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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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With Uniter seemingly holding off, for now, and Gabnie calling her over, Isabella made her way over to the lance-wielder, stopping in front of her.

"Yes, Gabbie?"


As usual, Veronika was being reasonable... thank heavens for competent management. Soon afterward, Zach noted that he would soon be putting Katrina to rest, and the woman did seem rather intoxicated.

"I don't mind givin' ya' a hand, but fer now I've gotta try to find Steinn or that other bird... did any a' ya see where she and Blake went off to?"


"Heh, as you wish, sweet prince." Faatina replied with a light smirk, as she stood up, and brought the blankets tight up to Reign, completing the tucking in procedure, as it were.

"Feeling alright, not too cold, or too loose or tight, anything like that?" The paladin asked... may as well do this right.

Edited by Ether
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"... Come in," Ethan said, from the other side of the door. He was too busy attempting to heal Jethro's eyes to be able to open the door himself.

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Reign's Room

"Nah we're good," Reign replied with an amused grin. "Now here's hoping things are looking up in the morning." Maybe I'll even get word back about this eye situation ... though it's harder to be optimistic about that, given that it's already been awhile.

Changing Room

"And they wonder why companies write up enormous contracts." Anna sighed. At least for now, things were either fully handled, or underway. They seemed to have a shortage of green attire all of a sudden, but that was a matter for tomorrow, just as much as the dye issue. "Are you done in here?"

Dining Hall

Gabbie held up the small tray for Isabella. "Take one," she said simply. While the tray was held up for the latter, Gabbie glanced over at Arietta. Was she looking for Steinn specifically, or just any of the three fallen still staying in this place? From what she could tell, the bodyguard was still relatively close by. Steinn was way too high up to even be on the third floor, however. "Steoinn's on the roof, I think. Don't ask me why," she shrugged. She'd only bothered due to her own curiosity, but since she knew anyway, no point in keeping it to herself, she supposed. Weyland might have needed to have another word with either of them.

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"Well, if you're all good, then..." Faatina began, pausing slightly... this was standard, for this sort of thing, so there shouldn't be any problems, the paladin noted to herself, before leaning in and placing a light kiss on Reign's forehead, before pulling back and flicking the lamp off, walking towards the exit.

"Have a good night, Reign. See you in the morning." She finished, lingering at the door before closing it, just in case he had anything else to add.


"The roof? Seriously...?" Arietta replied with a sigh, as Gabbie noted that was where she believed the Fallen royal to be hiding for the time being.


"Ah, this must be the panini you mentioned then... I thank you." Isabella replied, as she accepted one of the offered paninis, looking it over quickly before taking a bite.

"It's good. So this method of cooking must be what makes it different..." She noted, looking it over once again before taking another bite.

"I will have to acquiesce to your earlier description. It was entirely accurate."

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Off in the corner of the dining hall Robin had stayed quiet throughout the discussion. There wasn't anything for her to really say or do, and even Kat, whom she had tried to help, seemed uninterested in anything other than being drunk right now. She looked down, feeling a bit cowed and depressed. That had turned out well. She had hoped to talk to the others, maybe see if she could make some friends, or even for someone to express some concern over her choice to return, but all she had gotten was Zach telling her to go home and then overwhelmed by Gar.

Oh well... That was how things happened, right? Right? It hadn't been a failing on her part as she had at least... tried... right?

Meekly returning to the dining room table she looked over at the bottle of wine. The thought of drinking it for it's intended purpose, making her happy and possibly blanking her mind, came up to the forefront as she reached out, calmly tipping it over and rocking it back and forth on the table by its cork.

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The wyvern rider paused in her efforts to refill her glass after Uniter’s comment. She frowned, looking down at her still empty cup. “…Is ‘much longer’ more than five minutes?” Kat asked, sounding disappointed.


“…No thank you,” Synthia replied. Climbing up there might’ve been something she’d do when she was younger, but being alone in a tree with a drunk guy didn’t sound like the best idea at the moment. “Hmm… If Veronika and Gytha are still there, I should go tell them. Also, I don’t know if there’d be much point in visiting her now. She hadn’t woken up yet.”

