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[FE8] Seth Draft?

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I also thought of something at work today, what would happen if the last (fourth) pick got three picks in their first pick phase? Would it help them at all? (or nerf 1/2nd pick?)

It'd be like

1- Vanessa, Moulder, Garcia/Ross

2- Seth, Saleh, Garcia/Ross

3- Franz, Lute. who cares etc

4- Tana, Artur, Gilliam

I guess theoretically 4th pick could go like TANA LUTE ARTUR then get neimi or something for chapter wallbreaking

1st- Vanessa, Moulder, Ross,

2nd- Seth, Garcia, Natasha

3rd- Franz, Lute, Kyle,

4th- Artur, Gilliam, Colm, Gerik

5th- Tana, Saleh, Niemi, Forde

5th pick looks terrible man

like eirika solo is so bad compared to seth, you lose like 25 turns

I think FE8 might just be an unfourtunate game for drafts. Seth automatically beats Franz, and I think he debateably beats Vanessa too. Sure, he'll have a lame warper, but such is life, he can manage.

I think i'm looking at 93 turns, potentially could have been less if Eirika and Gilliam didn't suck super hard in chapter 9, (like wtf Eirika, 6 strength?). I forget what the record is, but I'm pretty sure that's pretty close to it? Seth just owns too much in the first 8 chapters (except 7, I probably should have picked Ross instead of Garcia or Gilliam)

Edited by General Horace
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Yeah, I didnt think about the 5th pick very hard. But the point still stands, having only 4 drafters favors the top picks too much.

edit - I believe my 95 turn clear is still the record.

Edited by Hawk King
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5th pick looks terrible man

Are you joking? Add Joshua and Rennac in the last rounds, and you've got yourself a killer team!

I still believe in free Seth. I think it will put Franessa on the level on Florwen in FE7; the flier is definite first pick, but getting the last pick of second round nerfs them, and the early mount doesn't dominate so much.

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honestly it might work with free seth, he doesn't completely nullify some early units (garcia saves a turn in the wall chapter, Vanessa saves some in other chapters, Franz saves one in 8, etc)

maybe we'll try one a bit later. I still don't think Marcus should be free in FE7 either though, but that's a different game so yeah. Vanessa/Franz are way stronger than Lowen/Florina in their repective games.

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Chapter 5 - 7/37

"OMG Clipsey, that's awful!"

Yeah, but I got the Guiding Ring and Joshua's Killing Edge. This should make Chapter 9 slightly less dumb. Especially if I can promote Lute. She'll need five levels ASAP.

Chapter 5x - 8/45

Got the necessary Chest Key and Door Key this time. Screw the RNG for not letting me snag more of Orson's items, though.

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Chapter 10- 3 (63)

Vanessa drops Eirika then ORKO's da boss.

Chapter 11- 6 (69)

Vanessa goes south and Forde ferries Ross east because Forde can't ORKO for crap. Eirika stays behind to take on reinforcements. Tethys is Tethys. Oh yeah and I get L'arachel.

Chapter 12- 7 (76)

I finally get Saleh, one of two characters who I actually like in this game (the other one being Innes, just so ya know.) Vanessa goes up and drops Forde by the Barrier village turn 1. Then Vanessa continues to go up, kill the spiders in the mountains, then heads right to get the boss and the other monsters by the shop. Forde takes care of the doges and gets the Barrier village and Ewan. Ross, Eirika, and Saleh stay around the start to kill off reinforcements and such. Saleh barrier spams and Tethys dances for him. L'arachel tries to heal things...it doesn't look so hot for her. I really doubt she'll do anything useful besides unlocking doors and restoring doods. Maybe torching on that one chapter with the creepy bishop guy.

I get Ewan up to 10/5...he got defense 1 time. On the last level. HOWEVER, his speed and magic stats almost match with Saleh's...which is cool I guess.

