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What new class would you like to see in FE14/Make your own class

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I would like better designs of older classes NOT like Awakenings(I'm looking at you knights). Maybe Pirate Captain.

Awakening's class designs were appaling to me as well. IS was probably thinking "cleavage sells" when they made them. Look at this, LOOK AT IT: http://fireemblemwiki.org/w/images/a/a4/Portrait_tiki_fe13.png . Then there's also the unpractically bulky design for Knight classes(the opposite of where most take things like this), the... things thay put on the necks of Cavaliers, and Swordmaster legs. I don't even count Awakening as canon anymore(come and join Heavy's Bowdlerized Canon, cleansing the world of such bad influences as FE13).

Now back on topic. Pirate Captain would definitely be very cool. Why not a sword/axe unit? Don't see many of those.

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Awakening's class designs were appaling to me as well. IS was probably thinking "cleavage sells" when they made them. Look at this, LOOK AT IT: http://fireemblemwiki.org/w/images/a/a4/Portrait_tiki_fe13.png . Then there's also the unpractically bulky design for Knight classes(the opposite of where most take things like this), the... things thay put on the necks of Cavaliers, and Swordmaster legs. I don't even count Awakening as canon anymore(come and join Heavy's Bowdlerized Canon, cleansing the world of such bad influences as FE13).

Now back on topic. Pirate Captain would definitely be very cool. Why not a sword/axe unit? Don't see many of those.

But we have Heros for that. It would seem kinda redundant.

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But we have Heros for that. It would seem kinda redundant.

Ah, thanks. I somehow forgot.

Make Griffons their own separate class tree. With swords.

Sounds like a cool idea.

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A magic unit that wields Light and Dark magic (like Sephiran's class) would be neat.

Edited by X-Naut
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I would like better designs of older classes NOT like Awakenings(I'm looking at you knights). Maybe Pirate Captain.

I don't think all of Awakening's designs were bad. I like the generic myrmidon, swordmaster, valkyrie, bride, Chrom's and Lucina's great lord, Falconknight's helmet, mercenary designs are nice, but the rest are just terrible.

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Unmounted Nomad Trooper. Swords/bows.

Blade Lord Lyn says hi.

Anyway, I've made a unique class for one of my fics.


A bulky unit that drives a horse and cart to carry supplies to other units as well as attack enemies. They attack by charging forward. High HP, strength, and defenses, but low speed. Can resist just about anything, however, physical or magic. However, it's vulnerable to fire magic due to the wagon itself being largely made of wood and it doesn't have a 2-range attack. Is strongest against thunder magic (wood doesn't conduct electricity) and arrows. Promotes to War Wagon

War Wagon

Even bulkier and more defensive than the regular wagon and is upgraded with some stone and metal. It is still pretty slow and vulnerable to fire magic, but Wagons gain the ability to use bows upon promotion to War Wagon, so they now have 2 range. War Wagons also now have an advantage against wind magic as well as thunder magic.

So except for fire magic, Wagons are a bit better against magic than physical attacks, but are very good at resisting both. So they're basically like mounted Knights/Generals, just without the garbage resistance. :P Still, a fast and powerful fire mage could probably destroy it before it kills him/herself.

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Blade Lord Lyn says hi.

Anyway, I've made a unique class for one of my fics.


A bulky unit that drives a horse and cart to carry supplies to other units as well as attack enemies. They attack by charging forward. High HP, strength, and defenses, but low speed. Can resist just about anything, however, physical or magic. However, it's vulnerable to fire magic due to the wagon itself being largely made of wood and it doesn't have a 2-range attack. Is strongest against thunder magic (wood doesn't conduct electricity) and arrows. Promotes to War Wagon

War Wagon

Even bulkier and more defensive than the regular wagon and is upgraded with some stone and metal. It is still pretty slow and vulnerable to fire magic, but Wagons gain the ability to use bows upon promotion to War Wagon, so they now have 2 range. War Wagons also now have an advantage against wind magic as well as thunder magic.

So except for fire magic, Wagons are a bit better against magic than physical attacks, but are very good at resisting both. So they're basically like mounted Knights/Generals, just without the garbage resistance. :P Still, a fast and powerful fire mage could probably destroy it before it kills him/herself.

That's pretty much just my War Elephant idea, but cool. You came up with it first.
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Archer. But actually powerful, which would make a fucking change.

Arbalist: an unit that uses crossbow as weapon.

_Good str and def, kinda low skl and spd.

_Same move stat as archer.

_Cannot shoot twice during an attack even if the Abarlist has higher spd.

_Has very high damage.

_Has to waste 1 turn to reload after each attack.

