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On Rarity and Price

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EDIT: Couldn't think of a better place, so I put this here. I was under the impression the PoR section of the forums was for mechanic and gameplay related content.

So Path of Radiance was one of the Fire Emblem games I wasn't able to play through multiple times. It came out when I was relatively new to the series, and I had only played FE7 at the time. This was also a time when Blockbuster Video was still alive. As such, I rented PoR, and while I now realize that PoR isn't the greatest installment, I loved it at the time. I'd like to experience it again, and I can't do so on Dolphin. My computer isn't able to run Dolphin (built in, Intel graphics), so I've been trying to find a copy of PoR.

This is my dilemma. I can't really find a copy for less than $60 and I don't really feel like shelling out that much money for it. I'd probably do $30 at most, but if I have to, I'll go $40.

My question, do you guys think that PoR warrants a price as expensive as it has on sites like Amazon and eBay? Below are screens from the few top results on the two sites.



Would anyone know of any places where I could get it for a more reasonable price?

Edited by DualSilverGunner
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Look through some "moving out" sales online, they're usually packed with random games for really cheap, though PoR and FE series in general isn't too popular so it may be a little hard finding them.

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It costs that much because that's how much the game is worth. Even if it's only worth $30-40 to you, it's going to be pretty difficult finding it at that price point because that's $10-20 below market price.

But hey, at least it's not Earthbound, right?

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I know your pain. I was very lucky to get a used copy FE9 + 10 each for 30 € (42 $) in a German Gamestop. Gamestop does not know the worth of the games. To my mind PoR is almost impossible to get for 40 $.

If you lived in EU, I would give you both games of the Tellius series for a low price, because I will not use my Wii anymore (have a 3DS and PS3). But you live in the US, so the delivery charges and the taxes for the change $=€ are probably higher than the worth of the game(s).

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