Eirika LVL 19 HP 32 STR 12 SKL 17 SPD 20 LCK 12 DEF 10 RES 6

Vanessa LVL 14/7 HP 27 STR 16 SKL 19 SPD 26 LCK 15 DEF 12 RES 10

Ross LVL 10/13/3 HP 38 STR 20 SKL 13 SPD 14 LCK 12 DEF 14 RES 6

Forde LVL 11/3 HP 31 STR 10 SKL 13 SPD 14 LCK 9 DEF 12 RES 5



Saleh LVL 2 HP 31 MAG 16 SKL 18 SPD 15 LCK 12 DEF 8 RES 14

Ewan Lvl 10/5 HP 26 MAG 14 SKL 10 SPD 15 LCK 13 DEF 2 RES 9

Still trying to find out how to 1 turn Chapter 13 since Horace alluded to the fact that it is possible with a flier...

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Chapter 6 - 5/50

Vanessa was too slow to double the boss with a Javelin, but that probably saved me a lot of grief. By doing a bit of damage (10 to be exact), the AI won't heal him, which meant that I could use an Iron Lance to finish him with no problem. Snagged the Halberd and Elixir before leaving. Natasha gained a lot of experience via Torch.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       15.11  25  11   18   19   16    7    7
Vanessa   Peggy       8.97  23  10   10   16    6    9    8
Lute      Mage        6.04  21  10    9    9   10    4    7
Natasha   Curate      2.15  18   3    5    8    6    2    7
WTF. . .I guess my team feels sorry for my incompetence. :P:

Chapter 7 - 4/51

Somehow, Vanessa dodged both archers. Lute grabbed the Pure Water.

Chapter 8 - 13/64

Rather than deal with the inevitable BS in the knight room, I joined up with Ephraim and Kyle to grab Vanessa's whip (which she used just as soon as the chapter was over).

Chapter 9 - 11/75

Ended this on Enemy Phase because the archers don't move. I shoved as much experience down Kyle's throat as possible, and promoted Lute partway through this map. Turns out this saved a lot of headache. Natasha's not going to promote any time soon, but that's okay. Nabbing Joshua and his Killing Edge made this map go much faster. Also recruited Amelia because I need to feed the Speedwings to someone.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       18.68  27  13   19   20   19    8    7
Vanessa   W. Knight   2.98  30  13   16   21   11   11   11
Lute      M. Knight   1.93  27  16   12   10   12    7   11
Natasha   Curate      3.69  18   3    5    8    6    3    7
Ephraim   Lord        Dunno, duncare
Kyle      Cavalier   10.79  30  12    8   10    7   10    2
Chapter 10 - 3/78

So I couldn't KO Pablo on enemy phase. . .Vanessa got him with a Javelin instead.

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Chapter 11 - 9/85

Speedwings to Kyle, since he's going to be front and center. Promoted Kyle to Paladin.

Vanessa was just a wee bit too weak to ORKO the squishies with a Javelin, which meant that the south side took longer, which delayed things by two turns. Lute had problems doubling, but at least Kyle was able to absorb hits. Gerik killed the reinforcement zombie wave - Eir was needed to double those stupid dogs. Lute hit C staves.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       19.98  28  13   20   20   20    8    7
Vanessa   W. Knight   6.24  32  14   19   23   14   12   12
Lute      M. Knight   3.35  29  17   12   11   13    7   12
Natasha   Curate      5.18  20   4    5    9    7    4    9
Ephraim   Lord        Dunno, duncare
Kyle      Paladin     2.39  33  13    9   14*   7   12    4
Gerik     Mercenary  11.81  33  14   14   13    8   11    5
Tethys    Dancer      1.90  Dancer/10
Chapter 12 - 11/96

So I guess we're taking forever. Vanessa can't be everywhere, and those flying things make life difficult for Natasha/Tethys. Vanessa can't pick up Kyle, and Lute's Speed blows, so I take the long way there. Eir parks herself into a forest to deal with the reinforcements, while everyone else runs towards the boss. The only reason why I kept this run was because I can't do this any faster without someone dying, and because Gerik was awesome.

Chapter 13 - 2/98

Parked Lute on a fort, and she barely survived the onslaught. That gave Vanessa enough time to sneak over and weaken Aias. Kyle cleared a path for Lute, who had just enough juice to finish. NOW Gerik promotes (level 15).

