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Is it wrong to over analyze Fire Emblem Awakening?


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I don't think there's any reason they couldn't have gone the Sumia route with most characters and limit the number of potential hubbies/waifus that each character has... y'know... like every other game. (It's not like there's not a precedence for this, as Genealogy shows.)

Granted, I appreciate the shiptastic support system for other reasons (like keeping the series alive by appealing to crackshippers lol), so I don't know how much I can really complain about it *shrug*

Hope it's better in the next game.

The other games don't have marriages affecting gameplay beyond normal supports. And unless I'm mistaken every character can pair with every other opposite gender character in Geneaolgy except Celice and Leaf's parents. Some pairings are just slower built than others.

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I agree with BANRYU, it would've made more sense to give the characters more limited support pools (also save me a lot of trouble trying to get all of these supports). And maybe for the Avatar, there could have been different personalities (perhaps associated with the different builds) that would affect their support pools.

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And yes Einherjar should be very easily to implement. The most cost in them was probably getting the new artwork done. In terms of gameplay they are just Avatars with a certain appearance combination and sometimes unique skills. This is painfully obvious with the black knight who looks nothing like himself to the point I'd rather they didn't include him.

All the Einherjar use preexisting official/TCG artwork passed through some sort of sepia filter. There's not much new about it. Skillsets are also pretty formulaic, units (except the DLC ones and Eldigan) get up to four skills they'd normally get from leveling up along with one that represents them somewhat (ex: Julius with Wrath, Seth with Lancefaire).

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I agree with BANRYU, it would've made more sense to give the characters more limited support pools (also save me a lot of trouble trying to get all of these supports). And maybe for the Avatar, there could have been different personalities (perhaps associated with the different builds) that would affect their support pools.

FE12's avatar could "support" everyone in the army, with a handful of units being listed as "romance" (these supports haven't the slightest hints of love and don't even affect the ending), I wish they could have gone with an improved version of this method, not just on the avatar, but on everyone. Just to be faithful to the series. Sure, statistical diversity would be cut, but in terms of story, it would have been better if the Shepherds didn't feel like one big dating website.

Personally the whole kids ordeal should have never happened.

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I don't think it's good to over-analyse Awakening's story, simply because there isn't much there to analyse to begin with. The story is pretty simple and straightforward, and leaves red herrings and teases to a minimum. There are examples of media that don't tell you the whole story and expect you to be debating on it for years to come, such as Evangelion or Dark Souls. Not so with Awakening. It didn't really strike me as an emotional story, but once again I haven't been moved by a Japanese video game plot before (Not even MGS).

With that in mind, I appreciated Awakening's story and cast with few exceptions (Sumia). But it's just a game, and a Nintendo game at that, and I haven't found an abundance of overwhelmingly good storylines from their systems for a while now.

Edited by Gazdakka
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