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Your reaction about Ike's appearance in SSB4

Your reaction about Ike's appearance in SSB4?  

164 members have voted

  1. 1. How is your reaction that Ike is confirmed for SSB4?

  2. 2. Did you expect to see Ike in SSB4?

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Ike couldn't use Aether from a distance IIRC.

Uh, yes he could. I've had him do it before. In both of his games. I remember it better in PoR though, since it happened a bit more often there for me (because Aether's trigger rate was slightly higher there than in RD).

EDIT: Yeah. It IS similar, but not exactly the same. Ike's Aether delivers two blows, while the GBA mercs only do one. Then again, the second blow wasn't added in Brawl for some reason. Now I hope it is for SSB4. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm quite glad that Ike was confirmed, but it does irritate me that Ike of all characters gets a 10 page topic of hype while not even Marth or Rosalina got that much when they were revealed. Whatever. Had this been another forum, Ike praise would be a whole lot lesser in magnitude

I think now i need to change my avatar, signature, and make a topic about Rosalina, since everyone's favorite characters deserve their own giant parade obviously. It's not like SMG/SMG2/SM3DW hasn't sold better than the Tellius entries or anything.

And RD is my favorite Fire Emblem.

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Marth was a given, nobody was worried about him. People WERE worried about Ike though, his chances weren't 100%.

Also, I'm probably partly to blame for the Ike stuff. :P

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Marth was a given, nobody was worried about him. People WERE worried about Ike though, his chances weren't 100%.

Also, I'm probably partly to blame for the Ike stuff. :P

Just because it's a Fire Emblem site doesn't mean that other characters like Little Mac or Lucario don't deserve "hype."

Honestly, if Chrom is revealed, he won't get this big a topic, and if he does, it would be mainly complaints.

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Uh, yes he could. I've had him do it before. In both of his games. I remember it better in PoR though, since it happened a bit more often there for me (because Aether's trigger rate was slightly higher there than in RD).

Hey hey hey you.

Try telling that to the hacker that froze the game by trying to make it work a distance. (me)

Please do your research beforehand.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Uh, yes he could. I've had him do it before. In both of his games. I remember it better in PoR though, since it happened a bit more often there for me (because Aether's trigger rate was slightly higher there than in RD).

EDIT: Yeah. It IS similar, but not exactly the same. Ike's Aether delivers two blows, while the GBA mercs only do one. Then again, the second blow wasn't added in Brawl for some reason. Now I hope it is for SSB4. lol

I'm pretty sure that's what Quick Draw is

I'm quite glad that Ike was confirmed, but it does irritate me that Ike of all characters gets a 10 page topic of hype while not even Marth or Rosalina got that much when they were revealed. Whatever. Had this been another forum, Ike praise would be a whole lot lesser in magnitude

I think now i need to change my avatar, signature, and make a topic about Rosalina, since everyone's favorite characters deserve their own giant parade obviously. It's not like SMG/SMG2/SM3DW hasn't sold better than the Tellius entries or anything.

And RD is my favorite Fire Emblem.

the one for Marth actually had more pages than you'd think. Then again, it did eventually turn into a full out discussion for FE in Smash all together.

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No, Quick Draw is based off of Ike's generic critical (the one he uses as a Ranger anyway).

Wait, that just made me realize! Ike's critical as a Hero, which is what he is in Smash now, was different. Sakurai might give him that one instead now. :o

Edited by Anacybele
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Had this been another forum, Ike praise would be a whole lot lesser in magnitude

In other news, the sky is blue.

What the hell did you actually expect? Of course Ike got bigger hype here than Rosalina, it's a damn Fire Emblem forum. Marth probably didn't get as much hype because we all knew he'd be back, whereas Ike wasn't a guarantee. The fact that Ike got the biggest design update that any SSB character has gotten from one SSB to the next is also cause for discussion.

Just because it's a Fire Emblem site doesn't mean that other characters like Little Mac or Lucario don't deserve "hype."

No one said other characters don't deserve hype. However, on a Fire Emblem forum, which of the following three characters are you more likely to find fans of: Ike, Little Mac, or Lucario?
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Do you honestly think he'd update every little detail about him JUST because of a change in design? You're kinda pushing it here

Hey, I didn't say he would definitely do it, just that it's a possibility...

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The fact that Ike got the biggest design update that any SSB character has gotten from one SSB to the next is also cause for discussion.

