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[FE8] Affinity Spam Draft

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Prologue; 3/3
Chapter 1; 5/8
Chapter 2; Didn't write it down. 6 sounds reasonable though. Undrafted Vanessa is allowed to rescue NPCs, but Ross is the exception!

Chapter 3; 7/21. Eirika solo was too slow, so I #yolo'd and using Neimi instead. I'm sure I won't regret this!

Chapter 4; 6+4/31. I forgot how brutal Eirika solo. (Neimi can AIM AT THE EYES OF GOHMA but not much else). Garcia helped. Ferried him around with Seth and Vanessa since it's totally in the rules!

Chapter 5; 6/37. Maybe this could've gone faster, but I just want to finish it. Eirika moved into the forest on turn 3, everything melee died and Joshua recruited. Eirika went to get the Armorslayer, Vanessa Pegexed it to Josh and he smashed boss's face in.

Chapter 5x; 7/44. That's never occurred to me, thanks Horace.

Chapter 6; 5/49. Eirika pulled an Elincia and disarmed in front of the enemy army, but she sat in the forest and let her insane avo pull her through. Neimi sat on a mountain and took potshots while Josh ran up and smashed boss's face in. Thanks to that troubadour getting near Novala, I snagged her Elixir and Josh could crit-kill boss on the EP.

Chapter 7; 7/56

Eirika went swimming. It wouldn't have been any faster with a Vanessa penalty, and this way I could feed Neimi up to level 8.30

Chapter 8; 12/68

Those knights. Why did I drop Lute? I could not get past them quickly enough without using up most of the Armorslayer, and unlike in Chapter 6 there was no cover and boss is not wimp so Joshua needed more rig than I'm comfortable with to smash his face in. So I WENT WEST A BIT and helped Ephraim and Forde get through. There was enough feedage to get Neimi to level 10 so then it was rein(ger) time. Ephraim was escorted to the boss and Eirika seized because gameplay mechanics.

Eirika   14.67 25 09 13 16 15 07 05 
Joshua   12.58 30 09 17 19 07 05 03
Neimi  10/1.73 25 09 13 13 09 07 09
Ephraim   9.92 25 11 12 14 10 09 03
Forde     9.94 27 08 09 10 09 08 02

FORDE SO CLOSE. But I think I'd want a few more levels in him first anyway.

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your whole team is almost faster than ross :(

also lol Neimi

in other news, father in son is being a bitch because L'Arachel keeps getting silenced and Cormag keeps getting berserked. I hate this chapter in drafts. It's pretty cool design wise.



Franz and Cormag lead the charge, after being barriered up by L'Arachel. Ross escorted Colm to the chest room, where he got the goods there (hammerne, 10000g, guiding ring). The boss was a major issue though:


like WTF FE8 you're supposed to have easy bosses! He has S Lances too, so he actually had 9 crit on Franz, who sat in front of him with the armourslayer. Cormag finished him with the Heavy spear after being unberserked by L'Arachel.

Franz got a talisman and Cormag got a dragonshield.

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    18.92  36 15 17 20 13 12 03 A LANCE
FRANZ   15/09.63  39 20 13 18 08 14 09 S LANCE C SWORD
ROSS    16/03.47  35 23 14 13 16 12 07 S AXE
GARCIA  15/01.65  40 18 16 11 06 13 05 A AXE C SWORD
COLM       15.24  27 09 08 17 17 09 05 C SWORD
CORMAG  12/04.39  39 19 14 18 07 17 03 A LANCE
L'ARACHEL  06.69  19 09 08 10 14 06 09 C STAFF
EWAN    11/01.00  31 12 13 16 13 06 16 A ANIMA D STAFF


Eirika killing Edged the Mercs and Berserker to the north, and Cormag arrived to help her out with the pegasus knights. Ross went north and Garmed Caellach and retrieved warp, while everyone else charged at Valter, with Franz getting the kill with a dragonspear.

