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[FE10] Keeping it Casual


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Every unit in the map including the ones in the closed rooms.

Also, what, I recall Sothe levelling up by dodging Elsleep o.O... but in the end, what pkl said. Limit yourself to use drafteds.

This is going to be a nightmare with only 3 combat units...

Wow, I'm still attempting 1-6-2 >_>.

I'm assuming Taur goes and hides in a corner while Sothe and Zihark cut a path for Volug carrying Micaiah.

On 1-6-2 you can easily 2 turn it assuming you gave Sothe Adept. Just shove him with Zihark or Volug and then on turn 2 he arrives at the very edge of the boss's range.

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I've finished my run and I've updated my previous post with the final turns for each chapter. I'd also greatly appreciate it if you changed my name in the original post to Xander...

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Congrats Xander, I'm by 1-5 because MK8 takes its time to 100% completion.

As for my theoretical TC, I think it'd be:

1-P: 5/5

1-1: 4/9

1-2: 5/14

1-3: 5/19

1-4: 4/23

1-5: 6/29

1-6: 6/35

1-7: 5/40

1-8: 4/44

1-9: 4/48

1-E: 5/53

2-P: 8/61

2-1: 5/66

2-2: 5/71

2-3: 5/76

2-E: 2/78

3-P: 7/85

3-1: 5/90

3-2: 2/92

3-3: 7/99

3-4: 7/106

3-5: 1/107

3-6: 7/114

3-7: 12/126

3-8: 4/130

3-9: 3/133

3-10: 4/137

3-11: 4/141

3-12: 2/143

3-13: 2/145

3-E: 4/149

4-P: 2/151

4-1: 3/154

4-2: 5/159

4-3: 5/164

4-4: 6/170

4-5: 2/172

4-E-1: 2/174

4-E-2: 1/175

4-E-3: 1/176

4-E-4: 1/177

4-E-5: 2/179

With 2-1 and 3-P free it'd be reduced to 167 turns. Let's see how much does it differ from reality.

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Sheesh I might have to go again if everyone blows my turns out of the water...

Generally once you submit a final TC, you can't redo anything.

Not like it matters because it's not a true competition for money or anything, just beat him next draft or something if u want :P.

Go out proud that you finished first?

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Generally once you submit a final TC, you can't redo anything.

Not like it matters because it's not a true competition for money or anything, just beat him next draft or something if u want :P.

Go out proud that you finished first?

When did that become a rule? I remember in my hard mode draft a couple of years ago Soul redid his run after I finished mine and it was just peachy with everyone.

Edited by Xandere
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Yeah, I've actually done that a couple of times, back in the day. But now, I realize it may well just be a policy/traddition, rather than a actual rule.

I definitely won't hate you for it (nor will the others). But, having had matured significantly, in this aspect, I realize I wouldn't go for it. Rather stick with the more solid position and just go with what I got.

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That seems like a silly policy. It puts the person who finishes first at a huge disadvantage since everyone can just try and one up them and I don't see why I should be the first one put on the spot for disagreeing with it. The way I see it, it just encourages everyone to get better at the game by allowing people to go back and try and get better turncounts.

I'm not necessarily arguing this rule be changed for this particular draft since I kind of rushed through it to unlock hard mode and the spirit of this particular draft is focused less on competition so I'm not too inclined to go back and try to get lower turns, but in the future I think that policy should be looked into and changed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[FE10] Keeping it Casual

[spoiler=Drafted Team]Oscar.pngIlyana2.pngTanith_FE10.pngCalill_FE10.pngLeonardo.pngKieran_FE10.pngTauroneo_RD.pngDanvedportrait.pngPelleas.pngGareth.png

Part 1: Silver-Haired Maiden

Main Unit:


1-P: 5/5

New Unit:


Basic strategy of chip and kill. Micaiah gets up to Lv. 3 by killing the boss.

1-1: 4/9

Leo shaved a turn by helping Nolan killing the Hand Axe Fighter blocking an Escape tile. Had to get Micaiah dodge a couple of hits and Nolan tank or dodge others to survive and attack by next phases.

1-2: 5/14

Free Unit:


Edward ferries Laura up until like PP4, where she gets shoved by Sothe and Nolan iirc. Having Leo allows you to get the Energy Drop but that requires Leo and Nolan killing the archer in the upper floor being down the ledge. I could do it but didn't remember lol. Miccy gets to Lv. 4 here and Leo gets kills.

