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Characters that should have been in Spot Pass/Online Battles


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Spot pass was a cool feature. You got to see the best of Fire Emblem units so to speak. All the heroes and villains just showing up for you to recruit them with nice little indicators of their game hidden in their battle and abilities. And they all get together and show themselves off in many of the DLC battles. But due to limits in balancing gameplay, limits in Artwork or limits in effort, not every significant character managed to find a place in Awakening. What characters do you think should have showed up in Awakening but didn't.

Personally, even though I haven't played his game and only just found out about his existence, I think Rudolf from Gaiden should have got in. He seems like a pretty major character from what little I know and as a concept he's a great idea. A quick look also shows that Gaiden's spotpass was severely lacking in actual villains so it would have been nice to have a few more in there.

Another character that I think should have shown up is Reptor (and to a lesser extent Langobalt). It's easy to forget because Manfroy and Alvis won out in the end, but these guys are the main antagonists of the first generation of Genealogy. They were manipulated into doing it all but they're still the ones who murdered Prince Kurt branded Sigurd a Traitor and killed his father. That's all kind of important stuff. Reptor is even the final enemy of the first generation. When you beat him you win. The only issue I can see here would be translating the Baron class over to Awakening, Reptor in particular wouldn't really seem suited to the General or Sage classes.

Finally I really think a lot of the Manaketes got completely shafted due to balancing the game. We got Tiki alright but she was already in the game. I would have much preferred Idoun or Dheginsea over little Tiki (as much as I love little Tiki, she simply wasn't needed).

And someone other than Micaiah should have got Shadow Gift. Julius or Garnef, actual characters who use Dark Magic and were corrupted by darkness instead of one of the series most notable light mages. Oh well, Dark Magic Pegasus is still awesome.

Edited by Jotari
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But since all StreetPass teams can't double, players are always sure win against them unless the StreetPass team pops at Prologue - which limits player's launch limit.

This made the StreetPass team building a little bit worthless.

Besides that, you can't use any SpotPass & DLC character in StreetPass unless you play Japanese version.

This is caused by an unfixable bug which only exists in USA/EUR version.

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Nagi (since Tiki already has a regular version), Wendy (because it would be nice to have her kick arse for once), and Gatrie.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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