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About using Panne in Lunatic

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I asked this in the tier list thread but it was locked due to necroposting, so I'm creating a new thread instead.

I have a few questions regarding Panne's usage in Lunatic Mode.

- At which level is Panne supossed to be reclassed to Wyvern?

- When is Panne's optimal reclass chapter?

- Which resources (pair-ups, forges, statboosters) does she want in order to be useful (outside of a Second Seal)?

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I asked this in the tier list thread but it was locked due to necroposting, so I'm creating a new thread instead.

I have a few questions regarding Panne's usage in Lunatic Mode.

- At which level is Panne supossed to be reclassed to Wyvern?

- When is Panne's optimal reclass chapter?

- Which resources (pair-ups, forges, statboosters) does she want in order to be useful (outside of a Second Seal)?

For a long time I was looking for that tier list and couldnt find it due to the millions of pairing threads being made...

someone found it too late it seems :P

So, anyway

-I usually reclass her at Level 10 right away so that I can start working on her axe rank and feeding her kills. But that's just because my runs tend to be Avatar-less.

When using Avatar, I reckon she can get a few more levels before C8's Second Seal is obtained.

-Optimal? Well, sometime after Chapter 8 if you're using Avatar (since he/she will get the Renown Seal more often than not).

-I find she pairs up well with all sorts of people. Vaike and Kellam gives her good offense+defense. Frederick gives her good offense, defense and move, but hes contested. Lon'qu can get her doubling much quicker, etc. I find it better to give her an offense boost for lategame though, as her spd is usually overkill with Lon'qu by then. As for resources, she likes a Ladle forge from Paralogue 3 or a Bronze Axe forge. The Paralogue 4 Arms Scroll can also help her a lot.

EDIT: The tier list was outdated wow. Miriel definetely isn't unviable.

Edited by PKL
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But doesn't reclassing her earlier affect her Speed negatively? WyvernRider!Panne Lv10/1 has 8 Spd in average.

Or am I calculating wrong? I am assuming that her personal base Spd is 0, because that's what it says in Wars of Dragons. I feel dubious about that source, though.

No, it doesn't. Wyvern Rider and Taguel have the same base speed so the only speed she loses is the bonus she gets from the beast stone. Also 10/1 Panne's speed is 13 on average(assuming the 75% growth is accurate).

Her personal base speed is five so that website is wrong.

EDIT: She does lose 5% growth in speed if that is what you meant. So yes it does impact her speed negatively, but not significantly.

Edited by AMCC4728
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I'm gonna have to generally agree with everything PKL said. You probably want to reclass her ASAP, she has very little to gain from staying in Taguel and everything to gain from switching out. Her stats are mostly comparable right after switching (including Beaststone bonuses, she gets +1 HP, +2 STR, -3 SKL, -5 SPD, -4 LUK, +4 DEF, -2 RES and with a +2 Bronze Axe, her weapon is otherwise identical but costs 1/2 as much per use), so unless losing that 5 speed means no longer hitting an important speed point, it's probably better. And even if you do miss out on it, building up towards useful Wyvern Lord skills and Axe rank is useful. So yeah, the chapter 8 Second Seal, or ideally even earlier (Anna Shop) would be best. I don't have exact enemy stats to hand but around chapter 8, I think enemies are mostly sporting around 13 speed, give or take? So reclassing immediately might take her from just doubling to not doubling, possibly, without a +SPD partner, but ehh, probably still worth it. She'll level quickly and start doubling before too long.

Resources, she likes a Bronze Axe forge. It doesn't have to be that good and chances are, someone else will be able to use it after her. +1 or +2 might is probably adequate to get started. This costs a total of 600 or 1,000 gold (12 or 20 gold per use) so it's not that taxing on resources. Pair Ups, as hinted above, her speed is slightly lacking at first so a good speed pair up may let her double. But beyond that, strength and defence, like just about every physical unit. For other resources, I don't think she needs any.

Panne is really good really quickly as a Wyvern Rider. A little mediocre at first maybe, but so are most people on Lunatic, but she quickly becomes really awesome. I used her on a recent Lunatic run, as a Wyvern Rider, and definitely appreciated having her in the team.

(And yeah Miriel is pretty decent on Lunatic, although she doesn't really get great until she can start nosferatanking. She's still okay without that but, fragile and not fast enough can be issues (both can be fixed, but often not both at the same time). I don't know what assumptions the tier list has or where she's listed on it without looking, but she's not the easiest character to get started, so middle-ish would seem right to me).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crap I didnt see this till now...my Panne is maxed at Taguel tt n tt no point in reclassing her now huh?

It's never too late to reclass her~! She'll retain a lot of stats that she had in Taguel form, sans Beaststone. . .so she should be able to hold her own.

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