Yeah, that's about it really. I wish L'Arachel could promote so she could warp, she's at B and a half.

EIRIKA     15.41  28 09 16 19 15 06 06 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    19.86  37 15 18 20 14 12 04 A LANCE
FRANZ   15/11.05  41 22 14 20 09 15 09 S LANCE C SWORD
ROSS    16/04.89  35 23 14 13 17 12 08 S AXE
GARCIA  15/02.34  41 19 16 11 06 13 05 A AXE C SWORD
COLM    15/01.67  30 10 08 17 17 11 07 B SWORD
CORMAG  12/05.29  39 20 15 18 07 17 03 S LANCE
L'ARACHEL  08.49  20 13 09 11 16 06 10 B STAFF
EWAN    11/03.13  33 12 14 17 14 07 17 A ANIMA D STAFF

Gave L'Arachel 2 energy rings, i have a plan.


L'Arachel used two uses of hammerne on random shit, I think Garm (which had 2 uses gone) and a killer lance, so she hit warp. She went north, and Warped Franz over the wall, and he ran into the throne room, where he killed Orson with the killer lance. Ephraim promoted! As did Eirika, but she's pretty bad comparitively.

EIRIKA      15.41  28 09 16 19 15 06 06 B SWORD
EPHRAIM   20/01.00  41 18 22 22 14 14 09 A LANCE
FRANZ     15/11.86  41 22 14 20 09 15 09 S LANCE C SWORD
ROSS      16/04.89  35 23 14 13 17 12 08 S AXE
GARCIA    15/02.34  41 19 16 11 06 13 05 A AXE C SWORD
COLM      15/01.67  30 10 08 17 17 11 07 B SWORD
CORMAG    12/05.47  39 20 15 18 07 17 03 S LANCE
L'ARACHEL    11.17  20 15 11 14 18 06 11 A STAFF
EWAN      11/03.20  33 12 14 17 14 07 17 A ANIMA D STAFF
MYRRH        05.21  19 19 15 08 04 23 30 DRAGON


Warped Cormag and he owned him with Rennac's spear.


Ewan hit C Staves here. L'Arachel, who got the boots, rescued and warped people places, and used the last charge of Hammerne to repair warp once again. That's it really, just routed the enemy.


Warped Cormag to the boss, and he did the job.


Unfourtunately didn't have enough warp range, so had to warp Cormag hauling Ephraim. Eph killed the boss without issue.


L'Arachel warped Ross to in front of Lyon, and he killed him with Garm on the enemy phase.

as for the final boss, a combination of Ephraim, Eirika, Ross, and Myrrh did the job.

EIRIKA    15/04.23  32 14 21 24 18 11 14 A SWORD
EPHRAIM   20/13.45  50 25 24 24 19 16 12 S LANCE
FRANZ     15/16.89  47 24 16 22 11 15 12 S LANCE B SWORD
ROSS      16/17.75  48 30 20 16 22 16 09 S AXE
GARCIA    15/06.45  45 22 20 12 09 15 07 S AXE B SWORD
COLM      15/03.12  31 10 08 17 19 13 08 A SWORD
CORMAG    12/14.55  45 24 18 21 10 18 05 S LANCE
L'ARACHEL 11/18.14  34 24 19 21 30 15 19 S STAFF A ANIMA
EWAN      11/11.19  39 17 17 22 20 08 22 S ANIMA C STAFF

Well, this turned out better than expected, I was a little worried when Franz had kind of a lame start, but even a mediocre Franz is pretty OP early on, and he ended up turning out OK (although he actually missed doubling some bosses almost).

Ephraim is like the best lord to rescue drop ever since you can drop him and he won't die, Ross was pretty slow but he hit like a truck so all was well, and Garm fixed up his issues lategame. Garcia did very little but exist and help in the early chapters, Colm stole that one energy ring and existed and had oddly high defence and really bad skill, Cormag was totally hax for his entire life, L'Arachel managed to start warping juuuust on time, and Ewan contributed actually quite a bit by having a pony and pretty good offence! So much better than Neimi! Take that Baldo.

it's been a really long time since i've done Ephraim route, so that's cool too.

