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Favourite Game Series That Don't Have Series' Wikis


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I thought it'd be fun to list our favourite game series that are so obscure, they don't even have their own series wikis (so we could hopefully get other SF members to know of them and maybe even get into them). Yeah, not having your own series wiki isn't the be all and end all of unpopularity, but I'd say it's a good enough determining factor.

So what's your favourite game series that don't have series wikis? (Eg: Sonic News Network) As long as a game IP has at least two games (and the second game isn't an "ultimate" version or a remake/port), it's okay to list. Also, it can't be something that originated as a movie/TV series like Star Wars. It also can't be a sub-series, so you can't list Wario's Woods since it's technically Mario.

The Exile series, Adventure Island, and The Adventures of Lolo are the only ones I can think of, regarding my personal favourites. Yeah, I know Lolo is kind of part of Kirby, but Lolo was its own IP years before Kirby existed and they don't share too many elements (besides Lolo and Lala's cameo appearances in Kirby), so I say it's independant enough from Kirby to be its own series.

Edited by Randoman
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I'm too scared to check, in fear of spoilers (I got majorly spoiled when looking up TVTropes), but I doubt there's a Kiseki/Trails series wiki, or at least one that's active. Which is kind of criminal, given how good the games are. But yeah, only one game has been released in English (Asia's getting the seventh this year), so no surprise.

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^That's what you'd think, but I'm pretty sure most games have series wikis (unless it's you know, a stand-alone title)


That being said it's for The Legend of Heroes as a whole, not the Kiseki/Trails subseries which is more of what you were talking about and is kind of it own series, honestly (the "Legend of Heroes" part is just sort of tagged along with everything at this point, if you ask me, barring... Nayuta no Kiseki, was it?).

But yeah I can't really think of serierrs that don't have wikis, it's so easy to create a wiki so even if there's nearly no information IN said wiki I feel like games will still have them just because it's something that happens

I mean I could probably find some indie games that don't have wikia's (Toki Tori has at least 2 games and doesn't have a wiki) but eh, those are indie games, I feel like that's cheating for whatever reason (like it'd be too easy in that case because indie games tend to be obscure by nature)

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The Kiseki and Chibi Robo series actually do have series wikis (Chibi Robo with 241 articles and Kiseki with 291 articles. I'm not sure if you'd consider that active enough Vincent).I have to admit, finding game series without wikis is quite a hard task, especially if you generally stick to mainstream games.

But yeah I can't really think of serierrs that don't have wikis, it's so easy to create a wiki so even if there's nearly no information IN said wiki I feel like games will still have them just because it's something that happens

I mean I could probably find some indie games that don't have wikia's (Toki Tori has at least 2 games and doesn't have a wiki) but eh, those are indie games, I feel like that's cheating for whatever reason (like it'd be too easy in that case because indie games tend to be obscure by nature)

Well, I guess you're right about most game series in general getting wikis (even Dillon's Rolling Western has it's own series wiki and it's quite small and obscure). Though there are quite a few game series that don't get one, since they have a really small or inactive fanbase. That, or the game series is really old and hasn't gotten a new game in decades.

I suppose listing indie games with at least two installments is kind of cheating, but feel free to list them anyways. I mean, they're obscure and not well known enough anyways, and they could use the promotion.

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The kessen series. There is a koei (game devs) wiki, but it only really goes in depth for the warriors games. Kessen 2 is one of the highlights of the ps2 for me, and I really recommend the first two to strategy fans!

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