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[FE10] Keeping it Casual


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Since I'm not going to be able to play for most of if not all of tomorrow I'll just leave my logs so far here and continually update when I start playing again. If you guys have any questions feel free to ask. For a turn by turn of my 3 turn of 3-1 I can give a step by step instructions and explanations if anyone else wants to try it out.

Part 1

1-P 5 turns

More or less standard strategy here, before the end of the chapter Leonardo traded the Dracoshield to Micaiah, who ended the chapter at a healthy level 3 with an hp level up after being fed as many kills as possible.

1-1 5 turns

I used Nolan as my free unit this time around since he's tankier and has a higher damage output than Edward (who didn't get enough experience in the previous chapter to double enemies or survive more than two rounds here). Micaiah uses the Dracoshield on turn 1 to be able to survive one hit from the axe wielders. Again the standard 5 turn clear strategy which requires Micaiah to dodge an attack from an axe wielder with ~55 displayed hit.

1-2 5 turns

Nolan was chosen as the free unit once again and Micaiah holds off the soldiers to the right while Laura and Nolan head up the ledge and everything proceeds as always, ending with Laura being shoved by Nolan and Sothe to reach the arrive square on turn 5 while foregoing the chests or any other loot. It should be noted that by the end of the chapter Micaiah is level 5 with 10 speed and 5 defense thanks to the Dracoshield and a defense proc.

1-3 5 turns

This chapter I used the standard strategy but took advantage of Laura the shovebot and my Micaiah's tankiness with Sothe support's +avoid to finish a turn early. The boss had under 50% displayed hit on Micaiah while she was in range of Sothe and she was tanky enough to survive an attack with 1 HP and escape after all was said and done.

1-4 5 turns

In base I recruited Meg, then gave her enough bonus exp to ensure that no enemy on the map could double her and got a beastkiller for Sothe and gave Wrath to Micaiah as well as a forged light tome with +MT. Sothe went the usual route and picked up Beastfoe and 3000 gold while Micaiah, Meg and Laura took out the suicidal enraged tiger and the right hand side of the map.

1-5 6 turns

This chapter was used to train, Sothe managed to steal a Master Seal. Standard.

1-6-1 4 turns

Plenty of bonus exp was given to Micaiah and Meg in preparation for this chapter. Meg grows speed pretty much every level, she had 13 speed going into this chapter while her strength was 11(one point above base). Sothe solod the LHS of the map with Iron Knife forges while Micaiah and Megan Fox cleared the northern enemies and reinforcements.

1-6-2 2 turns

1-7 5 turns

This one took me a while to figure out, but unfortunately I had to promote Meg a bit early (~16, only speed maxed), as she needed 6 movement to be able to shove Sothe twice so I could achieve the 5 turn clear. On turn 5 Sothe crit the boss with his max crit max MT Iron Knife forge and Micaiah seized.

1-8 4 turns

This one was surprisingly easy with only 3 available combat units. I pumped most of my remaining bonus exp into Micaiah, made sure she had resolve and had her solo most of the enemies on the LHS. Sothe went right and the undrafted units rescued as many villagers as they could.

1-9 4 turns

I give Micaiah a bit more bonus exp so she reaches level 19 and caps mag and res with a decent amount of speed as well, then I proceed to use the standard 4 turn strat.

1-E 6 turns

Laura is given bonus exp from level 2 -> level 18 and I buy a master seal for her. If I had a unit with decent movement that could keep up with Sothe instead of Meg and Laura, this chapter would be clearable a bit sooner. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and I used the couple of extra turns it took me to finish to train Meg and Laura against the reinforcements. Ilyana ferries over Celerity and a hammer to the GMs.

Part 2

2-P 8 turns

2-1 4 turns

Not much to this chapter other than making sure Nephenee gets the boss kill since I didn't have to worry about recruiting Heather.

2-2 4 turns

I used Nealuchi as my free unit and managed his Wrath range carefully. Nephenee managed to get a good amount of exp and even got a good level this chapter gaining HP, str, skl, spd, def.

