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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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Well, it's a good thing it's never the QB's fault when a receiver drops a perfectly catchable pass...

So, on another topic, my stepdad posted this article on Facebook. Sorry, Lord Raven, but it just made me laugh. :P The Ravens asking not to play in Heinz Field at night because they're tired of losing there at night... lawl.

Well guess what, Ravens? YOU'RE PLAYING THERE SUNDAY NIGHT. Deal with it. :P

I don't see what difference it makes anyway, whether the sun is up or down. The stadium will always be lit up and the Steeler fans will always be roaring and cheering there. The time of day doesn't have anything to do with the Steelers being able to "know how to work the crowd" or whatever. xP Home field advantage is home field advantage.

Besides, the Browns used to lose to us all the fricken time and I don't think they ever asked for special privileges. lol

And another topic: lol NFL.com recommends to sit both Ben AND Flacco in fantasy football. :P

Some teams play better at home in primetime games- Saints and Seahawks for example. Seattle has only one home primetime game this season despite being the Super Bowl champions and many people speculate that this is due to them blowing teams out in these situations.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The teams of the AFCN have winning records because the AFCN plays the 2 weakest divisions in football this year.

Tom Brady is over-rated. Brady has never had an "elite" season statistically without the elite pass catchers he's had in his career. He has been above average for most of his career with only 4 elite seasons (possibly 5 after this year). Don't get me wrong, he is a good QB, and has been consistently good throughout his career. But he never had an elite season until he had Moss and Welker. Belichick made Brady, as evidenced by the 2008 patriots 11-5 record. The countless games that Brady performed poorly in that the patriots somehow found a way to win. And the 3 Superbowls that were won by good Defenses and late Adam Vintieri FGs.

Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, and Aaron Rodgers have all consistently performed better than Brady throughout their careers and Philip Rivers even has a slight edge over him.

Question on Ben's pooch punt. Why does he punt with his left foot?? He's right-handed...

and what the hell has manning done without his elite receiving corps. he only broke brady's touchdown record because he had unarguably, until this season which somehow managed to get better, the single best group of receivers in the history of the game. and i mean come on we won three super bowls with troy brown, "good for like three great games then a mediocre rest of the season" deion branch, and a bunch of no names. rodgers is the only one with a semi-valid argument for facing similar problems and even then hes at least had above average receivers for most of his career, yes jordy nelson and randall cobb are above average. you wanna say brady's cost them games and your comparisons are manning, ie the quarterback that has thrown more picks to the partiots then anyone else in the history of the franchise, and drew brees, who has had 50 more ints in the exact same amount of games. the only quarterback who has cost his team less games is rodgers.

also looking at the numbers for this i saw something awesome. rodgers only has 2 seasons with double digit picks, brady has 9, brees has 11, and is on track for his 12th, and manning has 14. in terms of 15+ pick seasons, rodgers and brady have zero between both of them, brees and manning both have 7. also manning and brees each have at least one season with 20+ picks. so yeah rodgers puts up a pretty strong case to be considered the G.O.A.T.

also also can i just say wtf wrt manning rodgers and brady this year. td-int ratios of 6 or higher for each. 73,6.3 and 9 respectively. carson palmer(a td-int ratio of 8) is the only other quarterback to be above 5. that is the definition of monstrous.

also also also big ben has a legit shot of breaking brett favre's all time sacked record. and this rate it should happen before any team not run by brady or manning can make it out of the afc championship game.

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Michael Vick sounds like me. I write left handedly but I do everything else with my right hand like one-handed catches and shooting a basketball.

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Randa I've already said all that lol, I still don't get the 2008 season as an argument, 7 less wins against a much much easier schedule with the greatest team ever assembled in the super bowl era. I'd still argue that the Colts Ds that Manning had were only speed rushers and we're always near the bottom of the league in run D statistics, which is why manning threw more picks - more passing to get a lead quicker. I think Bradys best seasons didn't have him throwing as much as Mannings average season but let me check on that one... No way did he throw the ball a lot in 2010 for instance.

Anyway looks like Palmer became the QB he was supposed to become in cincy! Lol... Also I'd take the 2010 and 2011 Patriots receivers (and while we are at it the Greatest Show on Turf because motherfucker even the slot guy was the best slot guy in the league those years) over the 2013 Broncos, I have lots and lots of reasons behind that 2013 season being far from the best offense in NFL history. They also didn't have an all-time great like Moss at WR and 2013 Welker is a shell of 2007 Welker.

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ill give you welker isnt what he was, but demarius thomas is looking more and more like one of the best receivers in the league and that offense has julius thomas at te, which the greatest show on turf never had, and gronk wasnt as dominating in 2010 as he would later be and now is once more, then look back at teams like the 1967 colts, which i feel had more offensive talent than the 1970 team that made the super bowl and is in the top 5 all time offenses in my opinion, and they dont have the type of productive TE or WR2.

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The GSOT didn't have a receiving tight end like Julius but last year's Broncos didn't have a running back like Faulk and an LT like Pace. Ricky Proehl to the GSOT was Welker to the Broncos.

Bruce and Holt at that point in their careers were better than Thomas and Decker last year.

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NFL.com has made a video on who's the best WR right now at midseason.

