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FE6 HM Prepromote Playthrough

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Yup, you heard this right. Ch. 7 is gonna be hell. After I get through Ch. 8x, I should be able to cruise.

Usable units are:

  • Prepromos
  • Thieves
  • Healers can be used but not promoted
  • Rutger and Deke sparingly until chapter 8 (because HM would be impossible without them otherwise. Especially Ch. 7)
  • Casualties at a minimum
  • No/Limited RNG abuse
  • 1 Savestate per Chapter
  • LTC is not possible because the earlygame Roy + Marcus show won't allow it.
  • Don't have pics of previous chapters, but they're not really too crazy. It was essentially a Roy + Marcus solo with the other units grabbing villages and blocking reinforcements.

Chapter 5:

I gave myself some leeway in this chapter by using some deadweight units of mine to block reinforcements. I have no idea how Roy and Marcus can solo this chapter without it.

So anyways, a glimpse of my units.


Roy is average. Surprise, surprise.


Marcus is solid with +1 STR and SPD in his stats. He managed a C support with Roy in Ch4.


Chad is meh, but he had a field day in this chapter, both combat wise and growth wise.

Initially, I tried going west, but my limited amount of usable units made this impossible. The brigands abused the mountains and handaxed my units to death. I wanted to keep casualties at a minimum. Instead, I take the long way and go around.


Anyways, I use Bors and Ward to block off reinforcements to the east. Deke stays on a mountain and distracts the brigands trying to cut across. They have 0 hit on him.


[Very] Slowly, I make my way around the map, abusing the forests. No RNG abuse here and my units only took a couple of shaky hits, which were healed off. I use Shanna to block the top and funnel my way to the bottom.


Chad recieved the lion's share of kills. He's working himself up to a respectable fighter. Good thing he gains increased EXP per kill as a thief.


Can you believe he gots consecutive growths like these in this chapter? He finished the chapter gaining 5 levels.

No pic, but Chad actually managed to hit C swords during this chapter. He used Rutger's Killing Edge to weaken the boss, then Roy got the kill.



Chapter 6

A pretty straight forward chapter. Both Roy and Chad can officially hold their own, so it wasn't bad.


I start by overloading the left side. Roy and Chad blocked off the forces charging south and Marcus picked apart the others one by one with the hand axe.


I open the door and Cath appears. I honestly don't think she'll be worth it, so I try to kill her. First time, had no luck, then hit her to the grave the second.


Reinforcements charged from the north, towards the end of the chapter, and Marcus shrugged them off. These were before and after shots during one of their charges.


After the trio takes care of the forces, Roy takes the kill and gets this beautiful level-up. This is now how he compares to my Rutger.

Chad grabs the treasure, eating up a good 11 turns, then Roy takes the throne. Lol my tactics.

The worst chapter ever is next, but I got a Killer Axe and Silver Lance to play with, as well as Marcus #2.

Chapter 7

The craziest chapter in the history of the world. The tough part about this chapter is keeping Treck and Noah alive. Well... after playing the chapter about 50 times last night and today, I decided to give up on keeping him alive.


Treck died in turn 3. Getting way too impatient, so I let him die. I've seen that screen about a million times. The goal of the chapter was now to at least keep Noah alive to recruit Fir.


These are the weapons Marcus has to play with in this chapter. Chad is also a beast. He was my main Javelin magnet for the chapter. On a forest, Javelins have about 10-20 hit, while mages have about 30-40.


Fast forward to turn 4: Roy recruits Zealot. Then, I savestate. Marcus Halberds an enemy and takes care of an archer. Chad baits the Wyvern and Marcus was able to double him with the Killer Axe, procing a critical.


Typical FE6 AI. Noah advances past the front lines and hits a couple of healers in the process. Meanwhile, Chad baits the second Wyvern and Marcus finishes.


Noah is recruited at turn 8. Now, it's just doing some housecleaning before the reinforcements.