2-3 5 turns

Nothing special happened here except making sure Geoffrey sent Brave Lance to the convoy by the end of the chapter.

2-E 1 turn

I got Nephenee up to level 12 with bonus exp and dropped her down to Ludveck's level. With the Brave Lance Geoffrey dropped off last chapter and Wrath, this was one of the easiest chapters up until this point.

Part 3

3-P 8 turns

This chapter is frustrating, it should have been over much sooner, but Skrimir decided to attack, walk one step sideways, and do everything except seize.Titania gained a level and killed the boss, obtaining a crossbow.

3-1 3 turns

I used the basic concept of the 3 turn strategy I invented in my hard mode efficiency playthrough ages ago, the only difference being I had less units to work with (though I was able to work around this by rescuing Lyre and letting Lethe roam after turn 1). Titania was given bexp to promotion and Ike was given adept and provoke, Shinon was my free unit and he was given the crossbow for retaliation on turn 1 ep. Shinon needs to crit the enemy longbow sniper and the short spear halb on turn 2 for the strategy to work, though it's not particularly difficult given the 40% displayed crit chance with the killer bow (which he may be able to use depending on how turn 1 went). I obtained both the Seraph Robe with Shinon and the Blue Gem with Titania. The beauty of the strategy is that there are so many options for how it can be executed depending on how turn 1 goes for Ike and Shinon. The 3 turn is only possible with Titania and if she doesn't have transfer bonuses she must gain enough xp from the previous chapter to promote in base.

3-2 2 turns

Nephenee gets Adept and a level of bexp. Ike keeps provoke to distract enemies so they don't destroy Titania. This is standard fare, Celerity which was brought over from the DB goes to Titania, who rescue drops Nephenee into the boss's range. On enemy phase he does 21 damage to her, brings her to wrath range, and with her short spear and maxed str he's as good as dead.

3-3 7 turns

I had to redo this chapter twice because I tried to let the senators live, but the idiots would keep obstructing my pathway to the tents and costing me turns, so eventually I just decided to kill them and forego the bonus exp. A white gem and Ashera Icon for bexp for two promoted units and an Ike who's already level 15? Worth!

3-4 7 turns

Nephenee gets Master Crowned. Ranulf Ike and Neph battle their way to the top of the mountain. It's literally as simple as that.

3-5 1 turn

Titania gets two levels of bexp for strength growth. Reyson + Shove + Canto onto Titania = 1 turn.

3-6 8 turns

Make the pain stop. I realized on 1-E that picking only 6 move units for part 1 was a mistake, and this chapter was just a nice reminder. I don't think the 7 turn is possible with Meg and Laura.

3-7 12 turns

Haar was deployed to recruit Jill to transfer the Savior scroll to the GMs.

3-8 4 turns

Titania is given Celerity again and takes out the majority of the map by herself.

3-9 4 turns

The standard 4 turn after Geoffrey is crowned and given Adept.

3-10 4 turns

Thanks Titania. She solod the majority of the map while Nephenee and Ulki cleared the southern portion.

3-11 5 turns

Ulki rescue dropped Ike who arrived on turn 5.

3-12 3 turns

Laura got Bonus exp, a master crown, resolve and the boots and easily took care of this chapter for me.

3-13 1 turn

This chapter is the only reason you draft Laura. As a level 4 Saint with the boots, Adept and Purge she can easily one shot Ike.

3-E 5 turns

In the midst of her blood crazed frenzy Titania was able to stop slaughtering long enough to find a rescue staff which got sent to the convoy.

Part 4

The teams for each route going into part 4 looked like this:

Silver Army - Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Laura

Greil Army - Ike, Titania, Rafiel, Ulki

Hawk Army - Elincia, Ranulf, Lucia, Raisin, Nephenee, Meg

4-P 3 turns

Laura easily dealt with the northern enemies including the passive tempest blade general while Micaiah with Resolve went right with help from Naesala.

