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Make a Fire Emblem character!


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Design your own FE character here! You have your avatar, but what if you were an unlockable character in the game? I have three examples to show you how you should make yours-



Starting Class:Manekete

Physical Traits:Black hair, light skin, deep purple eyes

Cloths:Black robes with a purple trim, has shoulder and arm guards

Unlocked by:Talking to, then defeating him

Second Seal transformations:Myrmidion, Archer, Fighter, Theif

Master Seal transformations:Swordmaster, Assasin, Warrior, Berserker, Trickster, Sniper, Bow Knight

Manakete Colors (Only use this one if you're a Manakete or a Taguel):Black and blood red

Critical Hit/Ability quotes:

This ends here!

Time to finish this!

You don't stand a chance!

No more mercy!

Ally defeats opponent:

My thanks.

I could have done that too.

I owe you one.



Starting Class:Myrmidion

Physical Traits:Deep brown hair, light skin, brown eyes

Cloths:Cloths similar to Lon'qu's, only the blue is grey, and fur is black

Unlocked by:Talking to him, then beating the level

Second Seal transformations:Archerer, Wyvern Rider, Merchenary, Theif, Fighter

Master Seal transformations:Assasian, Swordmaster, Wyvern Lord, Hero, Warrior, Trickster, Berserker, Sniper

Critical Hit/Ability quotes:

Let's finish this!



And now...

Ally defeats opponent:

Teach me how to do that!

Well done.

Let's do that again some time.



Starting class:Wyvern Rider

Physical traits:Blonde Hair, long hair, ocean blue eyes,

Cloths:Standered Wyvern Rider armor, but light blue

Unlocked by:Defeat level, but do not let her die

Second Seal transformaions:Fighter, Tactian, Myrmidion

Master Seal transformations:Wyvern Lord, Assasian, Trickster, Grandmaster, Swordmaster

Critical Hit/Ability quotes:

I've had enough of you!


And goodbye!

Sleep tight!

Ally defeats opponent:

Hehe! Thanks!

Too easy!

Your turn!

Let's see how this will turn out!

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Pff, way ahead of you. I've created a whole continent full of characters. lol Btw, this might be more fitting in the General FE section.

So I don't make a long-ass post full of details, I'll just give a link to my wiki's character section. It's nowhere near being complete though. :P

Oh, I do have one Awakening-based character though, so her profile I will put right here. :)

Name: Antoinette

Gender: Female

Default Parent: Frederick

Class: Troubadour

Reclass Options: Cleric, Pegasus Knight, Cavalier, Wyvern Rider, Knight, whatever classes her mother has access to

Base Inventory: Mend Staff, Vulnerary



She's pictured with her father's hair color here, but in-game, she would actually inherit her mother's hair color. And you can't see it, but she has four buckles on her surcoat, like Maribelle does.

Personality: Antoinette is almost like a female version of Inigo. She's a flirt and loves meeting boys she finds cute. She remembers her parents' relationship being strong and wishes to have one just like it. She's also pretty feminine and loves doing her hair and wearing bows. Mostly because of her father, Antoinette also has a fondness for horses and riding, and loves her mount, Sir Kieran, dearly (I wrote that he belonged to Frederick, but this was before I discovered that he actually rides a mare. I've kept the horse as male though, because by the time I found out I gave it the wrong gender, I had already written the horse into a lot of writing). However, she has a difficult relationship with her father. His nagging, nosiness and overprotective-ness often push her over the edge and she's even been known to yell at him for it. She also claims that he constantly scares off all the boys she talks to. On the flipside though, Antoinette really wants to follow in his footsteps as the personal retainer of the Ylisse royals, and though she doesn't like to admit it, she's a real daddy's little girl. She carries a piece of her father's armor that she found after he died in her timeline as well as a scarf that he made for her when she was little. The scarf has the words "Daddy's Little Girl" stitched onto it. However, she's not so into training or combat and actually wants to relax from time to time. Even so, she's just as sophisticated as her father, and a lot of his nagging rubbed off on her as well.

Birthday: May 12th



Frederick's daughter from the future and closest retainer to Lucina. She's a free-spirited girl that would rather admire handsome young men than train, but she's every bit as sophisticated and devoted as her father. Loves horses and riding the most. Born on May 12th.