_Attack ignores 5 DEF of the target.

_Bonus damage against fly units. Ignore defend skills and item (such as General skill in FE8 and the non-crit rune)

_Has attack range of archer but can attack close enemy as well.

_Cannot use siege weapons like ballista.

Elite Arbalist: an unit that use either repeating crossbow or heavy crossbow.

_Good str and def, low spd.

_Has -1 move stat due to heavy equipment.

_Has to waste 1 turn to reload after each attack.

_Heavy crossbow has higher damage, range and ignores 15 DEF of the target. Cannot shoot twice during an attack even if the Abarlist has higher spd.

_Repeating crossbow can shoot twice (like brave weapons), ignores only 5 DEF.

_Bonus damage against fly units. Ignore defend skills and item (such as General skill in FE8 and the non-crit rune)

_Can attack close enemy as well.

_Cannot use siege weapons like ballista.

_Minus move stat in forest and such.

Basically, a nuke unit that is not very flexible but can deal terrify damage to enemy, even against those with high armor or hp. A low-range ballista on foot, you may say.

Edited by Char
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That's pretty much just my War Elephant idea, but cool. You came up with it first.

Ah, whoops. lol But people do sometimes unknowingly come up with the same or similar idea, so thanks. :)

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3rd Tier classes.

Revamp Trickster to be like the Rogue class from Sacred Stones. A magical thief makes no sense.

COMMANDER: Promotion from General. Has access to every physical weapon, with higher SPD/SKL, at the cost of being a foot unit. No movement penalties.

MASTER KNIGHT: Promotion from Paladin/Great Knight. Would play much like FE4, but would be statistically inferior to COMMANDER.

KING/QUEEN: Promotes from Great Lord. Kings can use swords, lances, and axes; Queens can use swords, lances, and bows. Gives a great boost of evasion/hit to nearby units.

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Bazah. Behold by idea for classes. It's shows a lot of preexisting classes so I'll mention a few here.

Like someone above said, an Arbalist class so we have a unit tree who's main weapon is a crossbow (promotes to an armored Bolt Lord).

I'd like to see a smaller divide between magic and weapon stats so I'd like to see more dual classes like a dark magic axe wielder (desperado) or a light magic lance wielder (holy lancer).

I'd like to see our three flying unit trees split up so Pegasi focus on swords, Dracos focus on lances and Griffons focus on Axes. A flying unit who can use a bow or crossbow would be cool too (Griffon Hunter).

Centurion/Legionare, a lance bow class. Hero's promoting to Vanguards and gaining bows. Lyn and Alms on foot sword/bow class was also cool.

Shaman being a dark/light magic class (based on the fact that Shamans in the SNES games were light magic and Shamans in the Gameboy Advance games were dark magic). Sorcerer become a Dark/Anima dual class (since they were pretty much the Dark Mage class in games that didn't have dark mages) and a Cardinal class for Anima/Light magic so there's a hybrid class of all three magic types.

Both a sword wielding Valkyrie and a magic wielding Valkyrie classes in the same game.

If battle Cleric could get a third tier then let's give em a horse.

Walhart's japanesse class name Overlord is too cool to not be used. I've envisioned it as an armored promotion to the Dark Knight class (foot unit with swords/dark magic) who can use anima magic so it'd be primarily a defensive magic unit like someone suggested above.

I'd like Dark Pegasus to use dark magic instead of anima magic. Seraph Knights to use light magic and an anima magic Draco Mage to fill out the trinity of flying magic units.

A flagwaver/bannerman class. No combat potential but gets the rally abilities from Awakening.

Branched promotion for dancers. So you can have dancers who can refresh less units at once in exchange for having more combat potential etc.

The Witch class from Gaiden looked like a really cool idea. I'd like to see that come back (basically magic users with an inbuilt warping ability). Ballisticians were also cool I'd like to see them come back.

Edited by Jotari
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One of my ideas include a "Dark Berserker" ( to fit a kind of extreme vengeance theme.)

stats (if FE13 system used) would be:

Str: 50

Mag: 50

Skl: 35

Spd: 44

Def: 25

Res: 25

Able to use axes and dark tomes, an extremely fragile but menacingly powerful unit. (I posted this already somewhere but didn't realise the existence of this topic yet)

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A playable Necromancer would be pretty cool; a bit like the Summoner, but with more powerful minions.

He could raise the corpses of enemies (possibly allies, as well?) that had died in that battle, but with reduced stats. As the Necromancer leveled up, they could raise more powerful minions, or increase the stats of their summons. The Necromancer itself would be very weak, having pitiful defense and sub-par magic/speed.

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