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Best pairs in the game?


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I found these pairings are the best ones, tell me what you think

Olivia x Henry

Lon'qu x Cherche

Gerome x Noire

Frederick x Panne

I especially love Henry x Olivia <3

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I found these pairings are the best ones, tell me what you think

Olivia x Henry

Lon'qu x Cherche

Gerome x Noire

Frederick x Panne

I especially love Henry x Olivia <3

Not efficiency-wise they're not.

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Lon'qu gives Gerome neither Bowfaire nor Axefaire, and is thus inferior to Vaike, Gregor, Henry, and Stahl. Henry gives Inigo Vengeance, but is in higher demand than Libra, doesn't give Tomefaire and has class overlap. Gerome x Severa has more uses and performs better in general than Gerome x Noire. Frederick is one of Yarne's best fathers, but he doesn't cover every single base (no Hit+20) so he's not definitively the best.

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I normally pair up Avatar with Olivia because I use Azure a lot plus Vengeance and Ignis helps(and personal favouritism to the pairing). Chrom and Sumia go together because it's a lot easier for me to get Galeforce on Lucina and Miracle. Henry and Cherche are paired up because of Vengeance and Tomebreaker.

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I'm a Lon'qu x Cherche fan so I approve. ^^

I also like Frederick with Panne, though I like him with a lot of ladies. lol Those being Female Avatar (OTP <3), Cordelia, Cherche, and Panne so far. I wouldn't mind him with Emmeryn either if they had a support. :)

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Story wise: Lon'qu/Cherche because she helps him move on a bit from his trauma.

Strategy wise: Probably MU/Child Unit based on your favoured skills because this usually makes a OP Morgan, and team if you play your cards right.

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Vaike X Lissa for backstory and blond Owain.

Stahl X Sully for the Red/Green pair.

Henry X Miriel for SCIENCE and super Laurent

Chrom X Sumia because plot

Gaius X Maribelle for backstory once again

Gregor X Panne because it explains why Yarne is such a coward

Frederick X Cordelia, can't you see how much they love Chrom each other?

Donnel X Nowi because lolis and shotas belong together and Ricken sucks

M!Robin Kellam X Tharja because, again, more back story and black haired Noire.

Lon'qu X Olivia because they're both connected to Basilio. Also, doubleshy moe.

Virion X Cherche for the lord X lady knight ship.

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Pairing for Aesthetics is cool, but having double class overlap generally isn't. I'd never do this pairing for Laurent's sake.

My preferences are exclusively story based.

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Pairing for Aesthetics is cool, but having double class overlap generally isn't. I'd never do this pairing for Laurent's sake.

Yet if Henry is free but no Vantage-giving parents are, he at least gives a +1 mag modifier.

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In rare cases where Henry is free and all the Vantage parents are taken, the loss of swapping a Vantage parent with Henry never outweighs the benefit of giving Laurent Vantage. You could, for example, use Lon'qu!Severa, Gregor!Gerome and Stahl!Nah and say the Vantage parents are all taken, but Henry is perfectly serviceable (and possibly better) in Gerome and Nah's cases.

Even if you don't care about other pairings, children are almost always better than their parents in a vacuum, and how good they are is measured by how much they outperform a no-father version of themselves. In Henry!Laurent's case, he outperforms Nobody!Laurent by 1 Mag, 2 Skl and Thief, a class he doesn't need. That's a pretty small difference.

Again, pairing for aesthetics are fine, but gameplay wise Henry x Miriel just isn't that good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My personal preference:

Chrom x Sumia

Gaius x Lissa

Virion x Olivia

Henry x Maribelle

Stahl x Sully

Gregor x Cordelia

Vaike x Cherche (Gerome switch to Dread Fighter for +10 res skill)

Frederick x Panne

Ricken x Miriel

Lon'qu x Tharja

Kellam x Nowi

Male Robin (Mag+, Str-) x Anna/Aversa

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Oh, if we're doing lists, I have mine in my profile, but I'll put them here too just for kicks. :)

Frederick x Female Avatar

Frederick x Cordelia (if I ever do a male Avatar)

Chrom x Olivia

Donnel x Lissa

Stahl x Cordelia

Lon'qu x Cherche

Gaius x Maribelle

Vaike x Sully

Ricken x Nowi

Virion x Panne

Kellam x Miriel

Henry x Sumia

Gregor x Tharja

Gerome x Lucina

Inigo x Severa

Male Morgan x Severa (personal headcanon because I ship Inigo with an OC there)

Male Morgan x Noire

Owain x Cynthia

Yarne x Nah

Laurent x Kjelle (leftovers decision really)

I know, I've left the priests alone (Libra and Brady), poor priests. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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All of your are objectively wrong because the best pairs in the game are the ones inaccessible without hacking.

They're *THAT* special.

Chrom x MaMU

Chrom x Validar

Chrom x Lissa

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Fave kid pairs:

Lucina/Inigo (though I also like Gerome and M!Morgan)






Kjelle doesn't deserve love is strong woman who don't need no man.

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Completely forgot about the kid pairings.
(Honestly I don't usually marry them off because of all the Ho Yay they have, but I might in my Rohesia file, so here's my game plan)

M!Morgan - Either Lucina or Nah

Gerome - He's married to Rohesia, my current avatar

Inigo - Severa (Said he likes grumpy girls when he hit on Rohesia - 3- )

Owain - Probably Cynthia

Brady - I'm considering Noire

Kjelle - Yarne

Laurent - Either Lucina or Nah, whoever doesn't marry Morgan

(When it comes to F!Morgan, in my Aiden file she's Inigo's sister and I'm thinking of marrying her off to Owain just for the cute supports and that comedic brother-in-law duo. xD If not him, then Gerome or Brady.)

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Lon'qu/Anyone really. For now, I'm leaning more towards Maribelle.


In regards to child pairs, there's M!Morgan/Nah, M!Morgan/Kjelle, Inigo/Severa, and Cynthia/Gerome.

That's all I can think of for now. I haven't played the game enough to develop preferences except in regards to Chrom/Olivia.

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Other than Male Morgan/Nah, I don't really have preferences. Also, I see this is another thread where "best" was used, but instead, we're mostly talking about favorite pairs.

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Chrom x Sumia

Lon'qu x Lissa

kellam x sully

vaike x miriel

Ricken x Maribelle

Frederick x Panne

Stahl x Cordelia

Gregor x Sully

Gaius x Tharja

Henry x Olivia

MaMu x Lucina


All of your are objectively wrong because the best pairs in the game are the ones inaccessible without hacking.
They're *THAT* special.

Chrom x MaMU
Chrom x Validar
Chrom x Lissa

Don't forget Chrom x Old Nurse Nan.

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