4-1 4 turns

Ike took a torch from the convoy as well as the pass skill. Ulki took wildheart and adept. Ulki and Rafiel went left from the starting position and eventually assassinated all of the enemies while Ike went south killing everything in his way and Titania went right, taking on the generals with her hand axe forges.

4-2 5 turns

Elincia took a Storm Sword and she and Neph took on the bulk of enemies this chapter with Reyson's help while Lucia, Meg and Ranulf had their hands full with the generals near the starting position and a few scrub reinforcements.

4-3 6 turns

I was able to take my time this chapter, recruiting Stefan as well as picking up the Dragonfoe, White Gem, and Laguz Gem (which was sent to the convoy).

4-4 9 turns

This wasn't quite the nightmare I thought it would be. After dealing with the initial enemies everyone rushed up the platform while Titania (who can no longer solo entire maps by herself) took the long way around, dealing with the reinforcements. I even recruited Oliver and picked up the Fortify Staff and Arbalest to sell later.

4-5 1 turn

One of the perks of having Elincia on the team is this chapter. I used Volke to kill Izuka because they had a nice dialogue.

4-E-1 3 turns

Rafiel was chosen as my heron, the chapter was fairly standard..

4-E-2 1 turn

I used up the last of my purge tome to get the Wishblade.

4-E-3 2 turns

Unfortunately Dheginsea one shot the majority of my team so I had to proceed with extreme caution in this level.

4-E-4 1 turn

This took quite a while to figure out how to do. I used up my final use of the rescue staff along with perfect positioning, movement, skill combinations and shoves to get the 1 turn.

4-E-5 3 turns

I had to give Rafiel plenty of bonus exp and a Seraph Robe so he wouldn't die instantly. Then I took my time chipping away at the auras and healing with the Fortify Staff until I finally broke them all and was able to have Ike finish off Ashera.

And so that marks the end of my run at 190 total turns. If we're not counting 2-1 or 3-P then that puts the total at 178 turns.

Edited by Xandere
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Edward saves a turn in 1-1, people also tend to rig the 4 turn in 1-2 but that strat is just ridiculous.

I'm curious about a couple of things:

In 1-8, as Micaiah's going to the left, isn't she short of tiles to reach the brigand reinforcement by the end of EP3 even if Rafiel vigors every turn?

I'd like to see a step by step for 3-1. I don't remember if the min for 3-1 with Tits is 3 or 4 @_@

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Rinoa: Zihark, Gatrie, Volug, Rolf, Vika, Caineghis, Fiona, Mist, Bastian, Kurth (Free: Micaiah, Ike, Sothe, Herons, Lehran (not getting him) Stefan, Ena, and Oliver)

So I have a Vague Katti, Double Bow, Wishblade, Rexcalibur, Ashera Staff, and Alondite user. Plus Laguz.

And since I have 1 character that is automatically brought to endgame (Kurth) I guess I'll have to fill that 10th slot with Oliver who's free lol.

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Edward saves a turn in 1-1, people also tend to rig the 4 turn in 1-2 but that strat is just ridiculous.

I'm curious about a couple of things:

In 1-8, as Micaiah's going to the left, isn't she short of tiles to reach the brigand reinforcement by the end of EP3 even if Rafiel vigors every turn?

I'd like to see a step by step for 3-1. I don't remember if the min for 3-1 with Tits is 3 or 4 @_@

I don't remember her being short to reach a reinforcement in 1-8, though I did neglect to mention my promoted Meg with Brave Sword one shot most of the bandits on the southern part of the map, including a couple of reinforcements.

As for 3-1 keep in mind that with a Steel Poleaxe, a promoted and/or transfer Titania one rounds every enemy on the map even in Hard Mode. I'll type up the full strategy for you after I finish part 3 but as long as you have a promoted Titania the only variables in the chapter are Shinon getting the crit on the longbow sniper for the kill and Ike getting a crit/activating Adept on the boss on turn 3.

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Rinoa: Zihark, Gatrie, Volug, Rolf, Vika, Caineghis, Fiona, Mist, Bastian, Kurth (Free: Micaiah, Ike, Sothe, Herons, Lehran (not getting him) Stefan, Ena, and Oliver)

So I have a Vague Katti, Double Bow, Wishblade, Rexcalibur, Ashera Staff, and Alondite user. Plus Laguz.

