound files that are already saved on your computer though, so you'll have to collect all the files you want beforehand. Under the video/image settings, you can set how long the image will show in the video before it disappears and moves onto the next image.

It's not hard at all to figure out how Windows Movie Maker works, even the new versions. I picked up Windows Live Movie Maker pretty quickly myself. This is just the basics though. I'm afraid I don't know any fancy/advanced techniques. xP

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Except I'm not a dude.

I still think I sound more like a 14 year old boy than any adult, though :c

Wait, what?! Now I feel bad for assuming you actually were a dude. Your situation reminds me a lot of Haruhi's from Ouran High School Host Club in regards to voice rather than looks.

I've had enough with sexual harassment and this pretty much solved 90% of my problems.

Man, it sucks that you went through some harassment. I guess you learn to just shrug off people's comments and move on with life. I definitely don't think anything different of you because you're a girl.

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Naw, don't feel bad. I did put male as my gender for a reason. Just a 20 year old dude with the voice to pass as his dad wouldn't be anything unusual, so.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm a native French speaker and 'cherche' is a conjugation of 'to seek' pronounced as a one syllabe word (the 'e' at the end is silent), so I always pronounced Cherche's name the same way.

As for Owain, I always pronounced the '-wain' part the same way I would pronounce it in 'Gawain'.

Cool, it's good to know I've been doing it right at least in the eyes of a native speaker. ;3

Yeah, I pronounced Owain's name the same way for a while, but I read somewhere that his name is probably like a welsh-ized version of the name 'Owen' and is supposed to be pronounced the same way or something like that. /citation needed, but... yeah

Edited by BANRYU
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Hey, I explained the Cherche pronunciation in my video too. :P

I pronounce Owain like "Oh-wane" because I just can't see it being "Owen."

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Hey, I explained the Cherche pronunciation in my video too. :P

I pronounce Owain like "Oh-wane" because I just can't see it being "Owen."

Sorry, I didn't see it. =w= I'll go back through and watch the rest of these sometime.

Yeah the deal with the 'Owen' pronunciation (assuming what I read was true) is that the 'ai'-sound is pronounced like 'eh' in Welsh or something IIRC. Like I said, I don't know if that's right.

Edited by BANRYU
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Naw, don't feel bad. I did put male as my gender for a reason. Just a 20 year old dude with the voice to pass as his dad wouldn't be anything unusual, so.

Okay. :^_^:

Yeah the deal with the 'Owen' pronunciation (assuming what I read was true) is that the 'ai'-sound is pronounced like 'eh' in Welsh or something IIRC. Like I said, I don't know if that's right.

Oh. (O.O) Well, even if it's not "correct", say the name however you want. I take the "Say these names" part as a chance to see differences in how people pronunciation them anyways.

I know I mispronounced at least some of the names. For the longest time I was saying "Chrome" instead of "Chrom" even though they say "Chrom" in the game :facepalm: I caught one slip up after I uploaded.

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Sorry, I didn't see it. =w= I'll go back through and watch the rest of these sometime.

Yeah the deal with the 'Owen' pronunciation (assuming what I read was true) is that the 'ai'-sound is pronounced like 'eh' in Welsh or something IIRC. Like I said, I don't know if that's right.

Funny, I had a Welsh teacher in University in a class about Arthur's legends and he pronounced Gawain 'gah-wane'

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I didn't know you were autistic, Ana. I commend your bravery for making the vid in spite of your fear of speaking!

I gotta get going but I'll listen to everyone else's soon. Man... you guys are making me want to do this lol. And I HATE coming out of that mask of anonymity-- but I ain't got an excuse like autism or nothin' so I just look like a bitch lol.

When I can make time for it, maybe I'll give this a shot.

Funny, I had a Welsh teacher in University in a class about Arthur's legends and he pronounced Gawain 'gah-wane'

Well, shows what I know .w. And I'm even of Welsh descent... //flees in shame

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Sorry, I didn't see it. =w= I'll go back through and watch the rest of these sometime.

Yeah the deal with the 'Owen' pronunciation (assuming what I read was true) is that the 'ai'-sound is pronounced like 'eh' in Welsh or something IIRC. Like I said, I don't know if that's right.

Haha, don't worry about it, it's fine. I figured you hadn't seen it, I just thought I'd point it out is all. :P

And yeah, I'd heard something like that, but I'm used to English "ai" being pronounced like a long a sound or in some cases, a long i sound.

And yep, I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a form of autism.

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Owain's pronunciation: I say it exactly the way he says it in game (with the voices set to English, at least). Partner defeats enemy/Owain is healed: "Owain needs no aid!"

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Owain's pronunciation: I say it exactly the way he says it in game (with the voices set to English, at least). Partner defeats enemy/Owain is healed: "Owain needs no aid!"

That'd do it. I completely forgot about that and now feel utterly stupid lol.

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