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Should smoking of cigarettes be illegalized in the publicity?

Should smoking of cigarettes be illegalized in the publicity?  

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  1. 1. Should smoking of cigarettes be illegalized in the publicity?

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  2. 2. What is your view on smoking?

    • It should be banned.
    • "Allowable areas" should be restricted.
    • It shouldn't be restricted in any way.
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i think we should ban people who have bad breath, because that shit is disgusting and makes me throw up

we should have separate areas for people with breath that stinks of a mixture of dick, shit, and other anomalies and regular fucking healthy adults who want to go about their lives without having to smell John Shiteater's foul stench

i'm all for people choosing to be literal human scum but i choose to stay the fuck away from them, and obviously that is fucking impossible considering they are like a mouth-breathing plague, killing me inside slowly but steadily

I'm thinking this is pretty much the best post in here.

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I'm pretty sure I explained that its not just a quick whiff of smoke. It can hang like a smog in some areas with a lot of people and be really unpleasant.

And even if it's just one it will add up.

Second hand smoke does not work that way:

There is a difference being subject to constant secondhand smoke for a long period of time in an enclosed space and running for five seconds by a random guy in an open-air space.

Fuck man, you guys think you guys are getting it bad from smokers, they're getting a lot worse. Smokers are getting the full negative effects of tobacco and smoke inhalation (and more consistently than most of y'all here). They are restricted where they can smoke, in some towns, heavily so and there is a call for still more bans. Smoking is addictive and because of the restrictions on smoking, during the winter, they have to go outside in freezing weather constantly to satisfy it. I especially feel sorry for the poor bastards on really long airline flights because they can't smoke in the plane. And then there's those smarmy anti-smoking commercials that play constantly on radio and tv.

I mean smokers are highly restricted where they can do it already, do we really need to add more?

Edited by Black Frost
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Of course, if you actually told someone they have bad breath theyd probably be mortified and would go and try to fix it. I'm guessing 995 of people with bad breath dont actually want bad breath

This is just a generalization I've heard, but a smoker also once said to me something along the lines, "almost every smoker wants to quit; it's not like they don't mostly know it's bad for them, and the social stigma isn't fun [though that last part might depend on the local culture]. It's just roughly more of a pain in the ass to quit than not." I think they intended the takeaway to be that addiction sucks.

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Fuck man, you guys think you guys are getting it bad from smokers, they're getting a lot worse. Smokers are getting the full negative effects of tobacco and smoke inhalation (and more consistently than most of y'all here). They are restricted where they can smoke, in some towns, heavily so and there is a call for still more bans. Smoking is addictive and because of the restrictions on smoking, during the winter, they have to go outside in freezing weather constantly to satisfy it. I especially feel sorry for the poor bastards on really long airline flights because they can't smoke in the plane. And then there's those smarmy anti-smoking commercials that play constantly on radio and tv.

So you think people should be allowed to smoke in airplanes? That's for safety reasons! Fire + Airplane = disaster

Also, I think you're misinterpreting those anti-smoking adds. They're supposed to prevent people from starting smoking, it's not supposed to make people hate on smokers. As you yourself said, smoking is addictive and the smokers are the people that suffer the most from it. Less smokers = less people stuck in an addiction they want to get away from. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with adds showing people what smoking will do to their lungs.

The adds are there to show people what smoking will do to them, including the fact that it will be hard for them to quit smoking if they want.

And they're not "smarmy". They show the truth, like it or not.

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So you think people should be allowed to smoke in airplanes? That's for safety reasons! Fire + Airplane = disaster

No I don't. I'm pointing out an issue that smokers have. My point is that smokers are getting enough shit already and this is one example.

Also, I think you're misinterpreting those anti-smoking adds. They're supposed to prevent people from starting smoking, which is good for them. It's not supposed to make people hate on smokers. As you yourself said, smoking is addictive and the smokers are the people that suffer the most from it. Less smokers = less people stuck in an addiction they want to get free from. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing with adds showing people what smoking will do to their lungs

I know what the point of anti-smoking ads are for. They're still extremely self-righteous and irritating. I don't need to be patronized to by some little shit telling me that smoking will kill me.