And since I have 1 character that is automatically brought to endgame (Kurth) I guess I'll have to fill that 10th slot with Oliver who's free lol.

Stefan is miles away better. Bless him the Brave Sword, stick him with a +Atck supporter and Ena and watch Ward Auras die to a breeze. Oliver is trash lol.

By the way, what's the average turncount for 3-6 these days?

7 turns.
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Try having him not exist.

I guess I'm just used to FE7 where a high tier unit is shaving a lot more turns than a mid tier unit

1-P 5 turns

Standard strat, Edward got 2 levels and Miccy was left at 1.99.

1-1 4 turns

Nolan was my free unit obviously, and he and Edward charged through the middle. Edward got the kill on the boss, Nolan shoved Miccy so that she could escape. No hand axe.

1-2 5 turns

Leo ferries Laura, Edward and Miccy clear the way. Nolan watches their backs. I didn't grab any of the treasure.

1-3 5 turns

Miccy opens the door, Sothe kills the archer in front of the door, and Edward pushes past. Miccy dodges a fighter with help from Sothe support.

1-4 4 turns

I buy the Beastkiller and BEXP Miccy a little, I always neglect her in drafts even though I need her to be good by 1-8. Also BEXP Ed one level of strength and defense so that he can ORKO cats with a steel sword and survive more easily. Sothe kills a tiger in the South, then heads north to break down the wall and eventually kill the LHS boss and grab Beastfoe. Miccy chips a tiger over the wall, and Edward goes south and then right. I don't know if this is standard but it was pretty gross and it took me a couple of tries to get everything right.

1-5 6 turns

I <3 defend chapters. Master seal get and Miccy gets some much needed attention. Also I buy a wind edge.

1-6 -1 4 turns

3 max might forges for Sothe. Adept Sothe goes left, Edward goes up. I hate this chapter.

1-6-2 2 turns

Why doesn't the boss attack first :(

1-7 5 turns

Edward shoves twice. Quint pretty much explained this chapter already. I used the Beastkiller because it was strong enough to kill the boss with a crit and a normal hit.

1-8 4 turns

This chapter took so much luck and manipulation so that Miccy wouldn't die. I'm never relying on one DB'er to take me through Part 1 ever again. Sothe goes right, Edward down, and Miccy up and left. Rafiel vigors.

1-9 4 turns

BEXP Miccy from level 14 to level 20 because thats how many BEXP levels it took to get her HP/Def up to standard for this chapter. She actually got a surprising amount of speed levels, bringing her to 16 speed.

1-E 6 turns

I don't even know how you could possibly 5 turn this. I must suck at this game or something. Anyway, Ilyana brings a red gem, a goddess icon, and celerity to GM. Probably should have brought Adept for double Adept goodness, but maybe DB will need it for something like killing Ike. SaviorPassSothe ferries Miccy and Edward self improves because he can't tear down huge amounts of enemies to keep up with Sothe. This chapter is literally hell. I lost count of how many times I tried to do this. Seriously, Sothe died like a billion times or something. But I did it :]. Oh yeah I needed one max might and max crit knife to OHKO Jarod after a Thani chip from Miccy. GG part 1.

Edited by Mar Mar
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1-P: 7 turns. Standard fair. Edward/10

1-1: 10 turns. This was not easy. Barely scraped through with enough time to spare.

1-2: 23 turns. Laura not being on my side plus my general lack of skill made this not a fun time.

1-3: 25 turns: Micaiah-Sothe duo. This is what I get for not picking Nolan, which means I took the 4 turn penalty.

1-4: 18 turns: This was fun. I didn't really struggle, but I enjoyed how Micaiah and Sothe worked together.

1-5: 5 turns: Volug is such a great addition~~ Zihark is now with me.

Yes, I know I'll never win, but I am not going to do those chapters over again. It'd turns out the same as before.

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