Edited by General Horace
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Noooo I knew I should have taken Ewan instead.

Chapter 9; 18/86

I don't know whether it's because I'm rusty, or my team isn't good, but this chapter went terribly. I simply couldn't pass the Sniper without getting murdered by him or the waves of enemies. So I sat back and waited until they stopped coming. Tana brought Joshua over to clear out the boss area, which he somehow managed, then returned to help the others. I haven't been stripping the undrafted units so I ran out of Vulneraries, which made things a bit hairy near the end.

Chapter 10; 7/93

Is 3-turning this chapter in drafts a thing? It was my plan, but even if weighed down Tana survived the Ballistae, Eirika wouldn't have been able to ORKO the boss short of a double Rapier crit, since Killing Edge weighs too much. So Joshua was dropped inside the door on turn 2 and fought his way up. Eirika followed while Forde and Tana got some kills.

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math is hard

+ 2 - 1 = 100 TURNS

I doubt there's a reliable way to three turn chapter 10 with your team Baldrick, you'd probably need an OP Vanessa to do it in a draft honestly.

DOUBLE EDIT: I added 6 turns in chapter 18, actually TC is 100.

wow that was acutally kind of good for a draft looking at past results, apparently it's my best! Well Played, myself, especially considering my warper was L'Arachel and I went Eph route.

Edited by General Horace
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Noooo I knew I should have taken Ewan instead.

Chapter 9; 18/86

I don't know whether it's because I'm rusty, or my team isn't good, but this chapter went terribly. I simply couldn't pass the Sniper without getting murdered by him or the waves of enemies. So I sat back and waited until they stopped coming. Tana brought Joshua over to clear out the boss area, which he somehow managed, then returned to help the others. I haven't been stripping the undrafted units so I ran out of Vulneraries, which made things a bit hairy near the end.

That Sniper is EVILLLLL! I'm not sure how a draft team could do significantly better; maybe with a killer Franz? My Kyle certainly required babying here.

math is hard

+ 2 - 1 = 100 TURNS

I doubt there's a reliable way to three turn chapter 10 with your team Baldrick, you'd probably need an OP Vanessa to do it in a draft honestly.

DOUBLE EDIT: I added 6 turns in chapter 18, actually TC is 100.

wow that was acutally kind of good for a draft looking at past results, apparently it's my best! Well Played, myself, especially considering my warper was L'Arachel and I went Eph route.

*looks at your final turncount*

*looks at my current turncount*

Welp. Light OP plz nerf.

Edited by SwordofAeons
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Doing some quick research, a killer Franz can reduce the count to ~12 turns. Not that much but it all adds up.

I have been wondering how Seth being free for a while would affect the balance of the units. Compared to FE7, which has HNM as the standard, a lot of early units come in the second chapter, a lord who can handle being on his own better, and many free training chapters, it seems strange that Marcus is the Jeigan that's free.

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I think having Seth as a draftable unit that can start being used in chapter 9 would be fair, because whoever doesn't have Franz/Vanessa just gets slaughtered in that chapter. Joshua is really good against the sniper too, but I guess he can't lure him very well.

He wouldn't be any stronger than Franz at that point and would be worse than Vanessa. Maybe even usable in chapter 8. That still shafts the 4th pick though, although if you're 4th pick in a standard FE8 draft, you're pretty much SOL anyway.

Edited by General Horace
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I know Seth isn't just straight up free because he can solo the game, and his special penalty implies he can typically save over four turns in at least one chapter. Making him free up until say chapter 10 (at least for Eirika route) and then banned afterward is interesting. I don't see any blatant problems with the idea; know if it's been tried?

