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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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Japan just gets the Steelix Megastone from their demo, just like Korea (I think) gets Glaile's Megastone from their demo. There's no need to overreact.

Well, there was no way I could've known that. I couldn't find any explanation in this thread.

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I just took that as something Gamefreak wouldn't do. Yes, events are hugely biased in Japan, but have there been any pokemon truly exclusive to them? Sure there are exclusive moves, but it's not the pokemon itself.

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Well, there was no way I could've known that. I couldn't find any explanation in this thread.

That's why you look it up ~o3o~

I check serebii every so often and they had the info on it as soon as the Japanese demo came out

EDIT: Yes! Just got the demo, although it says that it was sent out at around 10 this morning...?

Edited by Kon
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I've heard they're coming out in batches, so you'll probably get the code within the day or so?

Hopefully.I just checked if I opted for the newsletters,just in case.But...I never got last month's for some reason..Hm.

And here I was,hoping it was in some of the 34 unread emails I have in my inbox.

EDIT:I have the code!It was in the "promotions" part.Another example I never use my email...

EDIT 2:WTF?!The image is broken on my computer.I'll see if it isn't on my tablet.

EDIT3:OKAY,NOW I'M PISSED.THE CODE WON'T EVEN FUCKING WORK RIGHT.I think it's supposed to be random numbers and that shit,but hell,it gave me a sentence that has "i" and "o",which you can't use in the eShop.FUCK.THEM.RIGHT.NOW.

Edited by Shadowfall
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Yeah, you redeem them from the eShop. When you go into the eShop with the code, go to the menu and select the Redeem Code option~

Did your code have an "i" or "o"?Because mine does.Unless,they're fucking with me.

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At least you GOT a code! I finally got my email, but all I got in it was a blank image where the code is supposed to be, and when I refreshed a couple times, I got an image that just says "Coupon" in squished letters.

I was hoping that the demo might increase my interest a little more. But looks like I still won't even get to play it and I'll be out a Mega Stone and other goodies. Thanks a lot, Pokemon Trainer Club.

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At least you GOT a code! I finally got my email, but all I got in it was a blank image where the code is supposed to be, and when I refreshed a couple times, I got an image that just says "Coupon" in squished letters.

I was hoping that the demo might increase my interest a little more. But looks like I still won't even get to play it and I'll be out a Mega Stone and other goodies. Thanks a lot, Pokemon Trainer Club.

Well,I was on Serebii and I just learned that the "Coupon" thingy happens to everybody.I must have been special enough to get "Live Content" instead.I'm really starting to hate the Trainer Club.

EDIT:There is also a solution.Keep refreshing on "View Online".Sometime you'll get it.

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Got my code, except there is another problem with said codes.

Some people (Like I) got a message saying it's not being sent out yet :/ The 2 plus hours my sister spent downloading it will kill you on the inside.

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Guys, something different DOES happen when you play the demo each day! Today Steven had me battle some Ace trainers on an island. It's insanely easy though, especially if you use Blaziken (every Pokemon the Ace trainers use are weak to Fighting type moves). And at the end, it also said that since I cleared the demo a second time, new faces are appearing in Mossdeep City. I'll check that out next time.

I wonder why the trainer you play as is named Orlando rather than Brendan or Ruby or something official...

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Oh. Well then, I guess this isn't the special thing that happens when you play it every day...

But that's fine with me, I'd rather it be something a little more exciting.

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I've beaten the demo ten times now.I've checked Serebii,and it says you stop getting stuff after ten.It sucks and kinda makes it less interesting to play everyday,but hey,at least they give you heart scales.And Steven's reaction if you black out is hilarious.He wants to check if you're hurt,not your Pokemon which took all the attacks in the battle.Thanks for caring,Steven.

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Interesting picture

almost all of those pokemon can mega evolve or will be able to once they reach their final form... is anybody else having the same thoughts as me?

nevermind, i forgot about the demo being hacked into.

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