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Difficulty jump in Chapter 9 and 10?

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It took me about 15 (or more) attempts to beat Chapter 9, and now I'm stuck on Chapter 10. Trying to recruit Minerva.

All of my units are around level 8-10. Are these chapters meant to be hard? Or are my units underleveled?

I'm still using Iron weapons....

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I find this chapter's simple if you have a high defence unit and just position him at the bottom door of the castle as you use Merric to pick off the enemies for easy exp. Everyone else can just go about their business, rescue Maria, recruit Minerva, get the master seal from the hero. By that time, Merric and [insert tank's name here] have already torn up all the enemies and you're approaching the boss.

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That's actually another question I have.

So far, Merric has been gaining so many levels, he's actually level 12. Way higher than any of my other units. Is this alright?

I feel as though my Merric kills every single boss unit, and almost every regular unit by himself...leaving no kills for anyone else on my team.

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If you feel Merric is overleveled, than I suggest using your archers or someone with a javelin to pick them off instead. This game isn't really too difficult when you realize reinforcements almost always come from behind at some point on every chapter and if there are forts, there will be reinforcements. This game is in love with reinforcements.

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hmm some other units that are defintely good for your team are abel caeda and cain.

Abel and cain should just become paladins while caeda is reclassed to dracoknight and starts to own.

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Aw man, this brings back memories.

When I first played Shadow Dragon like 5 years ago, I had a hard time beating chapter 10, too.

Now, Hard 5 is easy as heck, but that's aside the point.

Yeah, as mentioned before, just get a high defense unit (two if possible) and block the choke point and pick the units off one at a time with ranged weapons. If the tank is low on health switch him out for another unit that can take a couple of hits (de-equipping a weapon if necessary), heal the tank, and switch back the following turn.

It really isn't that hard once you figure out the strategies, and once you get the hang of it, it'll be easy.

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dont be afriad to use weapons like the Ridersbane and the silver lances you have (if you have units that can use them), lots of enemies in the chapter are weak to them (especially the reinforcements, which I assume you are having trouble with.)

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Chapter 9: Get a good sword unit and greet the pirates. The boss is quite weak to magic. You can clean up after he's dead. If you absolutely want to get to that village, send someone who can clear a path for Caeda.

Chapter 10: Go west, around the castle, then rush the boss. Once he's dead, the reinforcements stop (IIRC). I think Minerva will stay put, as long as no one gets close to her.

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Chapter 10 is not a big deal, if you use ridersbone (horseslayer), Marth's Rapier and Caeda's wing spear to kill the cavaliers and knights. The few pegasus knights and wyvern knights are also no problem, if you bring archers, hunters or Merric with excalibur to this chapter.

The only one problem could be the sniper with the silver bow, so you need a unit with a decent speed and good defense to decoy him.

You have to free Maria and then Marth has to talk to her. If you have done it, Minerva will automatically talk to Marth and join the army.

The levels of your units are totally alright, because the enemies are lower level in this chapter (level 5-7 I guess). Wyvern riders and horse men bring more exp., if you kill them.

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10 is really easy if you put Draug or Roger at the castle door and then have everyone run inside. You can also put Merric, Gordin, or Castor behind Draug or Roger to get more EXP for them.

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What Horace said.

Also dont be afraid to spend some money on forges. You get a ton of money in this game. Especially if you make use of the arenas.

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