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Class vs other Class


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So, I'm trying to get these characters into a class that would do them best. Problem is, I don't know if I made the best desicion. Here's what I need to know

Swordmaster vs Great Lord (Lucina)

Swordmaster vs Assasian (Lon'qu)

Wyvern Lord vs Griffin Rider (Cherche)

Swordmaster vs Grandmaster (Avatar)

Sorcecer vs Dark Knight (Henry)

Thanks :)

Also, I accidently killed a LOT of DLC characters and children...to be exact, I have lost










Yeah...I messed up REALLY bad...I need help so I don't do this again...help with this please? And is there, by some miracle (which I know is impossible) that I can SOMEHOW get them back? Then again, this is Fire Emblem.

Thanks again :)

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OK, I dunno about a restart, but a second playthrough was on my to-do list...not deleting my first account, though. Too much progress.

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So, I'm trying to get these characters into a class that would do them best. Problem is, I don't know if I made the best desicion. Here's what I need to know

Swordmaster vs Great Lord (Lucina)

Swordmaster vs Assasian (Lon'qu)

Wyvern Lord vs Griffin Rider (Cherche)

Sword master vs Grandmaster (Avatar)

Sorcecer vs Dark Knight (Henry)

Thanks :)

Also, I accidently killed a LOT of DLC characters and children...to be exact, I have lost










Yeah...I messed up REALLY bad...I need help so I don't do this again...help with this please? And is there, by some miracle (which I know is impossible) that I can SOMEHOW get them back? Then again, this is Fire Emblem.

Thanks again :)


Great lord gives Lucina reliable one two range and better defense and resistance.

Assassin gives more strength and more (superfluous) speed and bows(Useless but still nice).

Personal preference.

Better offense at a the cost of defense. Really just either one. Though grandmaster does give you magic but not sure that's important for a plus strength MU.

Dark magic is worth it.

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Great Lord. Has lance wielding, for 1~2 attack range and has better DEF and skill(?)

Assassin is way better for combat, but you need to watch out for their terrible DEF caps.

Cherche caps her skill and speed at 37 as a Wyvern Lord. That's terrible if she isn't holding a brave lance/axe.

Your high STR should compliment the swordmasters high speed. If you want magic, go for GM, but I don't like the class personally.

Dark magic isn't all that good, with Nosferatu being the only useful one. However, despite performing well as a physical unit, Dark Knights low caps aren't worth going towards as a final class.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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Hmm, will do. Thank you very much! In case you haven't noticed, Awakening is my first FE game...I don't understand these terms XD

I'm more of a Pokemon veteran

Also, are Manaketes any good? Never liked Taguel that much...just personally.

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Nowi isn't. She's more of a support. Nah is, depending on who her father is. So is Manakete morgan.

Tiki is debatable. She's more on the preference side.

although it shouldn't matter, since you killed her

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Manaketes are a great endgame class but are usually outclassed by other options.

In regards to your questions:

Great Lord(better caps)

Assassin(better combat viability)

Griffin Rider(Wyvern lord's Spd and Skl caps are disgusting)

Swordmaster(I personally do Paladin/Hero for +Str avatar because they have better movement/caps but if it has to be one of those two, swordmaster unless you really want magic.)

Sorceror(Because swords aren't worth losing Nosferatu.)

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So, I'm trying to get these characters into a class that would do them best. Problem is, I don't know if I made the best desicion. Here's what I need to know

Swordmaster vs Great Lord (Lucina)

Swordmaster vs Assasian (Lon'qu)

Wyvern Lord vs Griffin Rider (Cherche)

Swordmaster vs Grandmaster (Avatar)

Sorcecer vs Dark Knight (Henry)

Great Lord

Can't really say

Griffon Rider (Wyvern Lord's speed cap makes me cry)

Swordmaster (Given your Strength asset, you might as well use it)

Dark Knight because dark magic really isn't that good imo, and horse (for what it's worth, Dark Knights also give 1 move in a pair up)

Edited by Levant Caprice
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