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How much freedom do you like in a video game?


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It depends on what kind of game it is. If it's a simulation game, I prefer lots of freedom. But if anything else, it usually doesn't matter that much to me.

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Depends on the type of game and genre, but generally I like a game with a wide variety of options but a tight focus on the main game.

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This include things like environment, items, story, classes, etc.

I like to be led down a good path and have options to choose other, potentially also good, paths.

Environment? There should be plenty to explore, but there should be some good purpose to it.

Items? There can be extra ones, but not a ton of variety, especially to the point where I'm confused as to what I should pick or have to spend lots of time focusing on it. Then it's just annoying. There should be good items, and then some unique or gimmicky items and some secret strong items, but I should always be fine with just using whatever naturally comes at me. That's how I like it, anyhow.

Story? I don't like tons of choices, honestly. I get worried about the end result. I like to experience the game and not miss out. Having choices is cool, and having slightly different endings is cool, but it does sort of bother me a little if it's so open that the story isn't really told and you just sort of piece a non-coherent story on your own, or if the story has so many different paths that you feel like there's no meaning to it. I prefer a more typical RPG story where it's "this is what happens, but the interpretation, exact order of events, etc. are up to you/can be fleshed out", with multiple endings being cool.

Classes/jobs? Again, I like things simple and I don't like having to make tons of choices, so I prefer each class or job or whatever has pretty clear cut strengths/weaknesses so I'm not doing dumb stuff like with items where it's "do I want a slightly faster attack speed while giving up a tiny bit of movement and defense, or do I want a HP and SP regen boost over the base attack damage with scimitars and the dexterity boost in rainy weather"

There are exceptions to pretty much all of these when they're well executed, the problem for me is that a lot of games over-complicate things will trying to add "depth" and it's just confusing and dumb and doesn't work and sort of frustrating for me because I'd rather spend my time on something that to me, actually matters... in other words, I want to spend more time fighting, not tweaking my equipment and character stats

personal prefs tho

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It depends on what kind of game it is. If it's a simulation game, I prefer lots of freedom. But if anything else, it usually doesn't matter that much to me.

Yeah, I'd say it does depend on the game.

For example...a Zelda? I'm in love with Zelda TP's world. Especially, Snowpeak.

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Yeah, I'd say it does depend on the game.

For example...a Zelda? I'm in love with Zelda TP's world. Especially, Snowpeak.

You have good taste. I like a lot of freedom in adventure games, but only if there is stuff to do. One of the reasons I prefer Twilight Princess to Skyward Sword is that TP's world had lot's of hidden collectables, sidequests, caves, and minigames, whereas SS's sky had... a bunch of empty rocks with the occasional chest.

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I perfer enough nontrivial gameplay custimization to add replay value(Ie letting you pick which characters or classes to use), but i like a tightly focused story. Final fantasy 5 is pretty much the happy medium for me(although that game has an intentionaly cheezy story). Much less custimization and i replay the game a few times at most(where as i can always return to fe5). Much more and i am paralyzed by indecision. Fire emblem games also do a good job with their's myrids of PCs, weapons, classes, ect.

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I like where games let you do as much as possible before taking your first real step into the real game. My only gripe is that not all games prevent me from becoming invincible after beating the tutorial. (I maxed out my Froakie's EVs as soon as the game began, he's now in his mid eighties and I'm at the 6th gym)

Also, love being able to chose the play style of the protagonist at least. That's why I love character customization. (Customization=Fun) I don't always want your boring balanced character that can't exceed at what I want him to. Also, with my overactive imagination, I can make any class canon in my head.

Lastly, I love/hate choices that alter the entire game. I love marrying a character in the game forever! I don't like the "grass is always greener on the other side" effect. All it does is create commitment issues since I am indecisive and may not want to waste 100+ hours of work for something I'll regret later. A little kick in right direction is sometimes needed.

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