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I know that this is kind of off topic for the thread, but why is Ewan considered so bad? For me he's ready to promote to a Sage for desert combat and serve as a mini Saleh while actual Saleh staff spams...that's gotta be worth more than anything scrubs like Knoll or Rennac are doing. Its probably just in my case because my Ewan is super mag/spd blessed but I was just wondering...

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I know that this is kind of off topic for the thread, but why is Ewan considered so bad? For me he's ready to promote to a Sage for desert combat and serve as a mini Saleh while actual Saleh staff spams...that's gotta be worth more than anything scrubs like Knoll or Rennac are doing. Its probably just in my case because my Ewan is super mag/spd blessed but I was just wondering...

Foot unit, have to train even with Valni, main function(warping) is fulfilled by many other units better because they get staffs sooner to grind rank.

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honestly i think he's better than Knoll and Rennac.

an average ewan at 10/10/1 has 12 magic and 13 speed though. So your unpromoted dude is shattering those benchmarks. His growths are actually really terrible.

actually knoll might be better since he can summon phantoms to kill eggs and tank gorgons in chapter 18.

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Oh, right, I should update.

Chapter 14 - 10/108

Guess who didn't like the Wind Sword?

Rennac saved a turn by opening a door. And helped to gib a Monk. . .oh, and distracted a couple of things. I had Lute run and get stuff from the Secret Shop (two Physics, a Barrier, a Killing Edge, and a Killer Lance). Needed the Killer Lance to double Carlyle. In Chapter 15, he's off near Caellach's area, but that's for another day (need to figure out how to do this without Lute being killed).

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Chapter 15 - 7/115

Got the Swiftsole on sheer luck (Eir picked it up). Kyle went to greet the pegasi, Vanessa flew to Caellach, beat him up, then zipped down the other way to punch Valter. Gerik baited things, Lute hid in the forest near the Eclipse dude and killed stuff, and Ephraim ran over. Knoll got his own Seal, then killed Valter. Natasha spammed Physic, and Tethys was Tethys. Oh, and Rennac got Warp and Silence.

Chapter 16 - 5/120

Fed Natasha Ewan's Energy Ring. Gave the Boots to Nessie. Promoted Knoll.

Stormed through the front gate, then used Barrier on Vanessa and got Purge. Eventually I got a run where Eir survived (yep, that's right, Vanessa took all the flack and Eir died), so Vanessa was able to walk up to Orson and kick him out. Kyle snagged Physic on the way out. A Phantom took a hit for. . .uh, someone.

Chapter 17 - 2/122

Promoted Natasha and the lords.

With 10 move, I didn't need Warp. Got the extra Guiding Ring and Fimbulvter for giggles.

Name      Class      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Great Lord  1.00  32  16   22   21   21   11   12
Vanessa   W. Knight  12.77  35  16   23   26   18   13   13
Lute      M. Knight   8.91  32  22   13   13   14    7   15
Natasha   Valkyrie    1.11  26  13*   6   12   10    8   17
Ephraim   Great Lord  1.00  34  16   18   19   15   15    9
Kyle      Paladin     5.77  36  14   10   15*   7   14    5
Gerik     Hero        2.97  42  17   18   18   10   17    8
Tethys    Dancer      5.65  Dancer/10
Rennac    Rogue       3.28  30  10   17   18    6    9   11
Knoll     Summoner    1.35  26  15   11   13    2    3   14
Myrrh     Manakete    2.00  16   4    2    5    3    4    7
Chapter 18 - 7/129

My goals in this chapter were:

- Lute to B staves

- Natasha gains at least one Magic

- shove as much experience into everyone as possible

It was a success. Now, time to see if Rescue > Warp.

