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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

Book of Ereshkigal

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As for the Regis, it's a really complicated process compared to everything else. You need a Relicanth, a Wailord and pokemon with Dig and Dive. First, you go to route 134 and need to find the correct path among the current that will lead you to a dive patch. Next, you need to find a rock with Braille text and re-surface there. You'l then need to find another Braille inscription and use dig there. Finally, put Relicanth at the head of the party and Wailord at the end and then read another Braille inscription. Then their caves will open (they look like a rock hill surrounded by 6 smaller rocks and a ruin maniac is usually nearby.) These cave can be found in the Desert in route 111, on route 105 and on route 120.

Edit: Forgot that even then there's some other weirdness specific to each cave.

Regirock in the Desert Tomb (route 111): Once you enter the cave, you'll see another inscription. Interact with it and then use the d-pad to move right twice, down twice and use Strength to open the door to Regirock.

Regice in the Island Tomb (route 105): You'll find another inscription when entering the cave. Read it and then wait for 2 minutes. The door should then open

Registeel in the Ancient Tomb (route 120): Go in the middle of the room inside the cave and use fly, the door should open.

I remember that hell back in Emerald and Ruby.I didn't know how to get them until years after I got the game(s).It's nice that they kept it,though.

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What's wrong with asking for help every now and then? Simple stuff I'll look up on my own (usually). But no, I could not look it up. I don't know where to find out something like the Regi trio's location and it's a lot more complicated than that.

But I just have to catch a Relicanth, it looks like. I already caught a Wailmer so I could take Dive off of my Gyarados and replace it with Waterfall. This is why I disliked Hoenn's HMs. Three Water type HMs was overkill and annoying. And still is, honestly. I'm just glad that you only needed two to get through Victory Road. But anyway, I just have to evolve that Wailmer.

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No, it's really not that complicated. Took me maybe two minutes get to that page, copy the link, paste it here, and that's on a tablet.

I'm going to echo Psych, as from what I've seen of some of your posts in here since release, you could have easily found the answers by just doing research and hunting on the main Pokemon information sites. (Now, if it was a matter of not wanting to be spoiled and wanting to play throigh without any assistance, that would be one thing, but when you're asking questions to find TM## which is documented online...)

Of course, if it was a much more involved question that wasn't an easy query (strategy for beating trainer X, etc), then you're absolutely right, it's fair to ask for help.

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What's wrong with asking for help every now and then? Simple stuff I'll look up on my own (usually). But no, I could not look it up. I don't know where to find out something like the Regi trio's location and it's a lot more complicated than that

Hence why I posted pages ago that any basic information can be found at serebii.net, it's one of the most legit source of info regarding pokemon plus it's pretty much always up to date. Me and other people suggested you looking at serebii when you said bulbapedia wasn't helping you enough.

There's no problem with asking things, but basic info like where do I find this Pokemon, or method to catch X legendary, or where/when do I find this, and such are better found out on other sources that are quicker and more effective. But now that you know, check serebii.net and go to the ORAS section, it's really helpful.

Btw, I was rigging some natures on Treecko and got a shiny one :awesome:. I was looking for a Modest/Timid nature with 13/14 SpAttck/Sp, but the shiny one is Mild natured and is Impetuous and Silly :)

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I don't use Serebii. The few times I have gone there, I found it confusing to navigate. I stick to Bulbapedia, personally. Yes, it couldn't help me a couple times. That's why I came here to ask. I didn't know other places had the answer.

And the thing is, I never asked most of the time. I usually said "I'll have to go find this" or "I just need to get that." People told me what to do on their own. I wasn't asking for help, I was going to try finding the stuff on my own first.

Also, I'm tired of people saying "go look it up yourself" all the time. Maybe I DID try to look it up, but couldn't find the answer. Or as was the case here, I didn't think I could look it up easily on my own.

Another thing, there were things I looked up on my own. You guys just don't notice because I don't say anything here. I looked up Vulpix's level up moves, some TM locations, and more.

So seriously, stop making such a big deal out of this.

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Serebii is a little confusing to navigate at first but IMO it's just the best general pokemon info site by far. If you spend a little time learning how it works then it has more info than any other site (though Bulbapedia is more aesthetically pleasing I will admit), and is always one of the first, if not the first, to get their site fully updated with info from new games, both before and after release.

Also I think people keep telling you to look things up online because it'll be faster for you, since you won't have to wait for someone here to see your question, essentially do the research for you, and then type up the answer.

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Well, I still choose not to use Serebii.

And once again, I didn't fucking know it could be found that easily. Lay off already, seriously.

