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Question about Genealogy of the Holy War: Jealousy


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The guide says that it only works if the female you want the bonus for has a "higher priority" for said male than the others. What if all of the girls have the same priority? This is my first playthrough so I've never done this before. Trying to pair Alec with Sylvia and Noishe with Lachesis.

The jealousy section also mentions Diadora and Elphin as having a higher or lower priority - but that doesn't make any sense! Aren't they already married? Is there some kind of affair going on?

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If you read the Fire Emblem 4's jealousy section of this site, you'll see who has higher priority over each other. For instance, if Dew had the same amount of Love points with Raquesis AND Adean, he'll pick Adean over her because the game made that his priority.

Also Dierdre only has priority because it's a mechanic all characters have.

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If you read the Fire Emblem 4's jealousy section of this site, you'll see who has higher priority over each other. For instance, if Dew had the same amount of Love points with Raquesis AND Adean, he'll pick Adean over her because the game made that his priority.

The OP asked what if they had the same priority.

I think equal priority may just cancel it out, as the page notes that if the priority is equal you can't get Seliph/Julia

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I think what he means is what happens if characters have equal priority, to which my answer would be "That's irrelevant, because no one has equal priority". So, mystery solved!

EDIT: Oh, wait, turns out some males have equal priority with everyone. So, in the case of those guys, the Jealousy system probably would not work to begin with. At least, that's what I would guess.

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Why would you want to use it? It is easy to pair up anyone if you take the time (exept for celice/julia and directions to that are on the site explicetly. beware that if do this before celice talks to patty in chapter 7, you will lose out on the hero sword.), and the jelosy system is just too complicated to be convienient. The only time that i would recommend doing this is if you messed up so hard that you absolutly need to do this to make a pairing, or are speed running.

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Why would you want to use it? It is easy to pair up anyone if you take the time (exept for celice/julia and directions to that are on the site explicetly. beware that if do this before celice talks to patty in chapter 7, you will lose out on the hero sword.), and the jelosy system is just too complicated to be convienient. The only time that i would recommend doing this is if you messed up so hard that you absolutly need to do this to make a pairing, or are speed running.

Like I said, this is my first playthrough, so I don't really know what I'm doing. (at least as far as all of the generation stuff goes - I'm trying not to look at too much of the stuff on here as I've already spoiled the fact that there is a generation system, with most of the first getting killed off, as well a some other things about the plot)

At any rate, they already paired up when I wasn't looking. I guess it really is that easy.

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Like I said, this is my first playthrough, so I don't really know what I'm doing. (at least as far as all of the generation stuff goes - I'm trying not to look at too much of the stuff on here as I've already spoiled the fact that there is a generation system, with most of the first getting killed off, as well a some other things about the plot)

At any rate, they already paired up when I wasn't looking. I guess it really is that easy.

Yeah the jealousy system really doesn't need to be used except in, like, LTC runs which I'm guessing you aren't doing since it is your first PT.

If you don't mind me asking, what pairings are you doing?

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Yeah the jealousy system really doesn't need to be used except in, like, LTC runs which I'm guessing you aren't doing since it is your first PT.

If you don't mind me asking, what pairings are you doing?

Aira&Dew (already paired)


Alec&Sylvia (already paired)

Noishe&Lachesis (already paired)

Azel&Aideen (already paired)

No clue what I'm gonna do with Brigid or Titlyu... I just started Chapter 4, I think. We just went to Silesia becuase people keep trying to blame us for stuff and the queen there offered to help. So here I am with two of Levin's uncles and apparently more people from Grandbell (and more pirates?! Out here in the middle of snowland? Seriously, I find it hard to believe there are pirates everywhere, all of the time. Even if it is just a gameplay element, this is getting ridiculous.) all trying to kill me. All with mountain ranges and stuff in between making me wonder... just how do I even get over there?

I'll tell you what, though. Brigid is awesome! I thought I was screwed when I saved immediately after capturing Silvail (whatever the name of the place that Eltshan was from), I had everyone all in a big pile over there, only to find that Brigid had a freaking army after her and a bunch of pirates were coming down to the southern continent. (Not to mention that Claude can't fight and Titlyu had the durability of a marshmellow and the evasion of a brick) After several resets since I'm OCD about letting people die, I found that it's really not that hard so long as you have everyone retreat back to the tower where you can kill them off a couple at a time. Having Brigid and Fury camping out there where they can only attack you one at a time, with Titlyu up on the cliff raining down thunder magic had those pesky pirates dead soon enough. . . . Not that anyone cares, but I was pretty proud of myself for making it through that without anyone dying - even if it was only because of Brigid's superior evasion and attack power.