Event Tile

- "Ugh, who left this dirty thing lying around? People really should be neater than that." (item)
- "I just finished brushing Sir Kieran AND my hair in record time! I must keep a good image to impress the boys." (exp)
- "I got in some extra practice. As Father taught me, a retainer must always stay sharp to keep everyone safe." (weapon exp)

Relationship Tile


- "Oh, you seem happy! Did someone cute and charming flirt with you?" (happy)
- "Wow, you've been working really hard! Trying to make a big dream come true?" (dreams)
- "Hey, I noticed how you do so well in the midst of battle! May I team up with you? I might learn a thing or two." (team up)
- "So, I notice you disappear once in awhile between battles. What are you doing all that time?" (free time)


- "Oh, no, I was taking Sir Kieran for a nice ride and a boy said I looked cute riding him!" (happy)
- "My biggest dream? I want to find a handsome and charming boy that will love both me and Sir Kieran!" (dreams)
- "Well, one thing I do agree with my father on is that teamwork is very important, so I'd be happy to partner with you!" (team up)
- "Ah, I take Sir Kieran out for gentle rides and exercise and groom his lovely coat and hair. And I find cute boys!" (free time)

Asking - Frederick

- "Father, could we train a little? I don't feel I'm as skilled as you yet." (train)
- "Father, are you okay? You look like you've had some rough battles." (concern)
- "Father, if there's anything you need, tell me! You're family and I do need to be good with service." (gift)
- "Father, you've asked me about my time, but I want to know more about you! I only know so much!" (story)

Replying - Frederick

- "Oh, of course, Father! There's so much I want to learn from you!" (train)
- "I'm just fine, you don't need to baby me, Father. Sir Kieran is happy too. Right, Sir Kieran?" (concern)
- "I think I can make do with what I have, Father, but thank you!" (gift)
- "Well, I did my best to carry on your legacy and honor both you and Mother. But I don't know if I'll ever really be worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as you two..." (story)

Asking - Mother

- "Mother, let's train together! We never did get to do it much in the future since I was working with Father so often..." (train)
- "Mother, are you feeling alright? If anything's wrong, I can go get Father and we'll help you!" (concern)
- "Mother, is there anything I can get you? Sir Kieran and I can get it quickly!" (gift)
- "Mother, can you...tell me about yourself? I'm afraid I don't know a lot..." (story)

Replying - Mother

- "Train with you, Mother? I'd be honored! That opportunity was rather rare before." (train)
- "Oh, thank you, Mother, but I've never felt better! And I'm sure Father would be at my side in a second if I wasn't." (concern)
- "Mother, you're so kind. I don't need anything now, but I'll be sure to let you know if I do." (gift)
- "Truth be told, I don't remember as much about you as I do Father, but I'll never forget how strong the love between you two was. I really want a bond like that with my own future husband." (story)

Asking - Married
- "You look so cute and handsome as ever, (name)! I'm so in love with you that I can't put it to words!" (love)
- "Oh, (name), you are just so wonderful, handsome, and charming. I'm glad I found the right man to be my hubby-wubby!" (compliment)
- "Hey, what do you have there, dear? Hee hee...are you hiding something from me?" (gift)
- "(Name), please don't go too far from me! I want you to always be near so I can keep you safe!" (promise)

Replying - Married

- "Daww, my heart races when you say it that way. I love you dearly too!" (love)
- "Hee hee, you are so very sweet, (name). You are looking even more handsome than yesterday yourself!" (compliment)
- "Aw horsetails! I wanted to surprise you with this bow tie. Wouldn't you look simply dashing in it?" (gift)
- "Aw, you're really that worried about me? Of course I'll stay by your side. I wouldn't ever consider otherwise!" (promise)

Level Up

- "Wow, at this rate, I could outdo even Father!" (6+ stats up)
- "I'm doing great! I just need to keep it up." (4-5 stats up)
- "Ah, well, a slow and steady road is the key." (2-3 stats up)
- "Ugh, Father would be most displeased with me..." (0-1 stat up)
- "I guess I've learned pretty much everything I could here." (0-1 stat up, most capped)

Class Change

- "Ooh, not bad at all! Boys might find me even cuter now!"


