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3-turning chapter 7 on 0%

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yep horace, that's exactly what i had in mind

theoretically it's possible to clear the way for vanessa after turn 1, but since novala moves near the end of the enemy phase, there's no way that she and a decoy can survive turn 2.

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franz and vanessa are pretty ridic tho, vanessa needed the dragonshield too (although i think that was from last chapter)

i should really get back to finishing my fe8 ltc run but being lazy it much more appealing.

Those are some pretty impressive levels.

One thing about the AI that bugs me though, why does the cavalier from the north move towards Franz, before Novala attacks?

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so you did end up giving Eirika the dragonshield. Hopefully it works out in the long run, I know Seth really appreciated one in Chapter 9.

I like the annotations, i vote do them for all the videos. Reading comments in the description then watching the videos isn't as good.

You did 6 turn 5x as well, right?

Edited by General Horace
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i just finished chapter 8 and i'm contemplating what i can do with my knight crest.

horace brought up the possibility of promoting gilliam to GK, which contributes a decent combat unit to chapter 9. the top part of the map is pretty tough because the mercs can't be doubled and require 20-21 atk to 2HKO. only kyle reaches that value with a steel lance. GK gilliam has 21 +1 atk with a steel lance. the drawback is that gilliam is a bit more useless in later maps because he can't rescuebot.

option 2 is to try to promote franz for chapter 9. franz is worse than forde or kyle, but he's the closest to promotion after chapter 8. it might also make recruiting amelia easier. promoted franz is overall very slightly better than unpromoted forde.

option 3 is to save the knight crest for forde or kyle, in case they're necessary for shaving turns in chapter 11.

in any case, i have relatively little experience with FE8 and i'm not sure which option is the best, or if it matters at all. if i go with option 1, i need to redo chapters 1-8 and feed EXP to gilliam, an endeavor which i'm sure is actually quite impossible given that i don't have the resources to feed 2 units who are stuck with 4 mov. if i go with option 2, i need to revisit chapters 1-8 and figure out how to get franz to L10 by chapter 9. he's currently at L8.59 coming out of chapter 8.

finding extra EXP for franz seems difficult:

- in chapter 1, he takes 3 soldier kills, which i think is the best he can do.

- in chapter 2, he has to 1v1 one of the brigand reinforcements.

- in chapter 3, he goes 1v1 against the chest key brigand. ross actually ends up taking most of the kills in this map.

- in chapter 4, the strategy is fairly rigid. franz can get 2 revenant and a bonewalker kill, plus a nonkill round against a revenant.

- in chapter 5, franz gets 2 soldier kills. a big problem is that he doesn't have enough HP to take hits to do anything else.

- in chapter 6, he just can't ORKO anything. currently he kills a merc and a fighter while also getting nonkill rounds against a merc, fighter, and soldier.

so it seems like the biggest area for improvement is in chapter 6. i really don't have room to do chapters 2-4 differently considering how much babying ross needs to 3-turn chapter 7. i'm still not sure where i can find enough room for a 141 EXP improvement.

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what level did Forde come out of 5x at? It might be possible to get him to level 10 instead. There's quite a bit of exp that nobody really needs in the bottom half of chapter 8.

Edited by General Horace
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forde came out of 5x at 6.76. i don't think it's possible to get him to L10 in chapter 8. coming out of chapter 8, he's 7.72.

EDIT: i used a slight variation of the 6-turn strat for 5x that's way safer for ephraim but gives less opportunity for EXP in general because forde needs to reach a certain point on the map and can't be hampered by combat along the way.

Edited by dondon151
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I don't think you'll be able to promote Gilliam, so its likely your only option is to wait for Franz to promote. I actually dunno if it'll make a difference though, raw stats are probably more important than movement in chapter 9 since the enemies are actually kind of good for that point.

Edited by General Horace
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i could try for a mid-chapter franz promotion. the only reason why i want him promoted is so that he can kill the soldiers that reinforce with amelia without outside help (he'll probably have to use a steel lance to do so, which leaves him with 5 AS promoted).

a paladin would probably also help with chapters 10 and 11 (i have to recruit marisa in 10). i don't think it matters which cavalier i promote, since none of them can ORKO bonewalkers anyway. the issue is that i think kyle is the only guy who can ORKO the northwest revenant reinforcements if he is promoted, and i don't have another scrub for the job unless somehow i can get them all to have 36 HP, 1 def maximum, where garcia can ORKO them with a steel axe.

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