In other news, gorram Chapter 12. Even playing casually I had to sit around and wait for the spiders to get off the gorram mountains. Rout maps with reinforcements that spawn behind you just grate on me. Eventually found a way to push Kyle through to the Barrier house on turn 3, which made Natasha very happy. Turn 7 and I've got Kyle sitting in front of the boss that he's two points of damage shy of a killer lance critkill, surrounded by like seven gargoyles that he can't ORKO with a javelin, and the boss has a 52% chance of hitting Kyle for 75% of his life. Thought I'd be able to 8-turn this one, but nope. Gonna set this aside for a while.

Edited by SwordofAeons
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The problem with having free Seth for the first 10 chapters is it's like half the game where people are going to have similar turn counts, and it doesn't prevent Franz and Vanessa from stomping, they do even better with Seth.

Edited by General Horace
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Ok guys, since I'm still at chapter 7 after a lot of time and still couldn't do it I'll have to ask you: is a 3 turn of this chapter possible without rng abuse (considering my team)?

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Chapter 7 4/46 I surrender, that was the best I could do. Vanessa can't really dodge so much, so I decided to go with this. Gilliam got SPEED.

Chapter 8 7/53 Thanks to Vanessa's absurd Def, this wasn't so bad. My units went north, Vanessa used the Steel Lance to chip the thwomps and Gilliam cleared her path with Eirika and then he killed the other thwomps. He got a(nother) bad level! Vanessa took Eirika to the boss: she used the last 2 uses of her rapier to ORKO the boss (had to rig a crit though).

Went Ephraim route because Duessel and earlier Whip for Vanessa.

Unit    Lvl  HP  Str/Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weaponlevel
Ephraim 10   28  14       12   14   10   8    2    C (Lance)
Gilliam 10/2 34  12       10   7    6    17   9    E (Sword) B (Lance) D (Axe)
Moulder 5    22  6        7    9    2    2    6    B (Stave)
Vanessa 12   22  12       13   18   9    10   8    B (Lance)

Vanessa and Gilliam have same Str. Kill me plz k thx

Chapter 9 19/72 Why does this need to be so terrible? I really could go faster, but unfortunatly I forgot to buy a restore staff for Moulder, so I had to wait till Ephraim had awaken :/ could be a 16/17 turn, but well. Amelia got. Didn't bother with any chest.

Unit    Lvl  HP  Str/Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weaponlevel
Ephraim 13   31  15       14   16   12   8    4    B (Lance)
Gilliam 10/3 34  12       11   8    6    18   9    E (Sword) B (Lance) C (Axe)
Moulder 7    24  7        8    10   2    3    6    B (Stave)
Vanessa 16   24  13       15   20   10   11   9    A (Lance)
Amelia  BASE

Looks like Gilliam decided to start getting Speed. His Str is still shit though.

Edited by Genarog
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That durability though. Better than my whole team at chapter 17.

Chapter 11; 13/106

Rout + FOW is really good. Forde went down the west side, slowly so that the reinforcements at the starting area could keep up with him. The others worked their way through the building and they met up around where LArachel is.

Chapter 12; 10/116

Forde charged ahead and took the brunt of the enemy attack, Tana flew up the mountains, and the others followed Forde and killed whatever he couldnt.

Chapter 13; 3/119

Saleh was dropped on the north fort and cleared out almost the entire enemy squad in one EP, what a champ. I was debating whether to wait for Cormag for the Whip but decided against it.


Carrying my team right now.

Chapter 14; 9/128

Charge up the eastern side, recruit Rennac, win. Saleh and Forde killed the boss.

Chapter 15; 11/139

This chapter was a mess. Joshua and Forde went to Caellach, then Forde decided Josh could handle and went down the west side to help with the reinforcement squad. Tana and Rennac teamed up to get the Boots and the Silver Card, the latter in hindsight was a waste of time since her mobility is quite useful here. Eirika stayed where she was, Tana, Neimi and Tethys went down to backup Saleh, and Rennac got Warp. I could have saved a turn if I had kept Forde or Tana around the top, since the shaman reinforcements took a while for Eirika and Joshua to plow through.

