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It was my duty as a barrel to mention this.

I also had a bank back then, so you can also use me for this.

And I also have the finest wine, on large quantities for our future Drunken Shirtless Person.

I even exist on smaller version, so they can takes me with them anywhere.

If I get the role, I'll have to order a "tende" at least twice a day

I don't even remotely like alcohol, but this role is just too hilarious to pass up on

Edited by Mayora
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Can't write on the popcorn thread, it would be a necropost :/

And arguing with the mods brings one nowhere

Um... necroposting is allowed in FFtF, unless it's like a super spammy necroing (like reviving a whole bunch at once just because "hey i can necro lol")

^Anon's thread was FFtF too, the mod told me to fuck off nontheless. Whatever, it's not like it was that amusing a topic

You mean his topic about fanservice?

Because Anon even mentioned in another thread (probably HHH?) that he would request that topic to be locked (even Integrity said so at the end of the topic). It wasn't because of the necro.

But yeah correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know which you're talking about

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Um... necroposting is allowed in FFtF, unless it's like a super spammy necroing (like reviving a whole bunch at once just because "hey i can necro lol")

You mean his topic about fanservice?

Because Anon even mentioned in another thread (probably HHH?) that he would request that topic to be locked (even Integrity said so at the end of the topic). It wasn't because of the necro.

But yeah correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know which you're talking about

^Wasn't that AFTER that weird stuff kept appearing on the thread? I don't remember him complaining about it before I necroe'd the topic. It was the next morning he complained about it

Edited by Mayora
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Um... necroposting is allowed in FFtF, unless it's like a super spammy necroing (like reviving a whole bunch at once just because "hey i can necro lol")

You mean his topic about fanservice?

Because Anon even mentioned in another thread (probably HHH?) that he would request that topic to be locked (even Integrity said so at the end of the topic). It wasn't because of the necro.

But yeah correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know which you're talking about

IIRC he said that in the fanservice thread itself.
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^Wasn't that AFTER that weird stuff kept appearing on the thread? I don't remember him complaining about it before I necroe'd the topic. It was the next morning he complained about it

I don't quite get what you're saying, but the point is that Anon requested it to be closed, Nightmare closed it for him, and Integrity made a post specifying why it was closed (because Night didn't)

If it had been closed because it was a necropost it would have been closed straight away before all those posts (I checked it just now because I was making sure I was right that that was the thread you were talking about)

A popcorn topic is completely harmless and not a bad subject, so it won't be closed after being revived (Integ was only complaining anyway~ He didn't close it after complaining because it wasn't against the rules, he was just being blunt on his opinion of the thread) unless fsr the topic started to go out of hand on a huge flamewar that happened to get started off of the topic of popcorn or something x3


After some thinking I think I get what point you're trying to make. Anon's problem was that people talking in there supported fanservice and he didn't like that it had to be revived just for more support or something, I think~ Idk if he ever realized or thought to himself before it died down long ago that "wow this thread is just nothing but fanservice supporters so I don't want it to live anymore." Whatever the case, he just didn't decide until then that he didn't want that thread to live anymore and that's why it's closed.

IIRC he said that in the fanservice thread itself.

I'm not sure if I even looked in that thread after it was revived so maybe he said it more than once.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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^You mentioned my point yourself. The mod already got angry before Anon's request was even made. He didn't close it, yes, but it's not a pleasure to be told to fuck off because of a post that is even allowed.

>and not a bad subject

Not sure if Integ would agree with this :P

As such, while the popcorn thread might not be closed, there is a chance I'd get bothered by a mod again, and frankly, it's not worth it

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*✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Waluigi the Skeleton and Shytende the Barrel ! *✲゚*。✧

Straight to the marrow, feeling fresh. Living on without his flesh.

Tumbles around to the blues. Hiding away forgotten booze.


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Did somebody say blue =o

^You mentioned my point yourself. The mod already got angry before Anon's request was even made. He didn't close it, yes, but it's not a pleasure to be told to fuck off because of a post that is even allowed.

>and not a bad subject

Not sure if Integ would agree with this :P

As such, while the popcorn thread might not be closed, there is a chance I'd get bothered by a mod again, and frankly, it's not worth it

Okay, then that means you aren't concerned about it being a necro anymore. I was talking about necros though so it confused me when you changed your train of thought~

Well that just means ignore him, I guess =o (Something tells me that probably isn't the best answer, but I don't know what else to suggest...) If you don't want to revive that thread that's fine, but he's just being vocal on how much he doesn't support that topic (in his mind he's doing nothing wrong, because he really thinks it was a bad subject that doesn't need to return; you may not necessarily agree with that but that's because opinions) but don't put so much thought into his words. Because if you don't agree, then you don't agree.