1-3: 5/19

New Unit:


Went the right side through the door. Miccy moves, Ily shoves her so Sothe can kill the fighter with her support. Leo gets to the thicket to lure the Steel Bow Archer that pwns him at one shot lawl p00r Leo. Ed gets the keys, Miccy gets next to Ed and trades them to open the door, Sothe kills the archer in front of the openned door while Leo chips people staying behind Kurth cause DODGETANK. Miccy, Sothe and Ily move on until Sothe reaches the knight adjacent to the Longbow archer and kills it. By EP4 Miccy tanks the boss and dodges the JAvelin Soldier because so baws she is. By next phase, Ilyana rigs an Elthunder crt and kills Burton getting near 90+EXP. Sothe KOs the archer and Miccy escapes.

1-4: 4/23

Sothe left and scrubs right through the southern route. Leo got the Seal and Sothe the Beastfoe scroll. Sothe owns his side while scrubs with Wrath Miccy and Forged Ily deals with tigers. Ilyana gets 14Sp to ORKO tigers with the max mt/crt forge. Don't remember who killed the boss lol but it was fairly easy with SacriWrath Miccy and Ilyana. Leo sux without forged btw.

1-5: 6/29

Usual strat: Wrath Miccy and Ilyana up to the ledges, they chokepoint the tiles adjacent to the gaps and own enemies there. Ilyana is getting so many EXP that I'm worried about Miccy :(. Sothe steals the Seal and bla bla bla. Oh, Ily got the Spirit Dust because yes.


New Unit:


Stage 1: 4/33

Adept Sothe west then up. Leo and Ily go to the center and Miccy up to receive reinforcements. Tauros is only used to block enemies path because Resolve Miccy was only able to chip them. After she broke the Light tome, got to C rank and auto equipped Ellight she managed to kill enemies even peg knights with more Magic gains. But pretty standard.

Stage 2: 2/35

Adept Sothe and forged owns Laverton. Scrubs drain EXP and gather some magnificent essence there :smug:

1-7: 5/40

Adept Savior Sothe ferries Miccy up to the seize spot. Leo and Ilyana get to 2nd Tier struggling BEXP :/ but oh well, they did it. Trained them a bit for some levels.

1-8: 4/44

Free Unit:


Paragon Ily left, Adept Leo up, Miccy down and Celerity Sothe right. Vika is the best unit evar, placed her above the tree in the swamp to control the Dracos movement. Ily went left with Rafiel without issue training Fire rank, Leo had only to Adept kill the Hand Axe Bandit by EP4, Miccy had to get enough Sp because lol13AS, had to rig 15AS reinforcement bandits so she can actually double them. I was playing like normally with Miccy but RAEG need some Sp. Sothe is a baws so uh no issue with him. Oh, how could I forgot Radmin's Crt? :facepalm:

1-9: 4/48

Free Unit:


Miccy went left side because safier, although she loves to die to the Worst Bio Steel Axe Fighter even in the thickets and in Resolve range. Got some Sp because needed! Also, Jarod got Eclipse'd.

1-E: 5/53

Standard thing here. Pass Savior Sothe ferries Miccy up to the throne room, Celerity Ilyana accompanies him and just needs a BK shove to open the door for Sothe by PP4. People train here, PAragon LEo gets two level ups, BK got the Reaper Card and Volug trades it for extra cash. Ilyana just sends Brave Sword and Hammer for the GMs, along with her tomes (Fire, Elthunder, Elfire, Arcthunder and Arcfire). DBs sell the Blue Gem because they'll need it for Leo during 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13's Blizzard. I has a plan.



Part 1 TC: 53 turns

Edd P1 TC/10 who needs wrath shenanigans :awesome:

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Part 2: Of Countries and Kings

2-P: 8/61

Free Unit:


Credits to Sal for the S rank Luchi strat although Luchi was one strike to hit S rank and got stuck with A lol, but yeah.

2-1: free

Just in case, I spent 7 turns by getting the Steel Axe, the Ashera Icon and extra exp for Neph, it really wasn't dat much of a difference though, but yeah, Neph needs her good level ups for 2-2. Got Heather for GM's Pass.

