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If You Could Send Your Past Self One Screenshot of Brawl and SSB4...


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This is a weird yet fun topic I thought up a few days ago.

If you could send one screenshot of Brawl and SSB4 each to your past self, so your past self would know for sure about certain elements being in the game, what would the screenshot be of? The Brawl screenshot would be sent around 2006-2008 and the SSB4 screenshot would be sent around 2011-2014, with the exact time or date in those ranges being free for you to pick. Feel free to assume things for SSB4 like Palutena being playable and you wanting to leak that to your past self

For example, if you really wanted Lucario and King Dedede to be in Brawl back before Brawl was released, you'd probably send yourself a screenshot of those two characters holding ray guns or something, so you'd know they'd be in as playable characters and not background characters or assist trophies, since only playable characters can hold items.

Also, you cannot send your past self a screenshot of the game roster or the playable character's trophy screens, since that'd be way too cheap.

EDIT: You also cannot send yourself info regarding stock market, sports events, and such in order to try to rake in cash. It's restricted to Smash Bros. info leaking only.

Using the Stage Builder to make stages that spell out Smash Bros. info is okay, though. I actually wish I thought of that myself.

For Brawl: I'd send myself a picture of Luigi, Ness, Marth, and Lucario on Spear Pillar.

Back in the Brawl days, way too many people assumed that Ness and Marth would be cut for Lucas and Ike, so I'd want those two in the screenshot to prove them wrong. Luigi, I'd want in the screenshot just to confirm to those people who thought that "that article said no more clones, so Luigi will be cut" that Sakurai wouldn't cut someone as iconic and popular as Luigi for such a trivial reason (I know thinking Luigi would be cut is pretty dumb, but I might as well get it through those guys' heads). Lucario was my most wanted character in Brawl, so of course I'd want to show that off to my past self. I'd leak Spear Pillar to my past self since it's a really cool looking stage and I'd want to confirm to my past self that 4th Gen Pokemon aren't too recent and new to make it in the next Smash Bros.

For SSB4: It's quite hard to think of one, especially since everything isn't revealed yet. I'd definitely have Marth, Rosalina, and Greninja in there.

Marth, to show the "cut Marth for Lucina" supporters that they're not cutting the series icon for the flavour of the month (no offense to Lucina, but she shouldn't be making it in over the face of the series). Rosalina is a character I wanted quite a lot to be playable in SSB4, but for the longest time I thought her chances of being in were slim to none (until things like her playable appearance in Super Mario 3D World and the Mario Kart Arcade GP DX update including her as a playable character), so I'd show her off to my past self so I'd have a newcomer that I'd really be looking forward to. Greninja, I'd show to my past self to give myself a sneak peak at 6th Gen Pokemon and to show that just like in Brawl, they're keeping SSB4 really up to date regarding Pokemon, and that they're keeping with the tradition of having a playable Pokemon from the current generation. As for the 4th character and the stage, I can't think of any that are currently revealed right now that I'd want to leak to my past self quite strongly. Maybe I'll have Lucario in there (just to show off that Lucario isn't going the way of Mewtwo) and I'll probably have the stage be the Final Destination version of Mario Galaxy (since I can't exactly say to my past self "each stage is getting a Final Destination" version in screenshots, that's the next best thing.).

Edited by Randoman
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I don't think I would send myself anything of Brawl, I wasn't really into Smash yet. I played Melee, but I didn't like its fast pacing. I learned of Brawl rather late. :P I guess all I would do is send a note saying that Brawl is slower paced.

But as for SSB4, I'd send myself an Ike pic so I wouldn't have to be afraid of him being cut. That should be obvious. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I don't think I would send myself anything of Brawl, I wasn't really into Smash yet. I played Melee, but I didn't like its fast pacing. I learned of Brawl rather late. :P I guess all I would do is send a note saying that Brawl is slower paced.

But as for SSB4, I'd send myself an Ike pic so I wouldn't have to be afraid of him being cut. That should be obvious. lol

Fair enough for Brawl. I mean, there's not much point in leaking things to yourself about a game series you're not even into yet.