Who knows, maybe he will may be he won't. Personally I think comparing fanservice to popcorn is kind of ridiculous, they're completely different x3 And popcorn isn't a sensitive subject like fanservice. The only way I can imagine him having any issues with it is that it's not a very important/significant subject and it's beyond him why such a thread needed to be revived. But again as I said if he has a problem then don't take it to heart so much.

If it helps you, I'll just revive the thread. Because he's the type to be influenced by bias (but I mean come on, doesn't everybody?), but he loves me so ^o^

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Fre, you are worrying way too much over this xD

The topic is not THAT interesting anyways (sorry Glac, but popcorn isn't something I get a kick from, lol), if I really were interested I'd do it anyways. But due it being like this, I prefer leaving the thread like that. And yes, the mod has the right to express his opinion, but he basically said "i decide if this thread is good or not, don't be righteous with me now", and honestly, I like to see my opinions being respected :P

Really, don't mind it, no need to concern yourself with something minor like this :3

If I ever want to talk about sweet popocrn, I'll make a thread myself

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Fre, you are worrying way too much over this xD

The topic is not THAT interesting anyways (sorry Glac, but popcorn isn't something I get a kick from, lol), if I really were interested I'd do it anyways. But due it being like this, I prefer leaving the thread like that. And yes, the mod has the right to express his opinion, but he basically said "i decide if this thread is good or not, don't be righteous with me now", and honestly, I like to see my opinions being respected :P

Really, don't mind it, no need to concern yourself with something minor like this :3

If I ever want to talk about sweet popocrn, I'll make a thread myself

I'm always the worrier

Especially when it concerns him

And now that you said that I actually had to read it to make sure you didn't interpret his words the wrong way =<

He does tend to lose himself to his emotions, though~ Often he'll recognize after he's cooled off if he's gone too far with anything, idk if he will this time or not =o I dunno how much I can help him respect the opinions of others for the future though~ Because with his type of personality it'd be pretty difficult on him, I think! Not everybody can do that kind of thing, it seems... since not everybody can keep their emotions in check (I am one of those people)

But yeah it just looked like you were so concerned about what he said that you were afraid to even revive an old thread. But if you had other reasons (like not thinking it was worth reviving for something so small) then okay I guess. Either way, it's revived now~ Glace didn't want any more derailing in here anyway (sorry Glaceon it just got derailed even more ;u;) so I guess if anybody wants to talk about popcorn more... ^o^

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I'm always the worrier

Especially when it concerns him

And now that you said that I actually had to read it to make sure you didn't interpret his words the wrong way =<

He does tend to lose himself to his emotions, though~ Often he'll recognize after he's cooled off if he's gone too far with anything, idk if he will this time or not =o I dunno how much I can help him respect the opinions of others for the future though~ Because with his type of personality it'd be pretty difficult on him, I think! Not everybody can do that kind of thing, it seems... since not everybody can keep their emotions in check (I am one of those people)

But yeah it just looked like you were so concerned about what he said that you were afraid to even revive an old thread. But if you had other reasons (like not thinking it was worth reviving for something so small) then okay I guess. Either way, it's revived now~ Glace didn't want any more derailing in here anyway (sorry Glaceon it just got derailed even more ;u;) so I guess if anybody wants to talk about popcorn more... ^o^

Nah, tbh, I'm actually used to getting insulted far more. I've spent some time on 4chan as once mentioned, and there people keep insulting each other the whole day. I wasn't mad about what he said, I just felt that if I had the choice, I'd avoid such a debacle. Especially because someone who is angry r gets emotional tends to overlook the points of the opposing party,sooooo....

As said, if I was interested a lot in the topic, I would have done it nontheless, like this I just chose the wiser choice. But really Fre, always worrying about others ~

Yeah, I noticed that you revived it already. Guess ou were too fast for me.

This'll be the last off-topic post Glac, sorry for the inconvenience

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Uh...oi'm sorry oi still be doin' the poirate talkin' in a moment ap'rently serious, but uh...what do we be votin' for?

Serious? Nay lad, just som' silly dispute b'tween a bunch'a old sailors. We're votin' for the role of the drunk'n shirtless guy, a pirate every ship ought ta 'ave. Oi'll bejoining the fray

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Serious? Nay lad, just som' silly dispute b'tween a bunch'a old sailors. We're votin' for the role of the drunk'n shirtless guy, a pirate every ship ought ta 'ave. Oi'll bejoining the fray

Aye, can't be 'avin' a ship wit'out rum, can we? YARHARHAR! Best o' luck tah yah.

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Aye, can't be 'avin' a ship wit'out rum, can we? YARHARHAR! Best o' luck tah yah.

Oi can't let poor tende remainin' full all ta time. Som'n' needs ta drink 'im, an' tat would b'm'own puss.

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lol i just peed myself

At least it's not on me.

I'm a respectable barrel, if you needs to let it go, you have the infinity of the ocean for this. Thanks.

(We don't want our drunken shirtless person using the wrong barrel,, do we ?).

Yeah, it's gross, but it had to be said. Sorry.

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