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SS Serenes: Election for Cook underway!


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Oi, yah know that yah be volunteer'n tah be a dead man's bones?

Aye, oi'm aware 'f tat ladd, but reconsider, 't ain't just som' dead bones, but a walkin' an' talkin' corpse. Ta dream 'f immortality 's finally 'bout ta come true. It'd be an honor ta be chos'n 's the first test subject

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Aye, oi'm aware 'f tat ladd, but reconsider, 't ain't just som' dead bones, but a walkin' an' talkin' corpse. Ta dream 'f immortality 's finally 'bout ta come true. It'd be an honor ta be chos'n 's the first test subject

Oi see. Oi moiself'd rather doy an' 'ave skin on, but there be a reason oi can get behind that lad.

^Ah, yeah, inferno cop.

I'll change back to it for this occasion

Oi wondered if it be the Ghost Roider.

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Oi see. Oi moiself'd rather doy an' 'ave skin on, but there be a reason oi can get behind that lad.

Oi wondered if it be the Ghost Roider.

Harhar, yer skin won't hold f'rever mate, one day the sharks 'r goin' to catch 'vryone 'ere.

Nay, oi ain't watch'd tat yet, tis pile a bones 's part 'f a truly 'nlightenin' series. An' by enlightenin' oi mean hilariously bad an' funny

Edited by Mayora
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*✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Fre the Parrot and Anon the First Mate ! *✲゚*。✧

Close to the Captain, second in command. Always there to lend a hand.

Bird of mimicker, flying high. Protected by a watchful eye.


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*✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Fre the Parrot and Anon the First Mate ! *✲゚*。✧

Close to the Captain, second in command. Always there to lend a hand.

Bird of mimicker, flying high. Protected by a watchful eye.


That be a foin poem lass, but whoy do oi need mench'n in it?

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^I am already a skeleton. Am I so badly educated? ;_;

That depends, what is 3+4?

Edited by Knight
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Lol, you are giving me an advantage if you start with math, m8. I'm a nutjob if it is mathematics

and 7 (I feel bad for answering)

Fine, what is 3+4!

I have no hope, do I?

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Fine, what is 3+4!

I have no hope, do I?


Well, I'm still in high school. In case you start asking stuff I've never seen before I'm toast. Unless I teach myself, something I was kinda planning:/

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Congratulations Fre :3

Congrats Fre!

Congrats take the crackers I saved up *throws the crackers*

*✲゚*。✧ Congratulations to Fre the Parrot and Anon the First Mate ! *✲゚*。✧

Close to the Captain, second in command. Always there to lend a hand.

Bird of mimicker, flying high. Protected by a watchful eye.


Gasap so much thank you~! Awwwww cute poem~ *eats cracker fud*

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Well, I'm still in high school. In case you start asking stuff I've never seen before I'm toast. Unless I teach myself, something I was kinda planning:/

That's my limit, I kinda suck at math admittedly.

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i voted for wawwhhwahwhahwhwahwhahwhwhawhawhwahw

and i still don't know what this topic is ɿ(。・ɜ・)ɾ

Look upon the tags.

It's me being an idiot.

Congrats Waluigi, you win because Anabelle here is late to close this poll or something.


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