Edited by Black Frost
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Second hand smoke does not work that way.

Fuck man, you guys think you guys are getting it bad from smokers, they're getting a lot worse. Smokers are getting the full negative effects of tobacco and smoke inhalation (and more consistently than most of y'all here). They are restricted where they can smoke, in some towns, heavily so and there is a call for still more bans. Smoking is addictive and because of the restrictions on smoking, during the winter, they have to go outside in freezing weather constantly to satisfy it. I especially feel sorry for the poor bastards on really long airline flights because they can't smoke in the plane. And then there's those smarmy anti-smoking commercials that play constantly on radio and tv.

I mean smokers are highly restricted where they can do it already, do we really need to add more?

Second hand smoke does work that way. The more you're exposed to it, the more harmful effects it will cause. People are constantly exposed to it in heavily populated areas are going to be negatively affected. You literally quoted "There is a difference being subject to constant secondhand smoke for a long period of time in an enclosed space and running for five seconds by a random guy in an open-air space." and I said specifically that it wasn't a one time exposure. You're belligerent and rude, and you need to calm down before you type any more hateful comments at me.

And smokers made the choice to smoke, so I don't have a whole lot of empathy. (I still feel awful but they are to blame.)

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Of course I'm sure there are plenty of people living in heavily populated areas that are constantly passing smokers, and not just once in a blue moon.

That's utter bullshit. The scare tactics used by offended voices throughout this topic and indeed the public itself are completely without merit. The kinds of risks you take with random passerby in an open space are completely infinitesimal, and I'd bet money none of you are ever in consistent contact in heavily populated open-air areas with smokers. A whiff of tobacco doesn't equate to lung cancer, get real.

Of course, if you actually told someone they have bad breath theyd probably be mortified and would go and try to fix it.

No I'm pretty sure they'd tell you to fuck off. Just like most smokers would be if you came up to them in a public area bitching that they're not kowtowing to your inane whims. Smokers are constantly increasingly restricted as it is, and treated as though they're mugging people because some random passerby had to inhale a few nicotine molecules.

It's such a stupid non-issue that's blown up to make self-righteous twits feel like they're better than others. It's tiring to listen to.

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Cigarettes are 100% detrimental to your health and to your wallet. Plus, you're hurting others by smoking around them.

I honestly don't know what to think about it in terms of the law. Yes, I feel it should be banned, but in what capacity? It's weird to think about cocaine-snorting areas or heroine-injecting areas, but that's pretty much what I analogize the smoking areas to. It's just a socially acceptable drug.

Personal story - my grandpa's best friend in the air force died of lung cancer at a young age, when they were both ~40, and from then on, he stopped cold turkey and has since remained clean. He's now almost 80. My uncle also smoked for 30 years, but has quit for about two years now. That might be why I feel strongly about cigarettes, but regardless, smoking should definitely be illegal. It's just enabling health issues.

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You might as well ban the limit of cars going a certain speed because higher speeds burn more fuel resulting in more co2 emissions and also makes you have a higher risk of getting in an accident and hey, noise pollution.

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You might as well ban the limit of cars going a certain speed because higher speeds burn more fuel resulting in more co2 emissions and also makes you have a higher risk of getting in an accident and hey, noise pollution.

That's a wonderul idea, we'd just need a public transport system and for short distances people would walk and/or ride bicycles.

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Another point I hate about smoking is the group pressure. In my schooltime around (five years ago), you were an outsider, if you did not smoke or/and drink alcohol on parties or festivals. And the fact that neither I drank alcohol nor I smoked, I was an outsider for many people. I had very bad experience with alcohol and second hand smoking in my past so I will complety ignore any sort of drugs in my life. And I do not care, if other people expel me for that. To my mind my health is more important than this "kind" of friends.

Cigarettes are 100% detrimental to your health and to your wallet. Plus, you're hurting others by smoking around them.

I honestly don't know what to think about it in terms of the law. Yes, I feel it should be banned, but in what capacity? It's weird to think about cocaine-snorting areas or heroine-injecting areas, but that's pretty much what I analogize the smoking areas to. It's just a socially acceptable drug.

