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I Found the REAL Funny Bone

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I always thought it was weird that the funny bone doesn't make you laugh. Well tonight I found out that science has it wrong. My mom slammed the car door on the forefinger and middle finger of my left hand (it was totally my fault, I had put my arm over the roof of the car as I got in and there's no way her peripheral vision could've caught it). It did hurt enough for me to jerk my hand out of the area. But for some reason as I got into the car I burst out laughing, and kept laughing for about 2 minutes. My mom kept telling me to stop so I could answer questions about whether I had been seriously injured but I couldn't answer her because I was laughing too much.

OK, so technically I haven't yet found the funny bone, because it could be either the middle finger or the forefinger of my left hand - or both! But I've still advanced our current understanding of the skeleton's sense of humor.

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Wow if it has a bone in it does that mean it stays erect 24/7

yeah it kinda sucks tbh people think I'm pervin' but I ain't

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