Chapter 16; 7/146

Everyone gathered at the staircase into the throne room, then charged. Once I survived the EP I was set and could pick off the enemies on my way to Orson. Rennac and Joshua created a wall of pacifism to hold off the enemies from the SW.

Eirika 19/1.00 32 13 18 21 18 10 11
Joshua 18/8.22 45 17 23 23 12 10 07
Neimi  10/7.40 29 14 16 15 11 09 10
Eph    19/1.00 38 19 21 22 15 16 12
Forde  16/7.75 42 13 14 17 18 13 07
Tana   17/1.71 35 13 17 22 16 07 10
Saleh     9.33 33 18 18 18 14 11 16
Rennac    2.94 28 10 16 18 05 09 11
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I'll have to ask, can I use undrafted!Natasha to help Amelia get to level 10 in Valni? Or do I have to Vulneraryspam?

I've never actually done the Tower, but if it works like skirmishes you could fight then flee. That way no enemy phase to murder your recruit. If that doesn't work, undrafted Natasha sounds fine.

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I've never actually done the Tower, but if it works like skirmishes you could fight then flee. That way no enemy phase to murder your recruit. If that doesn't work, undrafted Natasha sounds fine.

Thanks! I really didn't know how retreat actually worked, I thought it would reset the Exp to before Valni.

Chapter 10 5/77 Vanessa rescued Gilliam to the boss and he killed him with the Halberd. Got Duessel at the end of the chapter and the Knight Crest for Amelia too. Promoted Vanessa to Wyvern Knight, still I don't know whether I did the right choice... Oh well.

Unit    Lvl  HP  Str/Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weaponlevel
Ephraim 14   32  15       15   17   12   8    4    B (Lance)
Gilliam 10/4 35  13       11   9    6    19   9    E (Sword) B (Lance) C (Axe)
Moulder 7    24  7        8    10   2    3    6    B (Stave)
Vanessa 17/1 28  15       17   22   10   12   11   A (Lance)
Amelia  2    26  9        10   11   10   3    7    E (Sword) D (Lance)
Duessel BASE

Geez, Duessel is so much better than Gilliam, even though Gilliam has started to get nice levels recently

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SS drafts are strange. The beginning is quick, the middle is a chore, the end is quick if you have a good warper. Let's knock off this draft tonight.

Used the Energy Ring Ewan brings on Saleh for an extra tile of Warp.

Chapter 17; 2/148

Tana flew ahead, Ephraim was Warped turn 2 after Saleh hit A Staves on the first turn. They teamed up on Lyon.

Chapter 18; 7/155

I love you too, rout maps. Saleh and Joshua south, Tana and Ephraim north, everyone else through the centre.

Chapter 19; 1/156

Ferry Joshua forward, dance him, Warp him. He engaged Riev and finished him off on the EP.

Chapter 20; 2/158

Eirika ferried Ephraim forward and Saleh double-Warped them to kill Morva then seize.

Chapter F; 3+1/162

Turn 1, Myrrh chugged a Pure Water (only time I used it gg) and was ferried forward, Saleh Hammerned Warp, was danced, and Warped her next to a skeleton near Lyon. Turn 2, Ephraim was Warped forward, cleared the Gorgon in the way, and Myrrh sat next to Lyon and used an Elixir. Meanwhile, Tana flew over. Turn 3, Tana cleared an enemy in the way, Joshua was Warped forward because I screwed up a calculation and Ephraim was OHKO'd by Lyon, and Myrrh finished him.

Saleh Rescued Myrrh forward, Joshua was danced forward and Ephraim could reach Formotis from his starting position. Between the three of them, they were able to take out the boss.

Unit Analysis:












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