Personal story - my grandpa's best friend in the air force died of lung cancer at a young age, when they were both ~40, and from then on, he stopped cold turkey and has since remained clean. He's now almost 80. My uncle also smoked for 30 years, but has quit for about two years now. That might be why I feel strongly about cigarettes, but regardless, smoking should definitely be illegal. It's just enabling health issues.

True words! I have nothing to add! I think cigarettes are only still exist, because of their historical tradition and the fact that many people need them to work off stress.

PS: I never started to smoke, because my parents were the perfect example! Thanks them I am asthmatic!

You might as well ban the limit of cars going a certain speed because higher speeds burn more fuel resulting in more co2 emissions and also makes you have a higher risk of getting in an accident and hey, noise pollution.

So true. And that is the reason, why I prefer the train.

And I will never understand, why a car has to need a max speed 150 mph, although you do not get the possibility to reach this speed anyway becase of speed limits and traffic jams.

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Don't get me wrong, I am against the banning of cigarettes in public areas, my analogy with the car can be taken either way depending on your stance. I would hold the position of it stripping away freedom of choice, but that topic has already been debated here.

I honestly do not mind smoking, there is a significant argileh (hookah as most people call it?) culture that I grew up with where I live due to the Lebanese population. Most smokers I see go out of their way to avoid smoking in crowded areas, there is the occasional one doing it in the middle of fifty others but if you have such severe asthma that you have to steer clear of the smoker then I really doubt It's such a hindrance to take a few extra steps, I had to do it quite a bit as a child when my asthma was considerably worse.

Edited by Alb
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Don't get me wrong, I am against the banning of cigarettes in public areas, my analogy with the car can be taken either way depending on your stance. I would hold the position of it stripping away freedom of choice, but that topic has already been debated here.

I honestly do not mind smoking, there is a significant argileh (hookah as most people call it?) culture that I grew up with where I live due to the Lebanese population. Most smokers I see go out of their way to avoid smoking in crowded areas, there is the occasional one doing it in the middle of fifty others but if you have such severe asthma that you have to steer clear of the smoker then I really doubt It's such a hindrance to take a few extra steps, I had to do it quite a bit as a child when my asthma was considerably worse.

I tolarate smoking as well, if smokers are considerated. It is passion and some people need that.

While I'm unsure, are electronic cigarettes any better in terms of health, especially for second-hand smoke? Last time I checked, the effects were still unknown.

Electronic do not cause steam, but the smoker exhales aerosol, which can be dangerous. I do not know that much, so here is a link.


BTW: I never have seen someone, who smokes a electronic cigarette.

I have heard about a new trend. A hookah, you can inhale aromas. It is legal for children. I have no idea, what is the name and how it works exactly. I only watched a short report on German TV.

Edited by MisterIceTeaPeach
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I tolarate smoking as well, if smokers are considerated. It is passion and some people need that.

Electronic cigarettes are better, because they do not cause steam. But the smoker exhales aerosol, which can be dangerous. I do not know that much, so there are information:


BTW: I never have seen someone, who smokes a electronic cigarette.

I have heard about a new trend. A hookah, you can inhale aromas. It is legal for children. I have no idea, what is the name and how it works exactly. I only watched a short report on German TV.

If you are talking about hookah's explicitly they are as dangerous as cigarettes, if not, worse, as you are inhaling a lot more. I personally have not heard of only inhaling armoas, maybe you are mistaking it for the flavoured tobacco or an equivalent product that produces flavoured smoke/steam?

On another note It is strange hearing about hookah being considered a trend considering my friends grandfathers have showed them how to use it since adolescence

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If you are talking about hookah's explicitly they are as dangerous as cigarettes, if not, worse, as you are inhaling a lot more. I personally have not heard of only inhaling armoas, maybe you are mistaking it for the flavoured tobacco or an equivalent product that produces flavoured smoke/steam?

On another note It is strange hearing about hookah being considered a trend considering my friends grandfathers have showed them how to use it since adolescence

No, I meant electric hookahs without tobacco. You inhale aromas like fruits, vanilla etc. They are legal for everyone, so teenagers are going to use them. I do not know the English name of this hookah.