The cavs were taken out quickly. Both OHKO with the Halberd and Marcus crits the Silver Lance cav.


Roy, Chad, and Marcus charge north, while Zealot stays back. Zealot gains SKL during a level up.


The crew picks them off one by one. Marcus manages a good level up, A Axes(!!!) and B support with Roy(!!). Never had that before, Armads Marcus sounds like a lot of fun!


Worst chapter ever is finally over. Thank god. And it only took 30 turns...

Chapter 8

This chapter won't be bad, just long. Another chapter to build up axe rank for the Paladins.



The main crew. Roy and Chad are more or less average, but are at a high level. Zealot doesn't have a large enough body of work to judge how he'll shape up. Marcus has been my MVP by far. +2 in STR and SPD to go along with S Lances and A Axes. What a beast.

Deke and Rutger were used in emergencies. Now that Zealot joins the team and Roy and Chad shape up to be wonderful combat units, it's time for them to go to the bench.


This map is so standard to the point of exhaustion. I make my way around... and around... until I get to Lilina's area at around turn 14 to take care of the reinforcements.


Marcus man-handles the south, while Zealot and Astore handle the north.


Chad is officially my new Rutger. He and Marcus weaken the boss, then Roy goes in for the kill.


Roy and Marcus once again progress beautifully. Chad and Astore are also very solid. I can't say the same about Zealot however... 2 HP level ups in two levels. Marcus reaches S Axes and Zealot reaches S Lances.

It's very easy for the two pallies to reach such high weapon levels because they're by far seeing the most combat. I bought a bunch of hand axes and javelins during the previous chapter and they're burning through them very quickly.

Unto 8x...

Chapter 8x

Very straightforward. I can't go over the short gap... so around we go.



Marcus and Zealot's weapon levels. Zealot also got his first decent level up. Marcus continues to grow well.

The enemies were too easy. The axe users were slow, so anyone could take them on. The mercs were Javelin'd to death.



The boss obviously gave me problems. It took me quite a long bit to actually hit the guy. Chad could double him, but for paltry damage. Everyone kept missing for a while until Roy used a Killing Edge to finish the deal. He's now level 19 and only proc'd HP.

Roy, Chad, and Astore are all nearing their fighting limits. They should all be able to cap within the next couple of chapters.

I still have a Goddess Icon and a Secret Book in storage. I might sell the Goddess Icon, but the Secret Book will be useful for whoever boss kills later on. Echidna or a bow user will be a good investment.

Chapter 9

I restarted a couple more times in this chapter than I had hoped for. One because the boss criticalled Marcus...

Anyways, the units I'm up against aren't intimidating. It's just the decent amount of things to do, plus the boss.


The chapter up until turn 5 was quite boring. I meet Fir turn 5, brace myself in the little island, then recruit her the next turn. Her stats are very good. Sadly, we can't use her.

From here, my forces split. Astore, Zealot, and Saul go south; everybody else goes north.


Shin appears, and I have Sue recruit on turn 7. I took my chances and sent Marcus with a sword equipped to the northern island. He met a Halberd Fighter (which he kindly dodges). Chad and Roy will be sent to help next turn.

The southern units had no trouble gaining momentum. We were able to get the Silver Sword to the south (which sadly, no one can use except Roy). We brace ourselves again for reinforcements.


To the south, Zealot and Astore held off most of the units, while Saul healed. He was hit once by an arrow, but luckily, I had an elixer on him. Zealot eventually gains a level and procs SPD and DEF. Excellent.


Roy and Chad dealt with the northern pirates, which were too easy. Roy and Chad both reach level 20 in the process. Marcus eventually makes his way westward.


Not gonna go head strong against the Zerker, despite good avoid. Marcus softens him up with the Light Brand, then goes in for the kill with a Killer Edge. He also gained another great level up in the process.

To the A route we go! For Echidna and Lalum!

Edited by Sniper Sirius
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