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Did you get Ichival?

Also some suggestions based on your other pairings:

TiltyuxClaude/Lex-Azel and Levin are her best options but Claude will do in a pinch for magic. And considering most of your pairings have pursuit, the pursuit ring can be used here. Alternatively, Lex gives Tiltyu's kids the Ambush+Wrath combo which, while gimmicky, is very good.(one of the kids NEEDS a magic ring for this pairing)

BriggidxHolyn/Lex-Each pairing has their own strengths here. Holyn provides great skill/speed and his son boasts the highest growth rate total in the game. I personally think Lex is better here because of Elite and great strength/defense. Briggid's kids are hard to level because one is bow-locked and the other is like dew.(but slightly better) Elite helps mend these problem. Ambush is largely inconsequential except for the thief in the arena. They come with a sleep sword and ambush means even if they lose in the arena they can just keeps spamming ambush!sleep sword and eventually they will hit, clinching them a win.

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Did you get Ichival?

Also some suggestions based on your other pairings:

TiltyuxClaude/Lex-Azel and Levin are her best options but Claude will do in a pinch for magic. And considering most of your pairings have pursuit, the pursuit ring can be used here. Alternatively, Lex gives Tiltyu's kids the Ambush+Wrath combo which, while gimmicky, is very good.(one of the kids NEEDS a magic ring for this pairing)

BriggidxHolyn/Lex-Each pairing has their own strengths here. Holyn provides great skill/speed and his son boasts the highest growth rate total in the game. I personally think Lex is better here because of Elite and great strength/defense. Briggid's kids are hard to level because one is bow-locked and the other is like dew.(but slightly better) Elite helps mend these problem. Ambush is largely inconsequential except for the thief in the arena. They come with a sleep sword and ambush means even if they lose in the arena they can just keeps spamming ambush!sleep sword and eventually they will hit, clinching them a win.

Yeah I got the bow.

I always thought Lex sucked, but pairing him with Brigid sounds interesting, if for no other reason than just because of Elite.

As for Tiltyu, well, I can't say I'm impressed with my options, but I guess I'll go with Claude.

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Lex is considered one of the best units in gen 1. Did you get the Hero Axe? If not, I can see why you have that opinion of him because of his not being anything but Noish with Axes and elite/ambush instead of critical without it.

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I would recommend Tiltyu and Lex, since Levin and Azel are taken and her other parings aren't the best. You may also want to try Briggid and Holyn, as that will pass down Holyn's Luna skill and his Odo blood, letting Briggid's daughter get going a lot faster, as otherwise her combat is pretty bad considering she's a thief.

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I just did brigid/holin on my last run, and it was awesome. Her son has serious acuracy issues, which holin fixes (also, he's pretty much the only character who will max out hp) I would probably grind the son anyway to get ichival to 50 kills(which gives a weapon the critical skill). This pairing helps the daughter because she can use b swords before promotion, so i have celice sell the brave sword mentioned above so that patty can buy it back and immediately start being awesome. Also, the moonlight skill helps her offence.

for tiltyu, the choice is essentualy good magic and no additional skills (claude) vs bad magic and a borderline broken skill comibination if used right, plus elite.(lex). Lex is better if you take advantage of the skill combo, but claude is easier to use. Give the son the pursuit ring(please tell me you got that). and he is perfectly usable with claude. (disclamer: i have not tried eather of these yet).

Also, consider killing silvia. The replacement boy has elite (which is usefull because both he and silvia's son come at level one really late), and the replacement girl has charisma. The only good stat is the boy's magic, but these are not combat characters, so that is the only important stat. Aditionaly, they each can get an exclusive hidden event that gives them a weapon that can not be obtained otherwise, and the one the boy gets is really good. Many people like killing her over her best pairings (claude and levin), and alec is not a good pairing for her.

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Alright, they destroyed the bridge to the northeastern castle. How do I get over there now? And do I even get to the other 2 castles? Or is this level split into 2 parts like chapter 3? This is of course going off of the assumption that you can't walk over mountains, which I haven't tried.