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That's utter bullshit. The scare tactics used by offended voices throughout this topic and indeed the public itself are completely without merit. The kinds of risks you take with random passerby in an open space are completely infinitesimal, and I'd bet money none of you are ever in consistent contact in heavily populated open-air areas with smokers. A whiff of tobacco doesn't equate to lung cancer, get real.

No I'm pretty sure they'd tell you to fuck off. Just like most smokers would be if you came up to them in a public area bitching that they're not kowtowing to your inane whims. Smokers are constantly increasingly restricted as it is, and treated as though they're mugging people because some random passerby had to inhale a few nicotine molecules.

It's such a stupid non-issue that's blown up to make self-righteous twits feel like they're better than others. It's tiring to listen to.

You know whats tiring to listen to? When people tell you to that you're not allowed to be bothered by something. How can you say we're overreacting when you don't know the negative impact it has on our lives? Being subject to smoke is disgusting. "inane whims" "self righteous twits"(honestly are you trying to just be offensive? you're not being constructive at all), it's ridiculous that you think you can so easily dismiss people like that. You need to find some respect for other people's opinions and their general comfort. I'm not being crazy here. Certain areas allowed and certain areas not allowed. Everyone works a little to avoid areas they don't want to be in or smoke in. I'm sure most smokers already comply and it's just for the few who don't.

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You know whats tiring to listen to? When people tell you to that you're not allowed to be bothered by something. How can you say we're overreacting when you don't know the negative impact it has on our lives? Being subject to smoke is disgusting. "inane whims" "self righteous twits"(honestly are you trying to just be offensive? you're not being constructive at all), it's ridiculous that you think you can so easily dismiss people like that. You need to find some respect for other people's opinions and their general comfort. I'm not being crazy here. Certain areas allowed and certain areas not allowed. Everyone works a little to avoid areas they don't want to be in or smoke in. I'm sure most smokers already comply and it's just for the few who don't.

You're not subject to smoke by walking by a random guy on a street that's smoking in public. Be serious. You can be bothered all you like, I'm saying you and others here sound like pretentious ninnies going on as though the sky is falling when in reality the risks associated with exposure in an open-air space for moments at a time are negligible. I'm not going to sugarcoat how utterly out of touch I think you people are with reality. I'd be equally judgmental if you were, for example, arguing everyone should wear sunscreen when going outside to keep from getting skin cancer.

If you're so utterly afraid of carcinogen molecules then just don't walk within pissing distance of someone that's smoking. Wow. Problem averted. Give me a nobel prize.

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You're not subject to smoke by walking by a random guy on a street that's smoking in public. Be serious. You can be bothered all you like, I'm saying you and others here sound like pretentious ninnies going on as though the sky is falling when in reality the risks associated with exposure in an open-air space for moments at a time are negligible. I'm not going to sugarcoat how utterly out of touch I think you people are with reality. I'd be equally judgmental if you were, for example, arguing everyone should wear sunscreen when going outside to keep from getting skin cancer.

If you're so utterly afraid of carcinogen molecules then just don't walk within pissing distance of someone that's smoking. Wow. Problem averted. Give me a nobel prize.

First: I am never rude to any smokers, nor do I try to make them quit.

Second: I go out of my way to avoid smokers, but I have a hard time avoiding them in the city.

Third: I see smokers around every bar/bus stop/etc and it is really tedious to try to avoid them only to run into them again.

Fourth: It's not a big deal but it adds up in frustration, it's one of those little things.

Fifth: I feel nauseous when I smell smoke and get headaches.

Sixth: I feel like everyone could work together by having smoker only areas in easy to avoid areas and avoiding the smoking area.

Seventh: I may have sounded unreasonable in my first post when I was ranting about my family, but I feel a little justified when its constant exposure at home, it has little to do with the thread

Eighth: I am posting on an online forum about Fire Emblem, not standing around with picket signs protesting for smoking to be outlawed.

Am I really being a "pretentious ninny" who is acting like it's the end of the world and who isn't in touch with reality?