What's with the name Serebii anyway? It doesn't sound Pokemon-related at all. Bulbagarden and Bulbapedia are at least obviously named after Bulbasaur.

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Well, I still choose not to use Serebii.

And once again, I didn't fucking know it could be found that easily. Lay off already, seriously.

What's with the name Serebii anyway? It doesn't sound Pokemon-related at all. Bulbagarden and Bulbapedia are at least obviously named after Bulbasaur.

It's romanization of Celebi. Serebii is also the owner of the cite and really likes Celebi.

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Serebii doesn't sound that much like Celebi to me. It's also still not as obvious as Bulbagarden/Bulbapedia. But I was just wondering anyway. Not like I really care that much.

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The new way to obtain the Regi's is just obnoxious.

Have Regice hold a cold item, like a Snowball, and have it nicknamed when you confront Regigigas along with the other two Regi's in your party.

How the hell were we to find that out by ourselves?

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Serebii is obviously closer to Pokemon than Bulbagarden/pedia since it's the actual name of a Pokemon. "Bulba" and "Garden" aren't Pokemon words on their own, so it's not particularly obvious.

And if you didn't know it could be found that easily... I guess you just don't know how to use Google?

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"Bulba" is a Pokemon word though. Bulbasaur often says it because it's part of its name. :/

Also, I do know how to use Google, thank you very much. I'm not an idiot. Sometimes Google just doesn't give me the answer I'm looking for, though.

And I just now looked up something else on my own. See, I'm not a dumb idiot at all. So please stop treating me like one.

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And if you didn't know it could be found that easily... I guess you just don't know how to use Google?

Yes, with that logic, but how was anyone supposed to find that out in the first place?

See, depending on your Trainer ID, you'd get a hint towards this.

But this could be a number of things.

The hint might tell you to have one Regi in your party...

The hint might say to have ALL Regi's in your party...

The hint may say Regice needs something cold...

The hint might say any of the Regi's locations...

The hint might be that Regice needs a nickname...

It could be a number of things. But remember, the person who gives you this hint, in Delford (I think) only gives you ONE. HINT. EVER.

When Serebii was discovering things in OM/AS they had to combine everyone's hints together.

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Yes, with that logic, but how was anyone supposed to find that out in the first place?

See, depending on your Trainer ID, you'd get a hint towards this.

But this could be a number of things.

The hint might tell you to have one Regi in your party...

The hint might say to have ALL Regi's in your party...

The hint may say Regice needs something cold...

The hint might say any of the Regi's locations...

The hint might be that Regice needs a nickname...

It could be a number of things. But remember, the person who gives you this hint, in Delford (I think) only gives you ONE. HINT.. EVER.

When Serebii was discovering things in OM/AS they had to combine everyone's hints together.

I don't deny that the hints the game gives you in order to find the Regis are ridiculously cryptic and the average player will never find out on his own (at least in the original RS, I haven't started ORAS yet). But all of this is on the Internet. It's as easy as a Google search, but if someone says "I didn't know you could find them that easily", then what am I supposed to think?

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So, before I look for those mirage spots, I'm going after Kyogre again and then the Regis. But I thought Kyogre reappeared after you beat the league? I did do that, but it hasn't appeared. Or does it not reappear at the Cave of Origin?

This is another thing that I'm not sure where to find the answer other than asking another player. I want to catch Kyogre in case I find that I can trade it for something cooler.

EDIT: Oh wait, that one path I couldn't use before is unblocked and led me right to it. Never mind. lol

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Was anyone else salty about the change to New Mauville (how you have to do the Sootopolis Gym before accessing it)? As someone who wants to use a Probopass in the main game, finding this out was a bit of a piss-off.

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I was terribly salty about it, since the lock wasn't even necessary. >:c

Although you can still get in if you need a Probopass. There's a little area in front of the locked door where you can still run into Mons.

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Check it if you're not finding the information elsewhere. That's all anyone is asking.

Oh, well, in that case, I can do that. If Bulbapedia doesn't have my answer, I'll try using Serebii. I mean, I don't know what else I could possibly do.

I forgot about New Mauville. I should visit that place too. Although right now I'm still leveling up my Wailmer to make it a Wailord. Five levels to go. Then I'll go catch a Relicanth. Kyogre didn't take long to catch, though I might've gotten lucky. I used four Great Balls, one Net Ball, and one Ultra Ball before a second Ultra Ball got it. I didn't even have to use the Timer Balls I got. I always buy Timer Balls for legendaries because they are a savior in catching them. Well, the ones that don't roam, anyway. xP

I also went back to Shoal Cave because I didn't yet explore it when the tide was down.

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