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Serenesforest's Mario Kart 8 tournament.


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As of now, I won't be able to race on the 23rd and 24th. Family is going up to Pittsburgh for my step grandma's 75th birthday.

HOWEVER, she was recently hospitalized after a stroke, so that may change... Unfortunately. I'm sorry, but I would rather sacrifice tournament time to see her if she lives past then, especially if she winds up like my late grandma and will only have so much time left to live...

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Yeah... I just pray to GOD that she will be alright. It hasn't even been a year since my biological grandma died. The idea of going through this again so soon is just... No. Oh gods, no... (yes, I'm quoting Lucina, but it felt appropriate)

The scariest thing? My grandma died not long after she had a family reunion. My step grandma just had one too. Are reunions a curse in this family? ;_;

And yeah, what the heck happened in those vids? xP

Edited by Anacybele
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I should still be available to participate in the tournament tomorrow and on Sunday. Hopefully I'll even be able to get one of my younger siblings to join in, since the more the merrier. Also, I hope you won't mind if I pull off more dittos by mimicking your guys' exact vehicle setups (I was planning on copying Anacybele's setup after copying Gaia's, but she dropped out before I could do so).

Also Ana, I hope your grandma gets better. I definitely don't blame you at all for missing the tournament to meet up with her, though I hope it won't be your last time seeing her.

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I may actually be able to join this thing whenever it happens next. I'm excited!

I'm okay at the game, I've gotten stars on every cup and unlocked almost everything but I'm gonna guess you all are probably way better.

Tomorrow @ 1:30 PM PST; be there man.

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Ugh, sorry for not racing yesterday! We all went out shopping and I had to put together a table cart I bought when I got home. Then I wanted to watch some Steeler football. xP

But I'll race today!

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Is the room empty? Because I'm guessing that's what the fact that I've been waiting about 9 minutes was for >_>

Actually, no. Try rejoining from the friends list and going to recently played. It's a common problem and that's the easiest fix.

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But my Kyou sig is good, right Quint?

Uhh... yes. I'll jump in in about an hour, I dunno. HOMEWORKS FIRST AMIRITE

EDIT: and phone needs to be charged because 7% so yeah

Edited by Quintessence
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Oh yes, may I remind you that we do indeed have a Skype Group. Go ahead and PM either me or BuddyBoy with your Skype Username, and we'll go ahead and add you in.

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