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Good tale, Parrhesia lad. That is certainly a dive if I hadn't seen one, though. The only thing I have to bring is a tale of overall woe and misery.

So it's the 2010 World Cup Qualifiers and Scotland are placed in a group with the Netherlands, Macedonia, Iceland and Norway. Netherlands understandibly dominate, but there is a second playoff place that Norway and Scotland are looking for. Overall, despite being gash, the other teams were gash enough for us to have a chance to really take it if we can beat Norway.

It's 0-0 and honestly was quite a boring game to my recollection, but Iwelumo had a chance to take the lead and really go gunning for a possible playoff spot.

Cue this, notice the linesman even thought he scored:

The scottish commentary on the second run still cracks me up.

"Yer havin a laff!"

The game ended 0-0. Iwelumo has kind of been our pantomime villain for not qualifying for that world cup and we haven't qualified since 1998. Norway finished on the same points as us but higher goal difference, taking the second place.

In 1954, the SFA only sent 13 players to the finals, even though FIFA allowed 22 man squads. Scotland lost 1–0 against Austria in their first game in the finals. This prompted the team manager Andy Beattie to resign hours before the game against Uruguay. Where we got humped 7-0.

We had some success in 1974 getting a win against Zaire (now Congo) and a draw with Brazil and Yugoslavia and went out on goal difference.

We have been in 8 group stages and been eliminated without reaching past that, the highest number in World Cup history.

Perhaps our closest was in the 1990 World Cup:

0:36 in this video.


(the Tartan Army will probably have a drink with you though)

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confirmation that australians are Still Mad about fabio grosso, the radio journalist just had a little mutter to himself about it on the side after reporting rumours that the dutch were infighting due to diving in training.

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sbs is streaming them all

generally between 2am and like 11am

fuck getting up at 2am for a Not Supremely Important match

so that means I'm missing Cameroon's first game lads ;.;

posting challenge of the day - world cup songs

whoever unironically posts it's coming home (like the song) dies tonight

(whoever ironically posts it is fine but it's a gash song)


this isn't ours but ours is probably terrible so


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due to the timing of streams i will wake up at 5.30 directly into football.

i am looking forward to this.

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i got a day off work because they'll be watching it too lol

in fact due to the laissez-faire nature of my work i'll probably be an hour or two late for the whole month tbh

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i don't really want to talk about the conditions of my workplace right now.

what i do want to do is sleep but i couldn't so this sucks lol

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Great documentary on the Escobar murder of 1994, and the background to it.

I always wondered the real reason about the murder of Escobar. RIP.

At least I'll probably be around for most of the games, I *might* be able to catch all of them though I may skip some of the ones I think will be more boring cough greece

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where were all you cunts in the buildup eh

ah well

neymar is an utter cunt and i hope one of the big croat lads destroys him and proves his alpha superiority

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fuck yeah corluka fucking destroying neymar from the knees down going in the vague direction of the ball

proper defending, that, more of the same please

a man has fallen over like a cunt and neymar who is a cunt did a terrible penalty but scored anyway

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Third goal is probably for the best. Brazil deserved the second even if they only got it through Fred falling over and Neymar with the dumbest penalty ever. Fair result, shame about the fact that neymar

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