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Boops on a Canvas


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Better versions of what's here are farther down

So I still love the heck out of doing weapon icons.

I should really try tomes again later. :X

Key; but note: I had to upload these at a different time than posting these so I'm not 100% sure if this is accurate.

edit: yeah, this has a lot of errors :@

if the 16x16 area is blue, that means it's a minor edit or reshading.

Anything with a purple border is something I want to redo for one or more reasons.

Anything with a purple middle area is an extensive edit of something from the actual game, unless it also has a purple border, in which case it's a direct rip.

Anything with a green border is something I'm satisfied with or want to keep for some other reason.

If it has the light-green used by the games for transparent, it's almost or is actually fully custom.

iFibDd2.png E ranks

Glass, Slim, Iron, "Poor" (1-range for Bow)

UO1WyVy.png D ranks

Steel, Heavy, Range1, Effective (1-2 range for Bow)

2mcAw2V.png C ranks

Kill, Reaver (Forced WTA for bow), Range2 (2-4 + Poison for Bow)

IvdgQCT.png B ranks

Silver, Sun (Grants Adept, basically), Range3 (1-4 for Bow, likely to change this because sobroken)

9MURoT4.png A ranks

Brave, Range4 (2-5 for bow)

The reason I leave the notes: I'm pretty sure that they don't convey their facts anywhere near well enough. Not very happy with how the longbows look, in particular. The Longbow in FE6/7/8 uses the full 16x16 area to help convey that it is larger than other bows, which was a critical advantage of the yew longbow used by the british for their infamous range.

Finally, I'm not sure if the weapons actually look appropriately increasing in awesome as you go up in rank! I'm pretty sure that the Rank D ranged sword looks cooler than pretty much every sword after it. :X

... there's basically no point in me posting the A ranks now, but since I have the others frustratingly close to complete with no ideas, I feel oddly obligated to post them too.

To be exact: I have no idea how to change the spear without making it the FE7 spear. Same for the Devilsword-turned-Runesword (I think it's from FE4 and reshaded).

No idea how to do the Sun lance because my only idea was already used on my silver lance.

much-later edit

LSW is really fun because of how simple it really is

And yet making sprites for it is difficult most of the time, yet they can feel so rewarding.

And sometimes I just make a sprite and it begs for me to do something else with it...

So for now, I'm just staying alive


staying alive staying alive staying alive

[Yes I'm well aware that for staying alive you don't switch sides. Or at least, that you're not supposed to.

I just like to do it out of habit, plus it makes this look more crazy so it was a win-win]

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I should do more splices. :X And learn how to make palettes that people find pleasing to the eye because everything looks nice to me.

Lute, Ursula, Generic Villager with Braided Hair (7), Generic Villager with Braided Hair (8), Generic Little Girl with Pigtails (7), Lalum, Yuno/Juno

«Attribute», there's a better version farther down though

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Some of the problems I can see you are having in these mugs is the use of the outline colour, there are parts where you need to use it to define parts of the body that are closer towards the viewer like so:


So in Kyle's armour, you can see that he his shoulder pad is closest to us, then his chest plate is behind that, and then behind that again is his other shoulder plate.

Although I would only use the outline colour if the darkest colour for that paticular part isnt dark enough. (unless it is the outline)

Also on the Kyle example, because you are using FE8 colours you probably wouldnt use the outline colour to outline the armour trimming either.

Also the cloth tie in her hair isnt outlined on our right. I can also see that you used the FE8 outline to recolour these mugs (nothing wrong with that), but because the most of the mug pieces were from FE7 and FE6, the original shading and colours was much brighter, where as FE8 is much more darker and saturated, so the colour becomes too dark in some parts like the shoulder plate trimming which could be done with just the yellow colours.

I will say though that this mug passes the horizontal flip test though, which is good because when I started I had a bad habit of only spriting with it facing one way and then didnt realise it looked really off when flipped. You also notice more things when its flipped.

Edited by Kai Shiden
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Oh huh, I *DID* use the FE8 outline.

Lalum (whom the cloth tie is from) does not have it outlined. This makes it look folded back, to me, as well as somewhat thin.

But besides that, I'm just really hesitant to use outline colors *in general*-- they always look weird when I work in magnified views.

Is this any better?


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Theres nothing wrong with using the outline colours, and they are used to outline your sprites. Although I wouldnt use it in your hair, but next to hair is alright, if its covering armour. If its next to skin, I would use darker skin tones around it where it makes sense for a little shadow.

Your shoulder pads have improved, but your closest one (our right) is still a little jaggedy, you can smooth it out by changing up the dark brown lining and by changing the lighting on the bits that are going to be hiding under something or going out view (eg under the hair or moving off around the back)

In the below example I've only done this to the front shoulder pad


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Her body is tiny, like that of a child's. Her "cleavage" shouldn't be creeping onto her neck. Is that supposed to be a flower? Or a Louisiana 1800s debutant feather thing? If the latter, it's really dinky. The hair concept is nice, but the execution makes it look like her curls are falling flat, which may be what you were going for. The armor looks more like crinkled paper than armor. Also, the blonde palette is better. The red's darkest shade is too light and the three shades really blend together in a bad way. And the eyes are too bright like she got some headlights for eyes. Yellow eyes tend to do that though...it's a particular color that is difficult to palette for irises.

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Theres nothing wrong with using the outline colours, and they are used to outline your sprites. Although I wouldnt use it in your hair, but next to hair is alright, if its covering armour. If its next to skin, I would use darker skin tones around it where it makes sense for a little shadow.

As Alpha points out, the curl looks flat, so I wanted to make it more obvious... ;;

Her body is tiny, like that of a child's. Her "cleavage" shouldn't be creeping onto her neck.

... Oh, yeah, oops

I didn't edit that...