Just Ike for SSB4, though? I mean, I thought you'd also want to leak Rosalina and Charizard X to your past self, since you like both of them as well. I mean, you might as well make the most of the leaked screenshot you're sending yourself and leak as much info in that one screenshot as possible.

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For Brawl:

I'd let myself know that Samus was actually a girl, and the girl inside was Zero Suit. I'd then be able to learn about Zero Suit earlier, and kick butt earlier (and better! More skills, since I'd know about her).

For SSB4:

I'd tell myself that Peach, Zelda, and Zero Suit were confirmed once again. I can't live without those three. Zero Suit is my main, Peach my second, and Zelda my third. If they were to ever create a 6-Player brawl, my team would kick some major butt. I'd also leak Rosalina like Harmonie, but it's not that big of a deal. I'm way more excited about Peach, Zelda, and Zero Suit.

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For Brawl, I'd send myself a screenshot of a stage builder stage named "Bet on Giants SB XLII". If that's not allowed, probably a stage named "RIP Mewtwo" (to reveal that there is a stage builder, and, of course, that Mewtwo won't be returning), with Pokemon Trainer using Charizard (Charizard is my favorite Pokemon), Sonic (not a Sonic fan, but he was one of the most hotly debated characters before his reveal), Ike (FE9 was my first FE game, and Ike was one of my most wanted newcomers at the time), and Falco (He was my third most likely cut from Melee after Pichu and Dr. Mario, so seeing that he's still there would be a shock)

Not sure what I'd send myself from SSB4. Maybe a stage named after winning lottery numbers, if Stage Builder is back. If Shulk or an Awakening Rep is in the game, I'd send a screenshot of them.

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Just Ike for SSB4, though? I mean, I thought you'd also want to leak Rosalina and Charizard X to your past self, since you like both of them as well. I mean, you might as well make the most of the leaked screenshot you're sending yourself and leak as much info in that one screenshot as possible.

Rosalina, yeah, not a bad idea. But Charizard X I wouldn't have been that upset about if he didn't get in. I like it, but not THAT much lol. I would have the shot featuring Ike using a blue-flamed Great Aether if that's what he's gonna end up with. :D

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I can't live without those three. Zero Suit is my main, Peach my second, and Zelda my third.

You mains are the opposite order of mine. How coincidental is that\

A picture of Zelda, telling my past self to start playing Zelda as my main.

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For Brawl I got nothing

I didn't play too many games wen I was that young so I didn't care back then

For SSB4, I'd send myself a picture of Greninja and Little Mac fighting each other, because then I'd know about Greninja before Pokemon Gen 6, and I'd be so excited for the game just for Little Mac

At least up until Nintendo starting adding characters I don't like to the roster

Then I'd lose my excitement all over again

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For SSBB: I don't really have a clue. I got my Wii and Brawl a while after it came out, so I knew what was in the game beforehand.

For SMB4: Something with Megaman, RD!Ike, MegaZardX, and Greninja I guess. Maybe replace MegaZardX with an Awakening rep if there is one. I'm not quite sure.

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In both cases, would submit a image that was already available on the date that i sent it to with detailed horse racing and stock market information hidden inside(because future me would only send such an image with an ulterior motive). If that would not work, my brawl image would be a picture of ike, as a hint to obtain fe 9-10 back when doing so was reasonable(he must be from a good game, or future me would not care).

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For SSBB, I'd send myself a picture of when I had two Kyogres! BEST DAY EVA!!! That actually happened btw.

For SSB4, Ike, Marth, and any other FE reps on Arena Ferox... with two Kyogres on screen. Its gonna happen again, just you wait.

I've always been really nervous about which of my favs I'm gonna lose. I only like to play characters I have experience using in their respective games and Fire Emblem are hard to call since their not exactly from super popular games. I was shocked when Roy got cut so I have to prepare myself. Also, I want to always remember legitimately getting two Kyogres.

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For Brawl, I'd send myself a picture of Snake in the cardboard box at Shadow Moses. MGS was a series I was really into at the time (and still am, I suppose.)

For SSB4, any screenshot of Ike. He ended up my favorite character in Brawl besides Snake, and I was wondering if he'd only be in Brawl.

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