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any Male MC/ Say'ri shippers out there

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sooooo. am i the only one who ships Robin/Say'ri? i think the ship is really cute. (Reason i'm creating a threard for this cause i saw a couples one but i just wanna talk about this pair not all pairs in genral cause that would take too much time)

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Which may or may not be a good thing.

She's pretty cute if you have a thing for the women of traditional Japanese samurai types.

True. Why do the best come last?

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True. Why do the best come last?

Surely the last recruitable female character (that you can marry) would be either Aversa, Emmeryn or one of the female children (except Lucina, obviously)?

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^ I think you're taking that phrase far too literally, dude...

Anyway, I'm not an avid shipper, and I'm completely indifferent to Say'ri, so there's your answer.

Edited by Starman
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Well, she does look really pretty, but I suppose I'm not very interested in her. I have a hard time even having her into my team. I mean, I consider her a pretty solid unit, but I've still yet to user her.

I pretty much always just have The Avatar marry Sumia. I can't not have Cynthia as a daughter, dammit.

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My main ship is Avatar/Say'ri I was one of the first :P

Well Jedi... this was the girl you were looking for. Thank goodness she's not a droid.

Because she can obviously be a Jedi Knight.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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My first waifu as well. Though everyone kept saying, apart from "DUSTY VAGINA BARREN WOMB", that she was half-assed samurai fanservice for otakus. Then I looked at Karla's design and supports, and I begrudgingly have to agree on that point.

But IMO, apart from Cherche, Say'ri might be the most human character in FE13. Shame she disappears after the Valm arc.

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Really? Because I think the most human characters are anyone not named Nowi, Tiki, Nah, Panne, Yarne, or any Morgan parented by one of them.

Nice try.

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I kind of like male avatar with Say'ri. I ship it, definitely. She's a good character, dispite being a bit trope-y. No more than the rest of FE13's designs, though.

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Well Jedi... this was the girl you were looking for. Thank goodness she's not a droid.Because she can obviously be a Jedi Knight.

Haha, she could be. She certainly has the discipline of a Jedi for the most part

I sense badfanfiction ideas with droid waifus

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Was my first one, mainly because I have a thing with female sword fighters felt obligated to marry my avatar with a character that can't get with anyone else, and I didn't use Anna at all.

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How, then, can Say'ri be said to 'come last'?

It's a figure of speech. Even if she isn't the absolute last, she still shows up pretty late.
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