Is that supposed to be a flower? Or a Louisiana 1800s debutant feather thing? If the latter, it's really dinky.

It's actually supposed to be a collection of curled feathers. But it just doesn't come across...

But you know what? I think it needs... more.

The hair concept is nice, but the execution makes it look like her curls are falling flat, which may be what you were going for.

Nope, was trying to make it have volume. T_T

The palettes were just experiments and I can make new ones later anyway, so I'll stick with gold and blues for now.


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THAT was intentional. She's supposed to not have super-curly, but more wavy-style, hair!

Ahaha, different choices of words are best.

In my dialect, flat curls are curls that don't have volume, like taking a string and wrapping it tightly around one's finger, so it doesn't move far from the rest of it.

But her hair didn't really have any volume before, and I wanted it to have more volume than it had anyway, so I needed to adjust it anyway.



Critical Animation: Gates of Babylon~

For Staff-Archer lord I've been planning. >:)

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doopdoop, scripted. I misplaced some elements (the above gif is actually panned too far to the left N_N), but I was too lazy to correct them because I didn't see them until I had already started recording. :/


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Curse you Serenes

I finished typing all of this already


Just a map.

I suck with mountain tiles.

«No», I have many ideas for this map

G11Tkbx.png «Attribute», see below for specificity

The *completed* set of my physical weapon icons. Zzzzz.

Each color has meaning:


Black - Almost or is actually full custom

Dark Gray - Based in an IntSys icon

Red border + orange inside: Breaks palette limit for sake of being more accurate. Palette-complying alternatives are directly above.


Light green: I like this icon.

Light blue: I'm not sure if this icon is appropriate for the rank, or the item it is supposed to represent.

Dark blue: For one or more reasons, one or more parts of this icon are important and can't be changed. Usually the entirety of the construct.

Brown: I do not dislike, but do not like, this icon.

Feels good to be so done with that.

But now to do tomes. I hate doing tomes, ~-~

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They were NOT my friend for this. This project has been well over 6 months in the running.

6 hours ago, I sat down and FINISHED IT.

It was hard to make a human... and mauthe doog... and gwylligi... all have the same palette set.



[also I hope the Focus frames make you laugh. They made me laugh.]

I did take the base for the new pose, and hardly edited it, from the battle sprite competition because I'm super lazy.

Also mega wip mug.

Also very meh move-left/move-right frames. They animate fine, so I was just done with them.


In case it wasn't obvious enough the character is a shapeshifter.

Not really apparent in these stills: The Mauthe Doog and Gwylligi are edited.


More mentally taxing than doing literally all the weapon icons above, and I struggled to do a fair number of those.

Wirym could not be any harder to work with as a character. She just can't.

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Oh hey, first tall battle sprite I see in my life. Maybe you can start shading a little more so it can look good. I don't know how to sprite, or how to make mugs, but shading is an important part as far as I know. And a hard one too


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Oh hey, first tall battle sprite I see in my life. Maybe you can start shading a little more so it can look good. I don't know how to sprite, or how to make mugs, but shading is an important part as far as I know. And a hard one too

The battle sprite is already fully defined.

That human battle sprite is REALLY big, like 1.5x larger than the standard human size.

But it's not a human? :3

The map sprites have the same "this character is big"--and the in battle sprite reflects that.

Wirym's map sprite is 20 pixels high, her battle sprite 50.

The Cyclops itself (excluding axe) is 19 pixels high, and its battle sprite (excluding axe) is 60-62 pixels high. (including axe, it's 26/79-81)

Eliwood is 16 pixels tall, his battle sprite is 33 pixels tall.

This gives me a completely inconsistent conversion ratio, it seems that once a character reaches a certain size they follow different proportioning.

Hawkeye's/FE7 beserker map sprite is 18 pixels tall and the FE6 one is 17 pixels tall. Battle sprites for both are 36-38 pixels tall depending on how you measure.

Eirika and Amelia both have 15-pixel tall map sprites, but Eirika has a 34-pixel tall battle sprite and Amelia a 32-pixel tall battle sprite.

Ephraim has a 16 pixel-tall map sprite... and his battle sprite's 35 pixels tall.

[sheets used were the ones I had on-hand, sadly. I don't actually have Eliwood's sheet downloaded. :V I just know he's 33 pixels tall because I used his sheets as reference for multiple other characters in the past.]


Also, the shoulders on that mug are nearly non-existant.

Okay good, it's not just me. :S My friend gave me the sketch for this one and I always felt something was off about the collar but I couldn't place it because I'm really bad at telling things ><'

I should start her mug over again, then. Third time's the charm, right?

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So she's nearly the same size as a cyclops? That just seems unreasonable, unless she's some sort of 8 foot tall monster, she should be closer to ephraim/eirika's height. Map sprites scale is less important than battle sprite scale, you shouldn't say that she needs to be huge because her map sprite is a bit bigger.

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re: Toa: She's supposed to be monstrous. Her size did kind of run away from me (she's not supposed to be THAT tall), it was intentional that she be rather large and I designed her map sprites to be proportional to that.

However, you're right. She's too tall as it is, even though she's supposed to be tall it looks odd and out of place next to other sprites.

So now she's smaller. Only 38 pixels high this time, and I think she's a bit too short.

And comparison chart

edit: Oh right, in case you're wondering where the fur-legs came from: They were there on the map sprite to begin with. Since I had to FC a new idle anyway, I thought I'd leave some room in for the fur this time.

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I dig the changes you made for her, think they're a vast improvement over the old one.

(The fur legs give her more of a beastly feel and credence to the size difference imo, rather than just 'direct upscale human with furry tail'. The height she's at now seems like a good balance between tall and sturdy (any more height and I think it'd go towards looking frail).)

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