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petition to delete serious discussion


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But there are so many great, engaging, and high quality topics! and people are totally not trying to annoy other people/start fights

and cool polls too!


Edited by Fluorspar
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But there are so many great, engaging, and high quality topics! and people are totally not trying to annoy other people/start fights

and cool polls too!


SF now on watch by the feds

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But there are so many great, engaging, and high quality topics! and people are totally not trying to annoy other people/start fights

and cool polls too!

I just put my "no" answer and left.

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Well several of the threads in there are things that should never be brought up in the first place so....

So let's complain about lack of quality while simultaneously contributing nothing of quality at all? Makes perfect sense.
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But there are so many great, engaging, and high quality topics! and people are totally not trying to annoy other people/start fights

and cool polls too!


Everyone knows Barack is secretly an Al-Qaeda full member.

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Serious discussion is a great board, the problem is merely that the sample size of posting members is dreadfully one-sided in thought and thus discussions and even topics are woefully limited. Isolation breeds extremism, or at least the perception of such, so members that aren't very crazy at all are either viewed as such or persuaded to make progressively wilder arguments.

I think I know which one you're talking about and holy shit are my jimmies eternally rustled if so.

Ehh..the echo chamber in SF isnt as bad. I guess ive just seen the worst discussions on the interwebz because even the more ignorant people here are pretty tame.

And yes. My jimmies are so out of place, i cant even. Im seriously frothing.

I'd support "Serious Echo Chamber".

No. Echo chambers are Nidhoggr's balls. Unless you mean the title of the forum. Even then, id say no cuz its not really an echo chamber....yet.

It wouldn't happen to have something to do with a certain E.R, would it?

i think I could honestly see a discussion about feminism/mra/this incident popping up, and I was thinking of trying to do it in a respectable manner, but there's just some trains you can't keep on the track.

I will fucking end you if you make a thread about that. Im not joking. I was wondering if the mod team was barring a thread about that to be made, and if so, id send them a fucking gift basket. If you guys know your limits enough to not make a thread about that, it means theres people here who are intelligent enough to know when to keep their teeth together. And in the long run, means the community is pretty strong.

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So let's complain about lack of quality while simultaneously contributing nothing of quality at all? Makes perfect sense.

shit discussion <<<<<<< no discussion

besides the rest of the forum is cool

Edited by Poliwrath
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And I'm just waiting for the thread to pop up and defend that monster in the name of "men's rights" or something like that. I don't think that would be below SD at all.

just delete shit members that post there too imo :smug:

Which members do you think would defend a murderer for killing women because they wouldn't have sex with them?

My interest is piqued.


Everyone knows Barack is secretly an Al-Qaeda full member.

kind of proving the talking points of the SD topic in a way


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I will fucking end you if you make a thread about that. Im not joking. I was wondering if the mod team was barring a thread about that to be made, and if so, id send them a fucking gift basket. If you guys know your limits enough to not make a thread about that, it means theres people here who are intelligent enough to know when to keep their teeth together. And in the long run, means the community is pretty strong.

Is this about the shooting and the yes all women thing that's been brought about? Facebook will not stop telling me about in on the news feed thing.

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I will fucking end you if you make a thread about that. Im not joking. I was wondering if the mod team was barring a thread about that to be made, and if so, id send them a fucking gift basket. If you guys know your limits enough to not make a thread about that, it means theres people here who are intelligent enough to know when to keep their teeth together. And in the long run, means the community is pretty strong.

Mmm, I don't see why you would be against it so much, maybe I just don't get it. I would like a "serious discussion", I just don't trust some of the members on here enough to get it.

Right now, that would be too much typing that I wouldn't want to do, though. I imagine someone will, sooner than later, though.

Edited by Tryhard
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No. Echo chambers are Nidhoggr's balls.

Does Nidhoggr even have balls? Since dragons/wyrms are egg-layers... But you are the Norse mytho specialist... So I'm probably wrong.

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shit discussion <<<<<<< no discussion

besides the rest of the forum is cool

wouldn't be "no discussion" it would be "shit discussion moved to fftf"

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i don't think you fathom the awesomeness that is the sd forum. more importantly, op, who do you find to be the "shit posters"? there's only about 6 regulars there. :smug:


>implying you're really any better, or that ftff is any better

people will go where they have the most fun.

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Why isn't this in Serious Discussion, Darros?

because that board is evil and this thread isnt SERIOUS enough cant you see

wouldn't be "no discussion" it would be "shit discussion moved to fftf"

lets just move boards at this rate lmao

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Which members do you think would defend a murderer for killing women because they wouldn't have sex with them?

My interest is piqued.

I have one in mind actually. <.<

Mmm, I don't see why you would be against it so much, maybe I just don't get it. I would like a "serious discussion", I just don't trust some of the members on here enough to get it.

Right now, that would be too much typing that I wouldn't want to do, though. I imagine someone will, sooner than later, though.

Because my jimmies are really out of place about it. Like, someone took my jimmies and put them in Africa. I also do not trust portions of this community (or any community for that matter) to discuss such without being incredibly gross.

Does Nidhoggr even have balls? Since dragons/wyrms are egg-layers... But you are the Norse mytho specialist... So I'm probably wrong.

lel. Figure of speech. Nidhoggr is assumed male.

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