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Rape By Women Under-reported?

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Vaguely regarding the title, there are some established typologies of rapist men, and their motivations+methods. (may be unsafe, peers into the abyss a little) The population(?) and overall study invested in female rapists may be so-far-insufficient enough that little similar has been established for them.

Edited by Rehab
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You forgot male on male and female on female. Actually, I think female on male is more rare than male on male. When you are living in a third world country and the tourists think they are funny...you know...

Edited by Char
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Isn't sex with a minor statutory rape aka rape by default as far as American law is concerned?

Edit: just checked and turns out I'm right, except statutory rape statutes are defined by state and not federal law.

Just to clarify further, statutory rape does not imply use of force or non-consent from the "victim", but rather by law the victim is believed to not be capable of giving consent for sex in certain situations (like a 13 year old can't give consent to a 20 year old).

Edited by Gyarados
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Male on female rape also occurs a million times more often than female on male, even if there are a few cases of teachers seducing male students.

I've actually been taught by a male teacher who seduced a female student for 2-3 years. He went to jail for quite a few years and is now on pedophile watch.

Lol what, women rape men at the same rate that men rape women, the difference is that one is considered a serious crime, and nobody cares about the other.


Check pages 18 and 19

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Nearly 1 in 5 women

and 1 in 71 men in

the U.S. have been

raped at some time

in their lives.

on page 18

There's also an excerpt in there saying that 1/2 women vs 1/5 men have experienced sexual victimization.

13% of women have gone through unwanted sexual coercion; 6% of men.

1/4 female vs 1/9 male for unwanted contact

Did you really just link to an article that directly contradicts what you're trying to say?

Edited by Lord Raven
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  • 3 weeks later...

The notion that women raping men is as big of a problem as men raping women is absolutely LUDICROUS. Although I think many feminists play up "rape culture" and victimize themselves, there is no denying that women being raped is more prevalent than men being raped. Although men might be less likely to report it does not mean that it occurs as frequently. Men, on average, are more adequately equipped physically to defend themselves from a rape, especially if said rapist is a woman. Not to mention that men tend to be more sexually aggressive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

on page 18

There's also an excerpt in there saying that 1/2 women vs 1/5 men have experienced sexual victimization.

13% of women have gone through unwanted sexual coercion; 6% of men.

1/4 female vs 1/9 male for unwanted contact

Did you really just link to an article that directly contradicts what you're trying to say?

"Forced to penetrate" doesn't count as rape in these statistics. It says right there in the tables 2.1 and 2.2, 1,270,000 female victims of rape, 1,267,000 male ones.

Edited by Achelexus
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Not only are those two numbers referring to two very different things, but one is under rape and the other is under sexual violence. In which case, half a million more women are victims of sexual violence within the past year than men, and the lifetime # of rapes on those two tables are 21.8 million women vs 1.58 million men.

Again, the paper you linked to help your own argument has done nothing but contradict your point.

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You forgot male on male and female on female. Actually, I think female on male is more rare than male on male. When you are living in a third world country and the tourists think they are funny...you know...

IIRC, male on male is actually the second highest type of rape by a fairly big margin. A lot of it is homophobic violence, which is so disgustingly ironic.

Isn't sex with a minor statutory rape aka rape by default as far as American law is concerned?

Edit: just checked and turns out I'm right, except statutory rape statutes are defined by state and not federal law.

Just to clarify further, statutory rape does not imply use of force or non-consent from the "victim", but rather by law the victim is believed to not be capable of giving consent for sex in certain situations (like a 13 year old can't give consent to a 20 year old).

Minor sidenote: some states have Romeon & Juliet laws where there's an age gap in which it's permissible to engage in sexual contact with someone below the age of consent. IIRC, it's generally around 2 years (so say the age was 16, a 17 y/o could have sex with a 15 y/o without being considered statutory rape, but an 18 y/o couldn't), but DO NOT quote me on that. Also, I believe there's an age below which it's never allowed.

"Forced to penetrate" doesn't count as rape in these statistics. It says right there in the tables 2.1 and 2.2, 1,270,000 female victims of rape, 1,267,000 male ones.

FBI Definition of rape: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or

anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without
the consent of the victim.”
The way this was phrased was intended to include forced-to-penetrate situations. It says nothing about the victim having to be penetrated nor the assailant having to be the one penetrating. If the report you linked is the White House one from last year, then it uses this definition. I'm too lazy to check the link.
As the the original question, it is believed female assailants are underreported, both female on male and female on female. So, IIRC, the people doing the studies tend to believe that statistic is a bit low on the female percentage, but not to the point where male assailants aren't the vast majority.
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