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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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Steeler football is allowing 34 points? I always thought it was about defense. Hmm...

EDIT: Damn Vontae Davis being out is like Jimmy Smith being out for us. At least the Colts losing is a moral victory for us, two upsets today...

Edited by Lord Raven
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Yeah, but the defense still played pretty well though, with two picks, one for a TD, a lot of pressure on Luck, and some three-and-outs. A big reason the Colts got their points though, are turnovers and Cortez Allen being stupid.

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Yeah their pressure was spectacular. I wouldn't be too high on their secondary right now, because Luck was completing passes despite all of that. 34 points when you have defenders in the face is absolutely ridiculous.

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Yeah, the secondary didn't do as well as the front seven did, you're right. Those picks though, man, those picks. It wasn't all bad.

But seriously, put Cortez Allen away for right now! He's just not getting it done right now. He used to be pretty good, but right now it just seems like he's going through a tough time. I'd let him cool off for awhile and have someone else play for him for the next few games or so. Then let him come back and see if he can start playing like he used to. If not, well, he'll just have to go.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, this looks to be another close battle for the Wild Card spots. It was close last season too, I believe. I mean, four different AFC teams still had a shot at it in the final week. The Steelers, the Ravens, the Chargers, and the Dolphins. The Chargers got lucky and got it, even though the ONE scenario that would've put the Steelers in instead ALMOST happened.

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AFC Wildcard picture is getting interesting- there are 8 non-division leading teams within 1 game of each other right now.

And holy shit, the entire AFCN is above .500 and 3/4 teams in the AFCE and AFCW are above .500...
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Whoa! I just discovered that Tamara Tunie is a Steeler fan and was at the game today! Steelers.com has a photo of her wearing a Polamalu jersey and waving a Terrible Towel! :o

That's awesome, she's an actress that's in one of my favorite TV shows of all time (Law & Order: SVU)!

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yeah and i'm glad that edward norton is a fan of the ravens - he went to high school like 20 minutes from me and he is the main character of one of my favorite moves (i'll leave everyone to guess what it is... it's definitely not the hulk)

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It's always cool to find famous people supporting the same teams you do, isn't it?

Obama is a Steeler fan too, I discovered back during Super Bowl 43. He got a jersey with his name on it. He's also a Bears fan, but I hear he cheers the Steelers first. I'm not a big fan of the guy though.

But Tamara Tunie I like! She's great as the medical examiner in SVU and my mom likes her too.

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I can guarantee you that Obama is not primarily a Steelers fan. Obama has a Super Bowl 43 jersey with his name on it because the Steelers visited the white house after winning (and the Bears gave him the same stuff). He's a Bears fan first and foremost... after all the bulk of his political career was in Illinois.

At any rate Ed Norton narrated the America's game for Super bowl 47.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Dammit half of my picks loss looks like my dad isn't winning $80.

EDIT: Big Ben had a good day, but his body is so out of shape it's funny.enhanced-buzz-22854-1378329243-21.jpg

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Part of me was hoping they'd look mortal enough for us to knock them off on MNF. but alas, c'est la vie

I know, I'm now scared for the Panthers. They gotta play these Saints this Thursday. >_<

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True, those guys do have weird issues on the road. But that could change, Cam Newton just hasn't been getting what he needs from his o-line lately. I think this is the main reason they couldn't hold onto their lead against the Seahawks. They could learn a thing or two from the performance the Steelers' o-line did today.

But if the o-line steps up like they did, then yeah, I think we got a ball game here. Between Cam Newton, Kelvin freaking Benjamin (I still can't believe that 51 yard catch Benjamin got. Just INCREDIBLE), Greg Olsen, and that run game they finally have with Jonathan Stewart, they are certainly capable of defeating the Saints.

Although Cam needs to not try running it himself so much. It gets too predictable that way. And there was the stupid miscommunication between him and Stewart that wound up being a fumble recovery for the Seahawks.

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Wait, am I reading that right? Geno Smith was 2/8 for 5 yards, 3 interceptions, and a 0.0 passer rating? Literally, if he threw those balls away instead of throwing picks, he'd have a 40.0 passer rating.

Another fun fact about the Jets: the Colts have more AFC East titles than they do.

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Yeah, the Bills defenders caught more Geno Smith passes than the Jets receivers. After the 2nd Int I was saying, "we might get to see Vick play today." I had no idea it would be so early in the game. And then Vick had 3 turnovers of his own. There was a Int in the 4th quarter by McKelvin that would have given us 7 turnovers for the game but it was reviewed and overturned. Not sure why though, I didnt see any conclusive evidence saying it wasnt a catch.

Gotta give the Jets some props though. Despite a -4 turnover margin at halftime they were only down by 7 points. All 6 turnovers of the game came in their half of the field too. If Vick finishes the season at QB, I could see them going 5-3 in the back half of their schedule. Pound for pound, that guy is one of the toughest players in the NFL.

Sammy Watkins stat line should have had +6yds +1 TD but he had a "welcome to the league, rookie" moment.

The Colts D seemed to not want to cover anybody. There were a bunch of plays where the Steelers receivers were just completely uncovered.

Something tells me that Big Ben wont be the only player with two 500yd games for very long.

Atl v Det. I started watching it in the second half at 21-0 because it started way too early, and i said "Holy shit! The Falcons should move to London!" And then the 2nd half of that game happened... If you didnt see the final 2 possessions of the game, take my word for it. Mike Smith needs to be fired immediately. Atlanta had the ball on 2nd down with 1:50 at mid field after Detroit used their final timeout. Detroit got the ball back with 1:30ish inside their 10 yd line. All Atlanta had to do was take 2 knees and punt the ball back to Detroit and there would have only been 25-30 seconds left on the clock. instead they take a holding penalty on 2nd down and then throw an incomplete pass on 3rd down.

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Wait, am I reading that right? Geno Smith was 2/8 for 5 yards, 3 interceptions, and a 0.0 passer rating? Literally, if he threw those balls away instead of throwing picks, he'd have a 40.0 passer rating.

Another fun fact about the Jets: the Colts have more AFC East titles than they do.

Like I said, Geno Smith sucks butt and is probably the worst QB in the league. Too bad Michael Vick didn't do much better though. If Rex Ryan wants to keep his job, he should start fixing things by finding a new QB for his scrubby squad.

On another topic:


I just had to. Sorry, it's just too true. XD (yes, I made it just now)

EDIT: Aaaand, I just noticed I mistakenly misspelled "safety" ugh.

EDIT2: Fixed. :P

EDIT3: Also, Ben is number 1 here and here and Antonio Brown is number 1 here (though I think I would have put Kelvin Benjamin's catch first, I was a bit more wow'd by it) :D I think it's safe to say that the Steelers were THE best team yesterday!

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Wait, am I reading that right? Geno Smith was 2/8 for 5 yards, 3 interceptions, and a 0.0 passer rating? Literally, if he threw those balls away instead of throwing picks, he'd have a 40.0 passer rating.

is it possible for passer rating to be negative

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