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Yeah they're playing awfully. If you're gonna field such offensive players you have to stop fucking dicking around and get it upfield. It isn't a 3-3-4 btw. This is why sabella's 5-3-2 doesnt work. You cant fix argentinas defense problem by playing defensively. You use your fucking attacking powerhouse and pray to the pope. Jesus im mad

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argentina aren't a defensive team, it just doesn't work

i want to see attacking football pls, they should be the entertainers

(i'm mad too, hopefully the second half is better)

Edited by Tryhard
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that wasn't even a fucking goal, messi just fucking decided the scoreline would be 2-0 and it was so

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the bosnian strikers did not take kindly to the constant taunts of "SUCK IT DOWN, BOSNIA, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS EXPERT DEFENCE! DESIGN IS LAW, BITCH!"

Edited by Parrhesia
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That second half was a lot better. Still, it could have been even better. Aguero and di maria were very error prone. Higuain and messi got into full gear after thw second goal. This what its supposed to be, relentless attack, goals everywhere. And... Romero Lardhands.

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"To win the game you must beat me, Sergio Romero..."


(this is what happens when i'm bored and work's cancelled due to construction work)

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Julian Speroni must be so smug right now

Ah well you won in the end but hopefully next time with more... flair. Better that than Spain's result.

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Nigeria, the team that literally conceded a goal to Tahiti, will probably not fare well in that game.

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