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Mapping Competition: High Five

Chocolate Kitty

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Ask for clarification if needed.


-Submit your entry via PM to me, Kitty of Time, I will post them all anonymously and reveal the entrants after the voting is over
-Make your maps original, don't copy/steal someone else's design.

-If you have any constructive criticism to offer to an entry, feel free to post it in the main topic(Keep this civil)

-If your map is being talked about and you want clarification, PM me this as well and I will ask it for you

- If you want to re-submit your map after changes, just re-send it to me.

- Please refrain from using backgrounds in map submissions unless they are specifically stated to be allowed in the requirements

Fun Links:

GBA FE Tileset Zelda
Tiled Ganondorf
Mappy Vaati


'Join any two maps from the Elibe or Magvel series to create a mega map!'

Pairing will go with the first two of each list(1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6)

6 randomizations for 6 members

Team 1: Shiny Pichu and Mono the Mareep

Team 2: Sairento and Aura Wolf

Team 3: Haku and Primefusion

Additional Information:

Winners shall pick the next map to be revamped, any map from FE(or anything similar to FE ex Tear Ring Saga) that isn't GBA FE for obvious reasons or a new map and tileset like normal

Winners of 3 contests in a row are barred from entering the round following their 3rd victory. They are still allowed to submit a submission, but I will post it separate from the poll.

All participants must vote in the round they entered or they will be barred from entering the following round. Refusal to cooperate consecutively will result in multiple bars.

Barred Contestants: None

Due Date: May 20th 2014

Winner Count:
Round 1 - Kitty of Time

Round 2 - Celice

Round 3 - Sairento

Round 4 - Koopa

Round 5 - Koopa!

Round 6 - Matt Snow

Round 7 - Haku(Koopa)

Round 8 - ShinyPichu

Round 9 - Matt Snow

Round 10 - Primefusion

Round 11 - Haku

Round 12 - ???

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What we're going to do this round is a team-up; Everyone who wants to participate will post in the thread that they will join in. I'll use a randomizer to place every number together with someone else(In case of an odd number of people, I'll throw myself in). Once teams have been set, the due date will be placed in. Sign ups will last from now to the 6th(should be enough time to gather people).

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All righty looks like no one else is signing up so time to set the teams...


Pairing will go with the first two of each list(1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6)

6 randomizations for 6 members

Team 1: Shiny Pichu and Mono the Mareep

Team 2: Sairento and Aura Wolf

Team 3: Haku and Primefusion

Due Date: May 20th

One member of each team please PM me the map after it is completed

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