I'd like to say Zero Suit has also gotten a pretty big design change, but it's just her other Other M outfit. There wasn't too much of a change besides silky hair, and rocket heels. (Which was never in featured in any Metroid games. I really hope it foreshadows Zero Suit's possible new abilities in a future Metroid game, if they happen to make one for the Wii U).

No one said other characters don't deserve hype. However, on a Fire Emblem forum, which of the following three characters are you more likely to find fans of: Ike, Little Mac, or Lucario?

I'd like to wager on "Ike". Though I am pretty excited about Little Mac being in. And Rosalina. And how Peach, Zelda, and Zero Suit are back. There's too many people I'm excited about :sweatdrop:

Edited by Carter
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I do agree that Ike got the most major design update. He not only has a different outfit, but he's taller, bulkier, got more muscle, and has a slightly different hairstyle. I love RD Ike the most though, so I'm glad Sakurai picked him! Totally fitting for Ike's playstyle too. ^^

And yeah, I'm excited for a bunch of characters this time too, come to think of it! There are even veterans that I didn't have any interest in using before but would like to try out now, like Charizard and Falco (even though Falco hasn't been revealed yet, I'm pretty sure he's staying. I liked him in Brawl and regret not trying him out some more there). And that's in addition to my mains and secondaries (Ike and Luigi for mains, Toon Link and Marth for secondaries) as well as one newcomer that I want to use (Rosalina).

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Hey, I didn't say he would definitely do it, just that it's a possibility...

Right, didn't mean any offense. just that your hype can get a bit overwhelming. My bad on that
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Right, didn't mean any offense. just that your hype can get a bit overwhelming. My bad on that

Oh, I didn't think you meant any offense. But yeah, I apologize, I probably have gotten a bit over-excited. :P It's just that I waited ever since it was first announced that Smash would be made for both the 3DS and Wii U to see Ike show up again (I wasn't worried about any of the other characters I used, I felt they were all guaranteed to return), but had a fear deep down that he would suffer the same fate Roy did. And dreaming about an Ike reveal four times only to wake up and find it's just a dream didn't help either. xP

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I was utterly disappointed in the ssb4 roster up until this point. I'm so glad they put Ike back in, especially in his "MAN" form. I can't wait to play as him. Though I have to confess, besides Ike and the veteran characters, I don't really like many of the new additions...

I'm not trying to start an argument, but am I the only one who thinks the Rosalina addition is kinda dumb?

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But you know, so many people expect Chrom or Lucina or something, but... I have a feeling Sakurai's gonna blow us away with a huge surprise. I don't know why this is, as Chrom at least would make sense, but still. A gut feeling tells me we're getting something more than a simple Chrom or Lucina or Avatar reveal.

Wanna know what I think? I think Sakurai's gonna bring back both Mewtwo and Roy, and reveal Ephraim as a playable character. That's right, I think we're getting FOUR Fire Emblem reps.

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Wanna know what I think? I think Sakurai's gonna bring back both Mewtwo and Roy, and reveal Ephraim as a playable character. That's right, I think we're getting FOUR Fire Emblem reps.

I still think Hector would make the best fire emblem brawler out of all the lords.

Unfortunately, my hopes were shattered when they just shrugged off fe7 in melee.

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hm, lemme dig up what i said in the other topic...

edit: welp, can't find it. it was basically me saying the chances were marth > ike = chrom > lucina = roy > miccy

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That would definitely be something that no one is expecting, and I agree that Ephraim would SO be awesome. But I dunno. Just have to wait and see. lol

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I mainly think Roy will be back because a bunch of people wanted him back, plus Sakurai liked his design, plus he was supposed to be in Brawl so Sakurai had originally wanted 3 FE reps anyway, so making that a reality while bringing in a newcomer seems plausible in my mind. He may not be as iconic as Ike for the FE series, but he's definitely in the top five, he's gotta have some credit for helping introduce the west to it. And I suspect Ephraim because all the newcomers seem to have unique movesets, I'd agree with those who say Sakurai is wanting a unique cast of newcomers this time around. Ephraim fits that bill more than any other main FE character, save Hector. Chrom would have sword attacks, as would Lucina, even if their reclass options were taken into consideration. Michaiah would probably play somewhat similar to Zelda. And Robin? I feel he'd be more unique since he/she would probably use both swords AND magic, but being an avatar character...I dunno. Yeah there's the Villager, but...*shrugs* I dunno.

Anyway, yay Ike's back, yay! There may be lots of other FE characters I like more than him, but I still like him, so yay!

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