- "Oh, you're shopping for me? I'm so excited!" (buying)
- "Argh! Do I really have something useless?" (selling)
- "Ah, the keener a weapon, the better it can be!" (forging)



- "Wow, for some reason, I feel really pumped up right now!" (surge)
- "I ought to get in some knitting practice sometime soon. It's kinda fun, but I'm still not as good at it as Father is." (misc)


"Ah, good morning, Avatar! Need a push to get the day started?" (morning)
"Hey, Avatar! Deciding to rest up?" (afternoon)
"Good evening, Avatar. Are you about to turn in?" (evening)
"Oh, Avatar, you might want to get some sleep. It's quite late." (night)
"A very happy birthday, Avatar!" (Avatar's birthday)


Support Boost

- "Careful now!"
- "Let's go!"
- "No one will harm you!"
- "My strength is yours!"
- "Victory shall be ours."
- "Believe in yourself!"
- "Hold on there."
- "Have no fear!"
- "I'm here for you."
- "No carelessness, you hear?"

Dual Strike

- "May I?"
- "I'll take this!"
- "And one from me!"
- "It's my turn now!"
- "Once again!"

Dual Guard

- "Not as long as I still breathe."
- "Nice try."
- "I don't think so!"

Defeated Enemy

- "Ha, so predictable!"
- "Ladies finish fights, not start them!"
- "Oh poo on you."
- "There now."
- "Phew..."

Partner Defeated Enemy

- "Wow, impressive!"
- "Now that's teamwork!"
- "Thanks so much!"


- "Your filthy arse is history."
- "You've messed with the wrong girl!"
- "Farewell, fool!"
- "May no god have mercy on you!"

Defeated By Enemy

- "Ugh...Father..."


- "Ugh! Sir Kieran! Run away...quickly... Don't let them...get you... Please survive..." (paralogue)
- "No! Why...? Why now...? Daddy...please...forgive me... I will always...be your...little girl." (classic)
- "Ugh, gods! I can't believe this wound has made me useless! I apologize, but I must retreat!" (casual)

Confession to Avatar

- "Out of all the boys that I've met...you've charmed me the most. And Sir Kieran loves you too!"

I didn't do asking/answering child quotes because it would feel awkward due to my headcanon placing Antoinette as male Morgan's sister. :P Writing that confession line felt awkward enough lol.

Recruitment Chapter: Paralogue 26: A Knight's Steed

Synopsis: Chrom's party finds a young girl on horseback being chased by poachers and bandits. They're after Antoinette's prized horse and wish to capture and sell it. Frederick or Chrom must speak to Antoinette and agree to guard her and her horse until all of the enemies are defeated. The enemies will constantly target her if she is in their movement range. The player will get a game over if Antoinette falls.

EDIT: Ack, I forgot support options. :P

Support Options:

- Frederick

- Her mother

- Her sibling

- All male children (can S support any that aren't her sibling)

- Severa

- Lucina

- Kjelle

- Avatar (both genders)

Edited by Anacybele
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Second Seal transformations:Myrmidion, Archer, Fighter, Theif

Master Seal transformations:Swordmaster, Assasin, Warrior, Berserker, Trickster, Sniper, Bow Knight

You're mixing up Barbarian and Fighter. Fighter promotes to Hero, not Berserker.

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Name: Rajesh

Gender: Male

Default Parent: n/a

Class: Dancer

Reclass Options: Myrmidon, Thief, Dark Mage

Base Inventory: Levin Sword, Door Key, Bullion (S), Bullion (M), Bullion (L)


A fit build, obviously, as no customer would want to watch an obese man swing his flab about. Besides that, his skin is a healthy, light-brown color. Only bearing a few dark birthmarks on his lower back. He also has a bit of scruff on his chin and a large scar which traces a line from his left cheekbone to bottom of his chin, adding to his intense look. His eyes are a deep, dark brown and their shape is sharp-- almost giving a slight permanent squint. His head is clean-shaven, and pierced onto his left ear are three silver studs.

As for his attire, it seems to be a twist on the traditional garb of Plegian mages. Rather than blue robes, he wears a black capelet with a long, broad ribbon that extends from the neck to below the groin, and the capelet itself has sleeves which cover the arms and the hands-- except for the index and ring fingers for some odd reason. He forgoes the skimpy mesh on the legs (Sans the torso.) in favor of black pants and gold sandals. He does, however, adorn the golden leg-bangles that most Plegians do.

Personality: A cat prowling across the deserts of Plegia once came across a wizard. Bored out of his misery, the wizard transformed the cat into a boy. That boy now roams the streets of Plegia. This story never actually happened, of course, but Rajesh is a lot like a cat. Sleek and graceful, a smooth-talker if a bit of a cad. If the Garden of Earthly Delights had a caretaker, someone who would coo into the blooming flowers that they might grow as beautifully as intended, trim the bushes ever-so-perfectly, and after all chores are completed indulge in the garden's many, many fruits... Yes, Rajesh would be that caretaker. Gladly. It's an easy enough job and the spoils are more than worth it. Why not? A few people might be offended-- harmed, at worst. But isn't there a price to pay for every decision we make? Why be shy about the consequences when they don't affect you at all? You'll trample over them as you claim your lustrous prize.