No I didn't get the pursuit ring.

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Looks like Holyn isn't an option either. Apparently I was supposed to win at the arena during Ch. 2 with a melee weapon user... Killed Beowulf too - I knew I could recruit him but I just didn't feel like paying him. Next time, I guess.

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Alright, they destroyed the bridge to the northeastern castle. How do I get over there now? And do I even get to the other 2 castles? Or is this level split into 2 parts like chapter 3? This is of course going off of the assumption that you can't walk over mountains, which I haven't tried.

No I didn't get the pursuit ring.

everyone exept unpromoted horse units can cross mountains that are the same color as the terain(but not grey/brown/icy ones). If you have not already had someone visit the second eastern most vilage, have silvia do so to get a nice weapon, although the event causes the game to crash unless you have save and loaded the system using the emulator's reset function (as oposed to loading a save state or the emulator). Aditionally, make sure that levin enters silesia castle after you liberate it. This gives you the the second best weapon in the game. Brigid/jamka is also a good pairing. This one fixes brigid's son's accuracy issues by giving him every multihit skill in the game that is not sword-user exclusive. low acuuracy is still an issue for him, but will only be slightly higher for lex and lex's skills do not help fix it. Brigid's daughter comes with a weapon that trivializes the arena no matter what, so it is still possible (if not easy) to raise her whoever you pair brigid with. Also, FE4's bigist issue for me is the obscure secret events(no sane person could find the pursuit ring or hero axe without a guide) i recommend that you use this guide to help fix that: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe4/secret.html

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If you have not already had someone visit the second eastern most vilage, have silvia do so to get a nice weapon, although the event causes the game to crash unless you have save and loaded the system using the emulator's reset function (as oposed to loading a save state or the emulator). Aditionally, make sure that levin enters silesia castle after you liberate it. This gives you the the second best weapon in the game.

Yeah, too late. - And "after" I liberate it? I thought it was neutral. There is no point in going now?


Killed 'im!

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Yeah, too late. - And "after" I liberate it? I thought it was neutral. There is no point in going now?

Killed 'im!

THis will become relevant later. Also, precisely who is alive, recruited, and unpaired?

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Hmm... Who is alive and unpaired?





Fin (he left though)

Arden (to hell with him)

Midir (still can't believe he's a guy - never had a problem believing Lucius was a man, but Midir...)

Aira&Dew (already paired)

Levin&Fury (already paired)

Alec&Sylvia (already paired)

Noishe&Lachesis (already paired)

Azel&Aideen (already paired)

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so you should either pair lex with brigid and tiltyu with claud or pair tiltyu with lex and mider with brigid. Honestly, i would recomend lex with brigid and tiltyu with claud just because lex's kids with tiltyu are hard to use right, even if the results are good. Try it on a later playthrough. Also, tiltyu and claude fall in love really easily.

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In that case, just do Tiltyu Lex and Brigid Midir. Those are your best options left, and Claude doesn't really help Tiltyu since her son can't use Staves.

You could also just kill her off, as her replacement children are pretty good compared to others as well.

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In that case, just do Tiltyu Lex and Brigid Midir. Those are your best options left, and Claude doesn't really help Tiltyu since her son can't use Staves.

You could also just kill her off, as her replacement children are pretty good compared to others as well.

Claude gives them good magic growths, wich lex does not (also he gives her daughter an A staff rank after promotion) Lex is probably better(which is why i will be trying it instead of claude in my current runthrough), but claude is easier to use. A strat that involves keeping people at low hp is probably not the best choice for a first time player, and you pretty much have to do this if tiltyu maries lex.

Regarding killing her off, this may be true, but her kids with claude are still better. THe growths are better all around, the skills are not that much worse, and tiltyu's son's class has a horse(it's azel's promoted class), which the boy replacement does not. the main advantage of the substitutes is that the girl can use thoron before promotion, but this only applies for one of the 4 chapters that she is available for(because after that, she can promote.)

Honestly, it dosn't matter too much because your other pairings are all good(exept for silvia, but her pairings matter relatively little, and this pairing has an ... interesting chapter 5 conversation to make up for it.)

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Although it IS a lot easier if you give Celice the right starting equipment (Hero Sword + Sigurd Sword + Light Sword +Elite Ring + Movement Ring + Knight Ring + Other Rings, some of this stuff may have to be in Storage).

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