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if you're living in the city then second-hand smoke from cigarettes is hardly your main concern wrt lung risks. i'd also like to mention that afaik cigarette consumption has been steadily dropping for the last few years and will probably continue doing so in the future. at least this is true for the country i live in. imposing more restrictions on smokers (such as segregating smoking and non-smoking public areas) will only avoid very minor occasional discomfort for some people and a major nuisance for smokers, not to mention it does not tackle the core issue at all. concientization of the health risks involved, though it might be annoying, especially when pointed out by snobby fucks, is far more effective, and has proven to be so.

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I think n00srac, at least, is about as justified as anybody can be for hating smoking, at least to the point where his frustration is understandable. His home life sounds like a bunch of smokers who don't just do it heavily, but are inconsiderate about it and smoke around him constantly. There's no real way to tell him that his level of concern itself about smoking is disproportionate to reality, because having no real way to escape second-hand smoke is his reality, and I don't think that's something anybody should have to deal with. Especially if they're a minor/dependent, and double-especially if it's being blatantly detrimental to their mental health.

That said, one problem with how smoking is being discussed is that the conversation seems to be focusing on smoking in public places, and on things like assuming the smoking and non- parties are both making a good-faith effort to not get in each other's way. That's clearly not part of his home circumstances. I don't immediately see how limiting smoking in public places would help him, because his family smokes at home, so. I don't actually know how to approach that, or what kinds of laws are in place to protect kids from shitty parents puffing in their faces. What is there to do in the cases where it's the smoker with the power over a non-smoker?

Edited by Rehab
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I think n00srac, at least, is about as justified as anybody can be for hating smoking, at least to the point where his frustration is understandable. His home life sounds like a bunch of smokers who don't just do it heavily, but are inconsiderate about it and smoke around him constantly. There's no real way to tell him that his level of concern itself about smoking is disproportionate to reality, because having no real way to escape second-hand smoke is his reality, and I don't think that's something anybody should have to deal with. Especially if they're a minor/dependent, and double-especially if it's being blatantly detrimental to their mental health.

That said, one problem with how smoking is being discussed is that the conversation seems to be focusing on smoking in public places, and on things like assuming the smoking and non- parties are both making a good-faith effort to not get in each other's way. That's clearly not part of his home circumstances. I don't immediately see how limiting smoking in public places would help him, because his family smokes at home, so. I don't actually know how to approach that, or what kinds of laws are in place to protect kids from shitty parents puffing in their faces. What is there to do in the cases where it's the smoker with the power over a non-smoker?

My distaste for smoking is probably higher than average, so I could be way off base. I guess the best thing to do is to see how many people really care about it, because if it bothers a significant amount of people, it should at least be addressed in some way. If I'm just part of a small minority then it's not so important.

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I do feel as people we naturally have a right of free choice unless our choices would hurt another person. Smoking does hurt other people so its dangerous to themselves and to others. So ultimately it is someone's choice to be considerate of others and restrict their smoking areas. Also the choices you make make you at the end of the day.

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I do feel as people we naturally have a right of free choice unless our choices would hurt another person. Smoking does hurt other people so its dangerous to themselves and to others. So ultimately it is someone's choice to be considerate of others and restrict their smoking areas. Also the choices you make make you at the end of the day.

This is too idealistic. If there's a choice, most people would be considerate. But, its the few who choose not to be that will make it unpleasant. Most people I know who smoke try to avoid areas that have a lot of people.

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Second: I go out of my way to avoid smokers, but I have a hard time avoiding them in the city.

How? The limit of exposure in an outdoor environment is like three feet, unless you're molesting them you're not going to be receiving secondhand smoke, even in negligible quantities.

Third: I see smokers around every bar/bus stop/etc and it is really tedious to try to avoid them only to run into them again.

Fourth: It's not a big deal but it adds up in frustration, it's one of those little things.

Now imagine how they feel being herded around into tight, small areas where they are still hounded constantly.

Am I really being a "pretentious ninny" who is acting like it's the end of the world and who isn't in touch with reality?

If you think smoking in public places should be heavily restricted, yes, you are completely out of touch with reality.

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