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Fire Emblem Favorites Tournament - NOW COMPLETE (only first part uploaded)

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Saw Sheema, so I figured I'd add him too.


Samson: Hero

Asset: HP
Flaw: DEF


Silver Axe (Max Hit + Rest on might)

Swordbreaker is a great skill for axe users. Counter seems like a given, since he's an ex-gladiator and most likely prone to attacking back. Vantage for first strike. Patience to reflect his personality. And Axefaire because he's great with an axe.

Max Stat; HP:80 STR:43+5 (Axefaire) MAG:31 SKL:46 SPD:42 LUK:46 DEF:39 RES:37

This is fun. I should do more.

Edited by Duke of Dozel
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Saw Sheema, so I figured I'd add him too.


Samson: Hero

Asset: HP

Flaw: DEF




Dual Guard



Silver Axe (Max Hit)

Swordbreaker is a great skill for axe users. Counter seems like a given, since he's an ex-gladiator and most likely prone to attacking back. Dual Guard since he's Sheema's bodyguard. Patience to reflect his personality. And Axefaire because he's great with an axe.

Max Stat; HP:80 STR:43+5 (Axefaire) MAG:31 SKL:46 SPD:42 LUK:46 DEF:39 RES:37

This is fun. I should do more.

Dual Guard+ isn't exactly useful in a 1-on-1 fight (no pair up).

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Continuing with the theme of Dudes clipsey Likes. . .




Micaiah's Pyre (+5 MT/+3 Hit)







. . .then again, I haven't played much of FE4, even if Azel is one of my favorites. . .

Since his promotion is Mage Knight I'm assuming him to be a Dark Knight?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pleased to say that the final 5 should be ready by either Tuesday or Wednesday (I'll be staying at a friend's house tomorrow, so I won't get any work done)! As far as the date, well, this thread has been around for almost four months if I'm right, so I may change plans and start on this entire thing whenever I have time (this weekend is gonna be crazy and busy, so this Saturday AND this Friday are out). If anything, Round 1 should hopefully be up by the 19th.

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After three lengthy months, every character is now ready! All that's left is to make the bracket and start making the video. However, the video will more than likely take until sometime in November to be uploaded, since I need to compile the video footage, organize the bracket by random selection, and edit it all, not to mention re-make characters if I need to depending on what the bracket looks like! All I ask right now is that you hold patience for these next few weeks. If you want some Fire Emblem stuff as you wait, I still have the Nobles Only Run in progress on my Youtube channel (I'm hoping to be able to record an episode or two today depending on grinding and time).

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  • 4 weeks later...

For anyone who was wondering where this went, well...it hasn't. If I haven't been busy, I've been slacking and vice versa. Nonetheless, I'll start gathering a few of the clips. Bear in mind that I'l be posting updates for when the matches are finished, but the entire tournament will be comprised into one big video. As for the rules:

-Each round will last 15 phases. If no one is defeated at the end of 15 phases, the victor is decided my who has the most remaining HP. If both tie for HP, there will be a tiebreaker where the unit will use an unforged bronze version of their weapon and the nominee for the character will have to remove one skill from the character by choice (Lethality will be removed automatically if a unit is equipped with it).

-The difficulty is subject to change if the forge stats change on the combatant received over Streetpass on Hard mode. If that is the case, it will be switch to Hard mode.

-All rounds are fair game. It will either be all distance or all close-range to prevent tome users from having the advantage. If the combatants happen to be a bow user with a melee weapon user, however, the round will last for 30 phases to give each an equal opportunity to strike. The order of each combatant will be decided by their speed stat.

-The tournament will be single-elimination unless I decide otherwise.

-READ:: Requests for a redo match will NOT be accepted! Your character either wins or loses by luck of the draw or by their strength over others (whichever comes first).

The video clips themselves will have no noise, but there will be music added in (as for what, it depends on a number of factors). Either way, this should *hopefully* be finished by the end of this month (actually, I'm giving myself an uploading deadline: November 30 at the earliest, but no later than December 1).

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-The difficulty is subject to change if the forge stats change on the combatant received over Streetpass on Hard mode. If that is the case, it will be switch to Hard mode.

I believe you can forge a weapon with just a name and no stat boosts to prevent the difficulty from giving it a forge if you want to leave one unforged on a higher difficulty. Other than that, it shouldn't give you much trouble.

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What happens if you roll something like Rebecca vs. Fir?

It may end up being the same circumstance as the others unless I take it to random se

I believe you can forge a weapon with just a name and no stat boosts to prevent the difficulty from giving it a forge if you want to leave one unforged on a higher difficulty. Other than that, it shouldn't give you much trouble.