As you can tell, nefarious jobs are not a problem for Rajesh. Neither is the shame of iniquity.

Live life to its fullest.

Birthday: August 13th



A shady man working in the brothels of Plegia as an entertainer. He doesn't quite care for the army's goals, but would rather slip into a safer, kinder embrace with intentions of his own than meet a likely death on the streets. Has the biggest collection of fragrances in the army. Born on August 13th.

Event Tile

- "What a beautiful little trinket you are! I do hope your owner isn't fond of you." (item)

- "Good tonic in the morning means a limber body for the day. Ah... I feel fantastic." (exp)

- "This sword used to feel so heavy. And now... it feels as light as a feather! Geh heh heh!" (weapon exp)

Relationship Tile


- "You're cheery today, aren't you? Well, I hope you're not too concerned about your pockets." (happy)

- "Have you been working extra hard lately? I can tell by your sweat... and your lack of stringent vigilance over your belongings." (dreams)

- "Things aren't looking so good out there... Mind being my shield-- I-I mean, may we work together?" (team up)

- "Good day, lovebird. I've noticed you sneaking out from time to time. May I come with you to your nest?" (free time)


- "I, er, "found" this plump bag of coins. What kind of careless chap leaves a bag such as this lying around?" (happy)

- "My biggest dream? It involves you and I, my love. Oh, and rose petals lying on a silky bed..." (dreams)

- "Yes, of course! Just stand in front of the enemy when they swing. I'll back you up, I promise." (team up)

- "Mistress Luck strolls by my side alway. I tend to find things here and there because of that. Then I pawn them. That sort of thing." (free time)

Asking - Married

- "I share my love with others, but you get a special piece of it, (name)." (love)

- "I've had many lovers, but none quite as interesting as you." (compliment)

- "I come bearing gifts! For you! (name), I assure you they're legitimate..." (gift)

- "Stay close. I've a bad feeling, (name), and I don't want you to be harmed." (promise)

Replying - Married

- "There's nothing quite as good as sweet-nothings. Yours especially." (love)

- "Thank you for that, but I knew it already. Gah hah hah!" (compliment)

- "A gift? Darling, your body is quite enough, I'd say! Geh heh heh!" (gift)

- "Carry on, my dear. I appreciate the concern." (promise)

Level Up

- "Excellence in prime." (6+ stats up)

- "Not quite perfect, but I can taste the closeness." (4-5 stats up)

- "There's always next time, I guess." (2-3 stats up)

- "Might as well end it all at this rate..." (0-1 stat up)

- "I'd say I've perfected my technique. There's not much else to learn anymore." (0-1 stat up, most capped)

Class Change

- "I wonder how my dance will fare in this outfit?"


- "My dagger's been getting dull lately. This is good timing." (buying)

- "Please, I could do so much better than that price." (selling)

- "May I have jewels embedded into it?" (forging)



- "The smell of morning. How refreshing it is!" (surge)

- "Finder's keepers!" (item)


"And good morning to you, (name)! Just tidying up the place, I swear." (morning)

"Tired? Come lay with me for a while, why don't you?" (afternoon)

"The sun is setting, (name). Are you tired? Or are you a night owl?" (evening)

"O-Oh! Yes, I know it's late. I was just, er, cleaning!" (night)

"Happy birthday, (name). Treat yourself well." (Avatar's birthday)


Support Boost

- "Get them!"

- "How exciting!"

- "They shall fall before you!"

- "Allow me to help."

- "Mistress Luck is smiling."

- "Don't give up now!"

- "Easy now."

- "Afraid? As if!"

- "No worries, I'm here."

- "Careful now."

Dual Strike

- "Didn't expect me, eh?"

- "Mm, goodbye~!"

- "Die already."

- "Here I go!"

- "And... another!"

Dual Guard

- "Oh, such a good try!"

- "That's quite enough."

- "I've got your back."

Defeated Enemy

- "...Did they even try?"

- "You're gorgeous when you win."

- "What fun!"

Partner Defeated Enemy

- "Well, now!"

- "Now why'd you go and slay the handsome one?"

- "Beautiful!"


- "Shall we do it?"

