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Trying to reduce CPU usage on computer


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So, this is a pressing issue that I need to resolve, as even with ONLY Skype, Task Manager, and Foobar open, there's about 69-72 processes running, and CPU Usage tends to jump from 10% up to 100%, and oftentimes stays around the 70%+ mark. I am trying to figure out what could be causing it, but I'm not sure and require assistance in trying to tackle this problem.

Whenever I record videos, sometimes the computer will stutter a bit, and even then there are times where when I'm just browsing the net or whatever, the computer SOMETIMES stutters a little, as though it's about to lock up. Tonight, while recording just a 6 second clip from MUGEN, the computer locked up and stuttered for about 5 seconds...which it's never done before so yeah...can anyone help a bro out? : S

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It could be so many things.

The easiest suggestion I can make is to run HiJackThis and find someone who can read the log and speculate on what could be eating up your CPU. I don't know if anyone currently active here would be experienced enough to provide help, but there are plenty of tech forums with sections dedicated to helping others with issues like this. Users on those forums would (hopefully) know what questions to ask to gain the information they need to diagnose the problem.

But I have a guess that's worth putting out there. Are you using Windows 8? A lot of people running Windows 8 don't realize they're never shutting down their computer, just putting it to sleep, and over time their computers exhibit the behavior you described more and more. If you're running Windows 8 and restart - a full, real restart - you might find the problem vanishes.

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I'm actually using Windows Vista (this comp is about 7 years old). I tried posting to the Microsoft forums but...can't even post the question there .=.

If it's any indication, here's a little screenie of how "common" things look for my Windows Task Manager with Memory highlighted:


CPU loves to jump around a lot randomly too.

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Thanks -whatever- that I don't use a Windows Operating System, it gets cluttered with crapwares.

~This was my daily rant~

Edited by Naughx
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Does this happen only shortly after booting up, or does the problem rear its head whenever it feels like it?

Could you press the Memory Consumption tab heading to show the tasks consuming the most memory?

Or, even better, if you don't mind doing so, could you install and run Process Explorer and take screenshot showing everything that's running? (Feel free to send it via Private Message if you aren't comfortable with posting that).

You don't have to check-mark the option to have it replace the default Windows Task Manager if you'd rather it didn't (I don't remember if it asks this during installation or is simply an option under the Options heading).

Process Explorer better shows what processes are using how much CPU. However, as it sounds like your CPU usage jumps around a fair bit, identifying the culprit may still not be quite so straightforward.

Also, let me stress I'm not an expert, and you may be better served on dedicated forums. I'd make a recommendation but I don't know where best to recommend. Hopefully someone else has some ideas of where you can search for help if no obvious solutions come up.

Edited by Wist
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There's your problem. Few people are willing to accept that Firefox is a taxing browser, and the ram that it uses can slow other things down just the same. Try using chrome, opera or even Safari (though YouTube doesn't like safari anymore), and see if that helps things at all. Unless you need FF, I mean.

Now this isn't THE fix, but using a ramheavy program like FF has its costs

Edited by Elieson
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Historically that was the case, but it hasn't been true for a while now. If you use up to date versions of Chrome and Firefox, Chrome will use more memory for the same number of tabs. In fact, of the browsers you listed, Firefox is the most memory efficient. Chrome uses more memory than Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer 10 and 11 (I don't know about Safari). When Mozilla switched to the accelerated update track, fixing Firefox's memory management issues was heavily prioritized.

Edit: This is assuming you have more than one tab open at a time.

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I always thought Opera is the most taxing browser, isn't it? I wouldn't recommend it for a slow system unless 15-20 reduced the used RAM and you're one of the few to like the chromium-based version.

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Well, the thing is that the memory thing happens at any given time (when first booted up, computer likes to be around 100% but then will calm down after fully booting up). Processor is AMD Athlom 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ with 2.50 GHz, with Vista OS. Would doubling my virtual memory help any?

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I use both firefox and chrome and honestly, the different is not that much. A normal AMD Athlom 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ with 2.50 GHz, with Vista OSB pc should have no trouble with firefox. Btw, I see that you have many many processes running at the same time, it's not good. There are many weird processes that I have never seen before. Are you sure your pc is safe against virus and such? I'm not an expert but I can tell that the lack of ram has nothing to do in this case. Call an expert, your pc needs one. Hurry up, it's dying!

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I went through msconfig and whatnot to turn off some processes and the like with someone earlier tonight (including getting rid of a couple things). It seemed to help a bit (until TrustedInstaller reared it's ugly head and made CPU spike like a madman). I'm now down to 60 processes and generally around 20-40% CPU usage (with Firefox up) at almost all times, though aof course it sometimes still spikes up but not nearly as bad now...

Yes, I'm certain I don't have any viruses or whatnot. I already ran MalwareBytes earlier tonight, and Microsoft Security Essentials didn't catch nothing. Also defragged the computer which took 3 hours (thanks Vista...), and used HijackThis (with the help of said guy) to get rid of mostly Toolbars that I didn't need. So it's a bit better...just a bit anyways. Not sure if it's MORE better or not but...

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I use both firefox and chrome and honestly, the different is not that much. A normal AMD Athlom 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ with 2.50 GHz, with Vista OSB pc should have no trouble with firefox. Btw, I see that you have many many processes running at the same time, it's not good. There are many weird processes that I have never seen before. Are you sure your pc is safe against virus and such? I'm not an expert but I can tell that the lack of ram has nothing to do in this case. Call an expert, your pc needs one. Hurry up, it's dying!

Backup your things to an external drive, format then reinstall - sometimes it's the best advice you can give.

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Three things:

1. Go to Add/Remove Programs, and do some research on unfamiliar entries. Uninstall things that are clearly bad, followed by things you don't think you'll ever use.

2. Don't know what the current state of things are, but back when I was following stuff, HJT was being phased out in favor of DDS/OTL - those two give out MUCH more information.

3. Microsoft Security Essentials will spike from time to time. There's ways to configure it so that it doesn't try to do stupid things like scan itself on boot-up!

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