Chapter 19 - 1/130

Torch -> Dance -> Warp -> Rescue -> gg no re

Chapter 20 - 5/135

So this involved a bunch of Warp, Rescue, and Hammerne, because Vanessa didn't have enough HP to survive the boss (she's at 36 at level 14/15, which, if I'm reading the averages right, is a little blessed). Vanessa flew Eir over and got rid of Riev. Everyone else hoofed it manually, until Lute was able to run to the warp point and nab Gerik. Natasha Warped him over, and thanks to the Dragon Axe, he did almost enough damage. Repaired Warp/Rescue (thanks Tethys), then Rescue'd Gerik out of the way so Myrrh could finish him off. Vanessa got another

Spear before ending the map.

Endgame - 3+1/139

Had to take an extra turn because Vanessa was short a single point of Strength. Did the usual warping, and grabbed the Angelic Robe. Ephraim downed the Robe, Eir downed a spare Dragonshield.

For the second half, warped Myrrh to the boss, then Vanessa flew over, then Lute grabbed Vanessa so Tethys could dance for her and end the game.

Unit analysis and whatnot in the next post.

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Slightly blessed, and was very useful in dispatching the faster enemies. Not complaining too much!


Decided to follow his sister's fast and frail footsteps. Had he been on averages, he would've had just enough HP to survive Morva.


Bro right here. Was heavy, and on foot, but he was a wrecking ball in the later chapters. I went the Hero route so that I'd have someone with axes on my team.



Ahem. . .those Phantoms were clutch in Chapter 18. And 20.


Offense? What's that? This is a (mostly) average Kyle with a Speedwing, sans the minor Strength deficit.


Turns out trading Speed for Magic was what enabled me to finish Chapter 20. Go figure.


It's Myrrh, what were you expecting?


TANK NATASHA. Given that she promoted at level 11, her defensive parameters are pretty insane.


He's actually a little screwed, but that didn't stop him. Had him run around with a Killing Edge and beat up mages.


I'm pretty sure that extra Speed saved me a restart or two.


THE LEGEND herself. . .she's actually blessed, and even that wasn't enough for Lyon. Still, gotta love some of the dumber strategies I was able to pull off thanks to a flying tank that could cover most maps in three bounds.

Overall, I think a free Seth starting from the route split isn't a bad idea, along with making Franz and Vanessa available twice.

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Ok I'm back from my afterprom stuff and I'm ready for some Fire Emblem!

Chapter 13- 1 (77)

Saleh eats up an energy ring and 2RKOs Aias after solo'ing about half the enemy troops. Good guy.

Chapter 14- 7 (84)

Vanessa/Forde/L'Arachel/Saleh go up and unlock doors/ferry Eirika. Recruited Rennac for the heck of it. Ewan gets the energy ring and Ross gets a guiding ring for Ewan next chapter...he got to lvl 10! Boss area was tricky but I managed to figure it out. Saleh is pretty close to A rank and has like 2 uses of barrier for the next chapter. I really am not sure if I'm going to be able to get him to A-Rank in time for chapter 16 but ehh.

Also just noticed I missed out on Hammerne D: Don't remember if I have a save state but if I don't I shall be very sad.

Chapter 15- 4 (88)

Ewan crosses the desert and promotes to MK and Saleh follows him. Vanessa and Forde head left to Caellach, Ross goes right, Eirika goes down and gets the swiftsoles, L'Arachel stays out of the way. Vanessa 2RKO'ed Caellach and picked up warp, Saleh Excalibur'd Valter, and everyone was happy.

Fun fact: Saleh is 3 points ahead of Ewan in magic but was fed two energy rings so yeah...Ewan OP

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know that this draft is essentially done because we proved Seth is broken, but I figured I'd finish my run anyway.

Went back and got hammerne, but the turn counts are the same

Chapter 16- 3 (91)

Saleh was just short of A staff rank so he had to use barrier twice before warping peeps. He warped Vanessa carrying Eirika and then she Horseslayer'd Orson. Oh yeah she got the swiftsoles btw,

Chapter 17- 1 (92)

Call her Double Pierce Vanessa.

Chapter 18- 6 (98)

Warp people everywhere and and repair warp twice.

Chapter 19- 1 (99)

Torch w/ L'arachel and warp Vanessa to Riev.

Chapter 20- 1 (100)

Warp Garm!Ross and then warp Eirika.

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