2-2: 5/66

Lol, Neph kinda trivializes this chapter. I was about to 4 turn clear it but Leanne was short of tiles and Nephenee couldn't kill both the swd Gen and Maraj in the same turn. Basic strategy was making Neph get Wrath right in the first turn by getting hits from the swd armr, the venin soldier and archer, the rest is just manioulating her HP with dodges and heals and rigging Wrath Crtkills by enemy phases to clear as much enemies as possible. Apparently, drafting people for 2-2 is kind of a waste unless you're aiming for the 4 turn clear, though, I'll need more drafts to experiment with this chapter for more consistent analysis.

2-3: 5/71

New Units (Free and Drafteds):


Pretty standard and straight forward. Geoffrey gets the Arms Scroll because better to have the more than to have a few amirite. No BEXP is given just to save it for the First-Class Magician I HAS A PLAN. Danved connects a 7% Short Spear crt on Tashoria for more exp yay, Kieran Gamble Crtkilled the Halberdier with Killer Axe for the Speedwings and sends it to the convoy. Job's done here.

2-E: 3/74

New Unit:


Calill got Speedwing and Ashera Icon and got BEXP'd up to 16.70+ with 24mag and res and capped skl and sp. Strat was meteoring Ludveck but enemies clustered in the middle so Calill had to get to the middle by turn 1. For that I had to use transformed Luchi just to distract and alter enemy AI. Calill (in the stairs at the right) and Luchi full move near the middle and get vigored by Leanne, Calill full moved to the middle and killed the Steel Bow Archer leaving Leanne wide open to two soldiers and the Javelin Halberdier, but for that Luchi transformed and stood in front of her to avoid the soldiers targetting her, but still Leanne had to dodge at least one of the two Halberdier's hits, and so it hapenned. The rest of the enemies wither broke the wall, moved towards Luchi and Leanne or died to Calill's Elthunder. After this phase, Calill meteor'd Ludveck once, Marcia traded her Meteor and equipped her Elthunder back to kill incoming enemies, Leanne full moved left and waits between the two snipers and Luchi just retreated back. By enemy phase Calill owned enemies and the short spear gen attacked Leanne down the ledge but she loldodged, also the priest adjacent to the Duke didn't Mend him at 29Hp. By next phase, Calill ends this torment thanks to Leanne. Leanne > Reyson imo. Credits to PKL for the Meteor clear.

Now, a Calill solo is a 3 turn clear, but if you have Marcia you can rig the 1 turn with an Elthunder crt at sub 10% or go for a safe 2 turn clear since she 2RKOs him with maxed offense.

Part 2 TC: 21 turns

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 3: Intersecting Vows

Main unit:


3-P: free

New unit:


Oscar owns everything with Adept and his Steel Lance, the Stl Greatlance needs to be saved for 3-1 wreckage against the generals near the Blue Gem house; assigned him Miracle for extra durability. Oscar got 274Exp here by killing everything and the boss with a Short Spear crt lol.

3-1: 5/79

Didn't tried Xander's strat rigurously, so I went off with my standard strat. Oscar caps Str, Skl and Sp for this chapter, but he ran out of Short Spear uses :(. Also, free unit was Shinon and didn't get Seraph Robe because Scrub Mode. Oscar is over 19.50EXP, so boss.

3-2: 2/81



Lol, level 5 Ilyana. Oscar promotes and equips Killer Bow and Celerity and double crts the draco boss. Ilyana and Ike get some good level ups and kills.

3-3: 8/89

Raeg, no Short Spear on Oscar mean extra turn,I am so scrub, meh. Tits can 7 turn this with Hand Axe because +2Str and Weapon Triangle Bonus against the Short Spear Halberdier with 37Hp and 19Def guarding the north eastern supply; Oscar with 28Str (rigging Str every level up) deals 16*2 dmg with Javelin and the exact 19*2 dmg with Short Spear (which needs to have at least, 3 uses: 1 for Sol'ing the Fire Sage at 1 range, and the other 2 against said Berdier). Concerning strat, Celerity Oscar rushes up and burns the northeastern and northern supplies, while Pass Ike burns the northwestern supply, Ily burns the one in the middle and free!Gatrie nurbs the southern supplies. Ike got the MAster Crown.

3-4: 7/96

Meh, not even Celerity Oscar clears this in 6 turns by ferrying Pass Provoke Ike: I needed an extra mobile unit to deal with a Halberdier blocking the path. Ilyana trained by getting kills climbing the ledges.

3-5: 1/97

Free unit:


Standard Killer Crt clear with Oscar. Oscar so good.

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