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What has stuck with you for a long time? What have you picked up or want to pick up? What are some you see yourself dropping in the future?

I've loved fighting for a long time, despite having quite a timid personality during childhood, the adrenaline rush I got from screwing around with my friends/family was the equivalent of the rush I got from banking my last pokemon on a critical hit to win the match. I didn't actually get into any marital arts or disciplined fighting till 14 when I started dabbling into grappling disciplines (mainly BJJ), unfortunately access to them was never easy so it was always an on and off thing. One friend of mine went to boxing and taught me a few things but he moved away which was sad. I guess It has toned down quite a bit lately, unsupervised sparring sessions are stupid and probably have taught me more bad habits than good and I can't go risking injuries now that i've started uni. However when I get a car i'll look for a team/gym to join.

On the other hand I have recently picked up on reading up on the philosophical side of martial arts as well as books in general, I've always enjoyed a book every now and then but the vast range of them just intimated me, so I smartened up in the past 3 or so years and looked to Google for recommendations. Most recently my favourite is The Stranger by Albert Camus and I plan to read all his other books.

My interest in skateboarding has also died down a little but I am still interested in the whole culture associated with it, from street art to the pro skaters. Similarly the same for gaming, and anime I still do play a few games or watch the occasional anime, but not as many. I used to be big on JRPG's and FPS games but right now i'm a stream monster getting hype on saltybets and playing drawn out strategy games such as Tropico 5. Anime used to be a preferred medium of mine for entertainment, but now not so much, though I will always remain a fanboy of Shinichiro Watanabe.

I've taken interest in 3D printing lately, my brother has shown me the basics to AutoCAD but i'm still pretty bad and take forever to figure things out. Hopefully that interest does stay with me, I wouldn't mind making some money with it.

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I picked up playing guitar on a whim 5 years ago at the age of 13, and have now expanded to bass and piano, and am beginning to learn to sing and play banjo. I write a lot of music, and dabble with weird recording/production techniques. Music's now pretty much the biggest thing in my life. I play in bands, gig fairly regularly, and am going to do music at uni next year. Hopefully I can make a career out of it.

I really enjoyed going to the Gym when I was at boarding school, but now I live in the country, and the last bus out of town isn't long after I finish college, so I don't have enough time to go. I hope I can get back in shape a bit during uni though.

Then there's gaming, which is pretty much split between music in absorption of my time at home. It gives me a rest from songwriting, seeing as how writers block is incredibly stressful. I mostly play RPGs, or at least games with RPG elements.

I used to enjoy reading a lot, but I stopped reading much about the same time I started getting serious with music (around 15). I still read the odd book, and manga/comics, but I find a lot of novels hard to get into nowadays.

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music (ie, i spend a lot of time just listening to music)


i want one or two more hobbies to really keep me busy and better myself. i love football, but people never want to play. :(

i've always wanted to box, though. it's so goddamn cool.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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VIDEOGAMES of course, been with me since I was like none. The workings behind the videogames, too, my dad's been a PC gamer longer than I've been alive and he taught my mom how to upgrade/maintain computers so he could forget it and she taught me so she could forget it.

I've been shooting variously bows and guns since I was about eight.

LEGO, sort of superseded by Minecraft in recent years but I've still got all my blocks.

Learning languages is a sort of hobby pursuit, I guess. I've been off-and-on pursuing languages since I was nine. Reading in general, too.

probably more stuff but idk

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16 years of art and counting. I'm not so confident in my abilities to make it in a low demand, high competition field (especially with all these 12 year olds these days making absolutely gorgeous stuff and I'm happy for them but at the same time it's like "wow I've been doing this for longer than you've been alive and you do a better job than me, I suck lol"), so I decided against that as my field of study in college in the end. I keep practice, however, and hopefully still improving.

I also like sparring, though I need my sparring partner to have free time too. CS is not a low-time-consumption field and both of us are programmers.

I wouldn't say I have a good voice or anything but I do have 3 octaves of vocal range and I like singing so ???

I like doing front end web design. Backend's a pain in the ass, but front end? I'll casually pop out a website because I can. I once spent 6 hours on the css alone for a homework assignment because I wanted to. Had to make it look pretty.

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Apart from video-games, Lego-building is a consistent hobby of mine, I used to play Clarinet but since I no longer do lessons at school, I don't have a proper instrument. :(

I love cycling and recently my rides have been getting more intensive in the hopes to lose weight. I've been exploring parks and nature areas around my city, finding places to explore that I never knew existed.

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Aside from gaming (obviously), I really enjoy programming, specifically working on my own small projects. I also find myself writing stories, and I like to draw occasionally.

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I like Knight's post. Cycling's a great way to explore. Fast enough to cover significant ground, but slow enough to see everything. And it's easy to stop most anywhere.

My interests are in constant flux. It's really frustrating because I rarely become proficient in anything. I've treated language study as a hobby for about six years, and have studied eight languages. But I only made progress worth mentioning in one (the one I managed to privilege above the others consistently). And now my interests are turning towards mathematics, but before languages it was science and experimental game modding. So I suppose the biggest mainstay has been learning, if that counts? Perhaps reading and writing instead. I am not an exciting person.

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I love playing chess. Other than that, listening to music/playing my viola and sometimes piano (though I suck at piano). I also enjoy playing street hockey even though I rarely get the opportunity, unfortunately. There's also the obvious video games.

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I sometimes do creative/artsy stuffs like drawing or writing =o But I often never feel motivated enough to get much done ;~;

Somebody should teach me archery at some point~

I really enjoy hiking!

At some point I want to learn gardening and ~landscapiiiiing~

Oh and sewing my own clothing (mostly DRESSES) would be pretty awesome as well~!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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  • 3 weeks later...

3D Printing is cool as shit, though I use Solidworks. I've done a few random things but the majority of my works were for school ngl.

My own hobbies are mostly video games and baking, though I haven't baked anything in a long time. Maybe I should do something about that next week.

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