- "One last embrace. How sad."

- "Unfortunately for you, it ends here."

- "There is no greater than love than this."


- "I c-can't... feel anything... No pain... No... p-pleasure... Nothing..." (classic)

- "Oof... A bit too careless there, wasn't I? Ah, well. Now's the time to get away while I can." (casual)

Confession to Avatar

- "I'm not one for flowery confessions of love. Let's just retreat somewhere nice and prove it to each other. How does that sound?"

Recruitment Chapter: Paralogue XX: A Night To Remember

Synopsis: While passing through a shabby city in the middle of the Plegian desert, Chrom's party finds themselves thrusted in the middle of a bloody gang war. In order to bring some semblance of peace to the city, Chrom must end this feud once and for all.

On the second turn of the chapter, a bandit moves to a house on the upper-right corner of the map. Suspicious of the building, the bandit forces himself in and finds Rajesh hiding inside. The bandit recognizes Rajesh, who once humiliated him, and immediately attacks. The bandit loses the fight and is killed, but Rajesh's cover is now completely blown, making him easy pickings for the other nearby gang members. Your responsibility in this chapter is to not only protect Rajesh, but also to escort him to an important building on the southern side of the map. That is, before the gang members get to it first.

Support Options:









I thought I'd go ahead and use Anacybele's template since it's nice and thorough.

Edited by Esme
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That's fine, but if he's a first gen character, you didn't need to put "mother's classes." :P

Oh! You're right!

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Yeah… I've got a fair few of these. I think practically everyone does.

Might as well start with the basics… my first character based off of FE. I'll just do information that's relevant to the GBA games or that I can remember.

Name: Siras

Gender: Male

Class: Shaman

Base Inventory: Flux, Secret Book //or (for lategame)// Luna, Elixir (possibly a Prf dark tome)

Appearance: Basically like Ephidel but with straighter and longer hair. His eyes are probably less unnatural and more of like a golden brown if not yellow.

Status Screen Description: A taciturn mage fully dedicated to his studies.

Personality: Cold, shrewd, solemn, and highly analytical, with heavily misanthropic tendencies. He's short and blunt (if more or less civil) with others, typically having little interest in social interaction with others; despite this, he displays a disturbingly precise understanding of the human psyche (while displaying few emotions of his own) and a crafty tactical intelligence. He views magic as a science, and spends most of his time researching his craft. Surprisingly, he also possesses a keen knowledge of human anatomy and basic medical practice. Though he seems to care little for others, he understands the need for the group on a technical basis, and thus does his part to assist his company by formulating new tools and magical techniques that are useful in battle. Though he hates groups of people and typically doesn't like talking to others, he does enjoy intelligent discussion with other suitably-learned intellectuals.

Extended Bio: (At the surface, basically Canas OTL.) Born into a family of mages, Siras' mother was (unbeknownst to her husband and his side of the family) a descendant of powerful sorcerers, who practiced dark magic in secret and passed it on to her son as well. A true sociopath, Siras' mother was a master manipulator and deceiver, and though Siras is less malicious in his own behavior, he learned much from her example. Shortly after his parents birthed Siras' younger brother, the truth of the mother's dark machinations came to light, and the boys' kind father, despite his disbelief that his wife had fooled him for so long, sacrificed his life to destroy her in the process, ending her scheme. Siras' younger brother was then sent away to an unknown orphanage, while the young teenage Siras went on to study magic at several distinguished schools, quickly rising through the ranks as a prodigy while his dislike of others grew. He also has an extreme distrust of women as a result of growing up around his mother.

Base stats / Growths:

Starting level: 12

HP: 20 / 35%

Magic: 13 / 40%

Skill: 11 / 45%

Speed: 9 / 40%

Luck: 6 / 30%

Defense: 4 / 20%

Resistance: 11 / 40%

Dunno if these are too broken or imbalanced or what. He's really frail and squishy so meh.

Edited by BANRYU
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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Yu

Gender: Male

Class: Pegasus knight

Reclass Options: Priest, Mage, Dark Mage

Base Inventory: Steel lance, elixer


A slender, small build, with an innocent face and feminine features and waist long hair, a shade lighter then frederick's. Big bright reddish eyes, and a childish grin.

As for his clothes, he wears black gloves that go about his shoulders, with a pink fringe on the end, and also knee length socks, also with a pink fringe. He wears a shirt that goes a little under his stomach, its a deep black with a pink line on the bottom, and also wears light pink armour that cover his chest and stomach. He wears small boots and a grey and pink pants, also covered with armour.

