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I'm pretty sure some or most of us have gotten into a few tussles here and there or watched some, but I wonder though... Is this just me, when I watch a fight or even when I'm in one, it doesn't seem real? Everything seems to happen so fast.

For example; the last brawl I got into, I have no memory of it other than what I was told, I just recall watching it before I got involved...

And another problem, after the last fight I got into, I've been left with this unsatisfied feeling, that stuck with me as I matured... is that leftover tension or something?

The question here is; is the former, not the latter, normal?

While I felt this topic was random, not random enough for fftf

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i haven't been in a fight since elementary school lol. but ya my first fight i was terrible and then my second fight was p cool. he hit me in the temple, i saw only orange for a sec, but i got him. and i think that's normal, op, because i don't remember how i got him. all i know is he was on the floor with me over him by the time the teacher arrived.

then i played "body" or "body shots" in middle school a few times. we were stupid people.

now i wrestle my brothers from time to time. i don't like being hit in the face. this beautiful face needs to remain pristine, yo.

though, i do love ufc. and boxing.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I never really got into fights, there was this one time I got pissed at this guy and I kicked him once and he ran away crying once in primary school (~11/12 years old), but that was about it.

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The only time I got in something that wasn't just silly kids slapping each other or bopping somebody in the back of the head, I ended up feeling fucking mortified. Basically just hope I never get into a situation remotely like that again.

I was nearing black belt at my taekwondo school, and when some guy I was horsing around with on the bus tore up the sheet of paper I had my math assignment written on and threw it out the window, I hit the guy enough that, even though I don't remember either of us saying anything else the rest of the ride, somebody might've said we were going to fight when we got off? And, uh, I don't really remember the lines of logic that led us to actually do that, but we did.

(Possibly of note: of the two other boys who stuck around to watch, I think one of them, who I think may have actually gone to juvie? or at least gotten suspended for firing a bb gun in the direction of a person, burnt cicadas with a lighter, had kind of a shitty dad, once did a 90 degree turn in a car that missed me crossing the street by mere feet, that kinda guy might've told everyone else to go home, and he didn't actually say much, so I think he might've actually been worried possibly? Or maybe I'm not remembering right, and nobody else actually got off that day.)

I ended up kicking the guy in the face and stomach a few times, though I didn't see him do anything first, or really react at all, didn't even have his hands up. When I noticed things weren't going in the rhythm I was used to from extended sparring sessions, I kinda put my hands down and stopped, and IIRC he gave me a half-hearted, one-hand chest shove. Noticed some neighbor parents were watching like "the hell?" and kinda felt like a big ol shitlord all-around. Was a really awkward one-block walk back, crosssed the fucking street so I wouldn't have to talk to the neighbors or anything. I think I heard the other boy say something like "yeah, you better run" (though he was not moving in any direction that one could call towards me at the time), and I just felt dumber and dumber.

Thankfully, we were just scrawny middle schoolers, so I didn't leave any real physical damage. It's literally the one of the most embarrassing things I feel like I've ever done, regardless

I didn't even like sparring at my school. Other competitions I'm more okay with, but sparring was always my least favorite part of every tkd class. I don't know what the hell was up with me then.

Since then, not counting, sparring, I've kinda developed the opinion that fighting (moreso/especially starting a fight) is literally the most embarrassing thing people do

So. I might be kinda extreme there, because I was a bit trained, he wasn't, and everything else about the one "actual fight" I got into was exceptionally dumb, but yeah,at least some kind of dissatisfied feeling after a fight sounds pretty familiar to me.

e: Though I am also still kinda into fight sports/martial arts myself, as well. There's a lot to marvel at in the intricacies of what's going on, and the differences in personal styles and that kinda thing for me. But, uh, maybe less so the sometimes awful injuries and premature mental erosion that can come from them.

(mma can be particularly bad about this, I hear, in sheer spite of its appeal, but then again that might be in some large part because the way I've heard those guys train is ludicrous and takes entirely the wrong things (as in anything at all) from Frank Shamrock) (if that's the correct Shamrock I'm remembering) (fuck a wolves' den) (imo)

Edited by Rehab
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IMO it's definitely normal that you don't remember anything, you're pumped with adrenaline in a brawl and i'm assuming there's at least 3 people on either side so you really don't have the mental focus to remember every single thing that goes on, shit even something like a mugging has left me deprived of the memory simply because of the tension and how fast it was.

That unsatisfied feeling is probably just as natural as well, sure you've calmed down a bit but you are in a heightened emotional state, when people are pulled back from fights it's common to see them lunge back for more.

Of course, I have no scientific evidence to back myself up, just drawing from experience and observation.

As for my own altercations, there's been quite a few due to the crowd i've grown up with, but shanking/stabbing culture is VERY prevalent where I live so I try and pull out of fights more often than not now as I won't run that risk.

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That unsatisfied feeling is probably just as natural as well, sure you've calmed down a bit but you are in a heightened emotional state, when people are pulled back from fights it's common to see them lunge back for more.

Yeah that's what I think too, that last fight I got into was ended so abruptly, if it weren't for the video tapes that existed(and then were promptly 'removed'), I'd doubt it even happened, but that was 8 years ago... I surely still shouldn't be longing for one last good brawl after that long.

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I had a few during my teenage years. These people were assholes and have since reformed themselves. The two I know of have, anyway.

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