Thanks for the information.

lection (good thing I'm in AP Stats right now to know one way to do it).

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  • 3 weeks later...

WHY DID I HAVE TO BE LAZY WITH THIS?! I was too caught up in other games like Valkyria Chronicles and the new Pokemon games that I didn't get started on recording this crap until today! Regardless, I'll at least try to get all of the matches ready for editing my the deadline. Either way, the first match is over, and, yeah, Sheema wasn't given any room to breathe. Pent easily shelled her out with a Luna followed by a critical hit (in both of my scrapped recordings, she DID at least get in one hit, though, and don't get the wrong idea about the other recordings; they were only shelled because I forgot to tweak some things in the game settings and auto-focus wanted to give me the middle finger and make the match look hazy for try two).

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  • 4 months later...

Whaaaaaaa~?! This thread is still among the living?! ...okay, in all seriousness, I am genuinely surprised that this thing is still unlocked. First off, I apologize that I haven't been working on this as much as I should have. I wound up getting too self-absorbed in the games in my library (especially Smash and Pokemon) and I didn't pay much attention to this project (or the LP that I haven't put much focus on for the matter either) so this ended up being delayed far longer than it should, but I PROMISE that I'll get it done by the end of this month. Second, I have good news. I restarted the sessions for the project and three of the first round matches are done (I goofed and had one of the second slot characters appear as a controlled character, but when I'm letting speed dictates who gets the first move, who really cares (...well, maybe besides the unfortunate ones))! Once the rest are over I'll start compiling the footage and start on the second round matches ASAP (also decided to 2-out-of-3 matches so it doesn't appear completely one-sided if a crit happens or something like that (the final match will be 3-out-of-5)). Either way, I want to thank everyone who has been patient and waiting for this to actually happen (slaps self in the face). Expect another update probably Monday since Easter Sunday has me out of town and...no. I may have a month full of play rehearsals, but I WILL get this done in the time I have (yay for being a senior with almost no homework to put up with :D)!!

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UPDATE: I have three more matches recorded with only about 10 to go. So far, Sheema, Guinevere, Tana, Erk, Joshua, and Marcia have landed in dead last. The first round (if my schedule permits) should have the first round matches ended by this week. Also, some of the footage I got had the same RNG rolls. I'm dead serious. So this needs to be said: I swear on what honor I have that I did try to change the RNG rolls for each round of matches, but a few have already dictated no change. And now, I must get my rest. This is going to be a looong week because of (Mageknight404 voice): ACTING!, but I will get this done before May 1st!

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Just a bit of a short update. I traded in the old coot of my first 3DS for a New 3DS XL. At the moment, I'm trying to transfer Smash (ended up going digital version) without deleting the DLC on my SD card on my 2DS and I ONLY want to transfer Smash. I'm probably being dumb about this (I'm not that great with technology compared to what my family compliments me about) so I may be making this a bit more complicated than it needs to be, so I may be fiddling with it for the next few days. HOWEVER, I'll get some more matches recorded tonight, but the rest of this week has me remaking some of the avatars on my physical copy in order to make a Streetpass on my 3DS and put it in my 2DS to receive the data, so, again, please be patient.


If you used Battle Saves, you'll get the same RNG.

(can't wait, and am glad that my guys made it past the first round! I hope?)

Yeah, I figured that out when I was trying to make the video for the "Lon'qu is Jade Curtiss" joke video. Eh, them's the breaks, I guess. Either way, it felt a bit faster to just save before recording the stuff so I wouldn't have to wait to get another Streetpass of the same team for two or three rounds of duels.

EDIT:: A friend of mine is helping with system transfer by computer, but any extra help is still appreciated.

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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Updates 2: Electric Boogaloo is a go! First, small thing, but recording will now be on the 3DS XL since the DLC data WAS wiped from the 2DS and I lost my original 3DS SD card somewhere. Also, four more matches down with only six to go. As hard as they fought, Syrene, Ogier, Sue, and Tinny join the others at the bottom. Also, I need to remake some people on the physical copy, so updates may not be around for some time between having to stay after longer Thursday and hanging out with my dad (hopefully) tomorrow, but be alert for any more posts in the coming days.

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Update 3, Not in 3-D! I'm at school at the moment (I'm literally doing nothing) but the character redos on my physical copy are done. I'll get the last of the first round duels recorded when I get home and start editing either tonight or sometime tomorrow. Good luck to the remaining contenders!

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