Personality: A naive young boy, curious, but also slightly clumsy, though not as much as Sumia, but caring and kind.

He's deathly afraid of darkness, and hates insects.

He is very talented at magic, and loves to play with it, though this can lead to problems.

Birthday: June 6th



A friendly, happy-go-lucky guy who, much to his dismay, is often mistaken for a girl.

He hates the dark more then anything, and is very close to Sumia.

The one with the cutest smile

Born june 6th

Event Tile

- "Aww, what a cute little trinket! .....what is it, actually?" (item)

- "Wow, i did pretty well, but now i forgot what i was doing." (exp)

- "Gee, is it me, or does this weapon feel...better?" (weapon exp)

Relationship Tile


- "heehee, you look happy, did you find something funny?(happy)

- "i like hearing about dreams, what's yours?" (dreams)

- "Err, can we team up? I'm not that strong...." (team up)

- "i'm bored, ooh, wanna play a game?"(free time)


- "I found a really pretty butterfly! Don't you think they're cute?" (happy)

- "My dream? I just want to stay friends with everyone." (dreams)

- "Yeah! We'll be the bestest team ever!" (team up)

- "i think i broke my nose, so now i have to wait for it to recover..." (free time)

Asking - Married

- "I-i really love you, (name)!." (love)

- "is it me, or are you getting cuter every second? (compliment)

- "I baked a cake for you, (name)! It's for all you did for me!" (gift)

- "please don't leave me (name), i couldn't bear it." (promise)

Replying - Married

- "your the most beautiful woman, please remember that" (love)

- "Gee, thanks, but i'm nothing special..." (compliment)

- "i have everything when i'm with you, (name). (gift)

- "i'm ok! No need to worry!." (promise)

Level Up

- "wait, i did that well?." (6+ stats up)

- "yay, i feel great!" (4-5 stats up)

- "That wasn't that bad." (2-3 stats up) "ooh... That didn't go well.." (0-1 stats up)

- "Is this strong enough?" (0-1 stat up, most capped)

Class Change

- "wow, i LOVE the new clothes!"


- "is it my birthday?" (buying)

- "aww... Fine." (selling)

- "i hope this will help me grow..." (forging)



- "wow, i feel AWESOME!" (surge)

- "what's this?!" (item)


"I'm not really a morning person.... " (morning)

"Aww, it's too early to sleep avatar! (afternoon)

"I'm sooo sleepy! (evening)

"O-Oh! Hi avatar! .... No, there's nothing in my mouth! *gulp* (night) haapppyyy biiirthdaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!" (Avatar's birthday)


Support Boost

- "no worries!"

- "let's gooo!"

- "good luck!"

- "heehee!"

Dual Strike

- "suprise!"

- "stupid!"

- "problem?"

Dual Guard

- "Oh heck no!"

- "are you ok?"

- "too close..."

Defeated Enemy

- "sorry~!"

- "that must hurt."

- "whew...."

Partner Defeated Enemy

- "wow!"

- "so cool!"

- "thank you~!"


- "Yu mad?"

- "rest in pain!"

- "sorry! Not!"


- "I'm....sorry...i-i...couldn't...p-protect...you...ahhh...." (classic)

- "yow, that hurt.... Sorry, gotta go!" (casual)

Confession to Avatar

- "I'm not the manliest, but i'll love twice as much as a normal person, promise!

Supports: all children bearing characters (including Sumia) Chrom, Gaius, Ricken & Henry

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  • 6 months later...

Name: Jake

Gender: Male

Class: Knight

Base Inventory: Steel Lance, Javelin, Dragon Shield, Elixir.

Appearance: similar to Oswin, but have shorter hair, armor is colored yellow, dark skinned, and green eyes

Status Screen Description: A valiant and hearty knight with love for his armor

Personality: a Knight who is valiant and charismatic, but he's one of the lesser intelligent one among his comrades. the thing he values and loves the most is his armor. he loved it ever since he first promoted into a Knight, and he has strengthen it at every chance he gets.

Base stats / Growths:

Starting level: 10

HP: 29 / 60%

Strength: 13 / 55%

Skill: 11 / 40%

Speed: 9 / 40%

Luck: 7 / 40%

Defense:20 / 70%

Resistance: 3 / 20%

I've used BANRYU's template for making this character but with a few differences. hope he doesn't mind

and also i'm not sure if the stats and growths are unbalanced

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