And the winner is... Antonio Brown! WOOHOO!! And I do remember that people were skeptical at how well he'd do at taking the no. 1 spot for the Steelers. But damn, has he proved himself. Way to go, AB!! :D

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Ah it's kinda Christmas.

Brandon Flowers (CB) is back with a full practice.

We kicked Richard Marshall.(CB)

Signed Richard Crawford (CB), a former Redskin, he has picked Tony Romo, but is coming off an ACL injury in the 2013 preseason.

Resigned Ronnie Brown (RB) for a 4 week(?) contract.

Jason Verrett (CB) diagnosed with Torn Labium, could miss 2-3 weeks, plans to play through it during the Dolphins' game. If it continues to inflame chance he might need to be on IR due to surgery.

Donald Brown (RB) practicing fully so Branden Oliver (RB) can finally carry less load, Ryan Mathews (RB) expected to return against Dolphins' game but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't play.

It's almost like a sacrifice to the football gods.

Sacrificed our 1st round pick for 3 healthy players doesn't sound bad lol.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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The first quarter is over and nobody's scored yet? Come on, Cam Newton and co.! Your division sucks right now for some reason, but that doesn't mean you can't try harder here! xP

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Big Ben is still not a top 5 QB. nfl.com articles are generally stupid.

Seeing Ed Dickson fuck up for the Panthers and cause them to punt is cathartic. Next we'll see him tip a ball into a DB's hands.

I have no idea how the fuck his hands went from passable to awful between 2012 and 2013.

EDIT: Ana you realize you're showing the signs of a fair weather fan right? You kept saying Ben was fucking up, to fire everyone, and etc until that 6 TD game. Not only that but you told everyone you were gonna stop watching until next season. Why the sudden turnaround?

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Big Ben is still not a top 5 QB. nfl.com articles are generally stupid.

I don't think so. Yeah, they sometimes say things I disagree with (such as Ben playing well all season. I don't think he played well at all in the first Steelers vs Ravens game or the second Steelers vs Browns game, for instance. And everybody screwed up against the Bucs). But they also say many things that I do agree with. Them being "stupid" and Ben not being a top five QB is your opinion.

EDIT: Ana you realize you're showing the signs of a fair weather fan right? You kept saying Ben was fucking up, to fire everyone, and etc until that 6 TD game. Not only that but you told everyone you were gonna stop watching until next season. Why the sudden turnaround?

I was saying that the entire team was fucking up. It did really look like that nobody was doing anything right, except for maybe Brown and Bell. I honestly was going to stop watching, but then I thought, I'll give it one more chance. And I'm glad I did. Also, I'm allowed to change my mind, aren't I? And seriously, who honestly expected the Steelers to suddenly play one of the best games in NFL history against the COLTS?

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It's not my opinion that Ben is not a top 5 QB... it is a fact...

nfl.com articles are always stupid and filled to the brim with bias towards teams like the Steelers, 49ers, Packers, etc... there are at least 7 QBs playing better than Ben right now:

Andrew Luck

Peyton Manning

Tom Brady

Aaron Rodgers

Phillip Rivers

Then there are a bunch of quarterbacks playing at his level (for better or for worse - notable players are Joe Flacco, Matt Ryan, Eli Manning, Brian Hoyer, Carson Palmer, Tony Romo, and MAYBE Drew Brees). Ben has had one ridiculous game and laid a few eggs. A lot of articles are literally just basing the ranking off that one game. It's a lot of fickle reporting, recency bias, and bias towards the "dynasty teams" that have more fans than the rest of the league. Even when Brees/Payton were a dominant QB/HC duo the Saints barely made as many headlines on nfl.com.

If you were going to stop watching during a season that was about to be gone - that's exactly what a fair weather fan does lol. I'd love to see how you react to like a 7-9 or 6-10 season.

Donald Brown (RB) practicing fully


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What I specifically love about that video. Peyton specifically says "Left!" then he goes to his right and blocks the defender. Screwing up the flipped shotgun. Blowing Peyton's coverage.

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No, it's your opinion. Saying it's fact is like saying one movie is better than the other is fact because the first movie sold better. That's not fact. Also, stop acting like you know everything and that you're always right. Because you don't and you're not.

Damn it Panthers. -_-

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No it is nothing like the movies because that is an opinion. It is a fact that Big Ben is not a Top 5 quarterback. You have yet to prove me wrong on this.

If he were a Top 5 QB then you'd be stating your case and responding to arguments. But you refuse.

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I stated arguments earlier, such as Ben way outperforming Luck when they went against each other (making me wonder why he's ahead of Ben on that list). Ben only struggled in two games, and those are the ones where the team was blown out. The game against the Bucs was due mostly to his guys constantly penalizing themselves and the refs missing game-changing obvious calls.

Otherwise, he's played very well and last Sunday, he proved that he's top 5 material. He outperformed everyone, which means he's capable of performing at a very high level. It just depends if he can consistently do this. I may say now that he's top 5, but I'm not saying he'll be so forever.

This is my opinion and that's that. I'm ignoring any further posts on the matter.

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Sorry Ana. but Raven is right. Ben had one of the best game in NFL history but that doesnt make him a top 5 QB. Nick Foles threw 7TDs in a game last year. He is an average QB.

Ben isnt top 5 but he is certainly in the next 5.

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