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eric cantor got his ass kicked


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cantar = sing in spanish huehue

but really majority leader loses to nobody what. he was our only hope of an immigration reform, though i admit he should have waited until after the election to announce his support for reformation. might have killed his bid.

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Mr. Cantor’s defeat delivered a major jolt to the Republican Party — he had widely been considered the top candidate to succeed Speaker John A. Boehner one day — and it has the potential both to change the debate in Washington on immigration and to reshape the midterm elections, which had been favoring his party.

lol so much for that.

I can't say I'm any sort of supporter for the Tea Party, but I always thought Eric Cantor came off as kind of a big tool (even for a politician!) so his loss puts a smile on my face.

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Yeah, it was a primary.

National dialogue keeps rolling right, sun rises in the east/sets in the west, sky confirmed still blue etc

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I'm torn. He was a member of the establishment and part of the problem. On the other hand replacing bad with worse is only okay if it gives someone else a chance to win.

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