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"Probably a minute or less, unless the discussion between them goes much longer than expected," Uniter said, glancing towards the orange-haired archer for a moment, who was... trying to open the bottle of wine, maybe? "Maybe in the meantime you could help her open that bottle."

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Robin looked up at the newcomer, a bit surprised that he was even invested enough in her to note such a thing. Her hand quickly gripped the neck to keep the bottle from falling over as she put it back on the table, solidly.

"No. I do not need help opening the bottle. I just... You are a newcomer. I do not thing you wish to be subjected to my gloo... What am I saying? Yes, I am having trouble opening the bottle. If you would be willing to open it for me, we can split it and you can enjoy the sight of me trying to not end up drunk on my first drink ever."

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"Sorry, I'm not drinking tonight," Uniter said, before taking the bottle and uncorking it anyways As he set the bottle down closer to the archer, he continued. "Here you are. If you're worried about getting drunk, just start off with a small glass."

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"That's your decision, Robin," Uniter said, simply. "Though I doubt it would affect you too much, even if it is your first time. with alcohol. You aren't from the West, after all."

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Changing Room

"Maybe you should get dinner or something," Anna suggested with a shrug. The woman didn't look famished but the suggestion came the quickest and escaped without protest. "Speaking of people eating, I've got another person to check on for that very reason," she added, deciding to leave the rest to the maid for now.

Reign's Room

The amusement hadn't worn off yet, but Reign really did feel the need to sleep off the rest of the day. Nothing good would come from staying up any longer, worrying about Raquel, and dwelling on the situation they'd gotten into earlier. Dwelling on his sight was also a taxing, and equally wasteful use of his time. "I'll see ya later, Tina ... and thanks."

Dining Hall

"Of course it was accurate," Gabbie said, her eyes narrowing at Isabella for a moment. Was there ever any doubt? That said, her priorities began to shift slightly; at the pace this conversation was going, she could probably get Connor his dinner and make it back before anything relevant happened. Why wait around here and listen to more of this anyway? She had much the same response for Arietta as she had for Isabella. After all, she hadn't inaccurately placed anyone else since her power was reawakened, had she ... "Yes, he's on the roof, or at the very least hovering perfectly still somewhere up there ... somehow," she said, looking up through the ceiling.

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"Hey, no problem, Reign... if you ever need anything, let me know, okay?" Faatina concluded, before closing the door and allowing Reign to get some rest.


"It's not that I didn't believe you, so much as it's a pain..." Arietta replied with a sigh.

"Y'wouldn't happen t'know where the bodyguard went to, would ya? Atleast if I can find 'er I can ask 'er to see if he can come down..."


"I'll have to remember to pay close attention to your recommendations in the future..." Isabella replied somewhat absent-mindedly, as she continued to eat.

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Cherish watched Anna walk away and then she looked to the maid. "I'm gonna go try these clothes on and then go get something to eat. You can, umm, go back to doing whatever you do." She said, shrugging before walking back into the clothing room and heading towards one of the dressing rooms in the back.

It was time to try on some clothes.

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"Don't mind if I do," Xenia replied to the mysterious inviter and opened up. What she saw... wasn't what she expected though. "What's this?" Well, she could introduce herself but that could wait just a bit.

A Man Called Gar

"The wagon and the mounts are the real problem, getting a person across a river is a joke," Gar commented. "I'm not exactly a scholar on magic mechanics but if you can get the wagon warped across? Well, I dunno if there's gonna be any wards on a new one. Heck maybe the new wagon'll have naval capabilities." Gar shrugged at that.

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Robin's eyes narrowed at the newcomer, not sure if she should feel insulted or complimented at the remark. "Are you implying that I will have no problem handling the wine because I am from the east?" she asked, a hint of confusion clear in her voice as she started to uncork the bottle. "Because I vaguely recall blacking out yesterday when I drank some by accident. I do not know what happened and am only hoping that I was just passed out in a puddle and not confessing love to the potted plants."

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OOC: The bottle was already uncorked.

"Some wine, or a harder drink?" Uniter asked, bluntly. "Wine shouldn't do that much, even if you were of Kigenese blood."


"This is the infirmary," Ethan said, to the newcomer- a middle-aged healer, from the looks of it. "If you're wondering what I'm doing, well, I'm trying to save this man's eyesight."

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Zach slowly removed Kat's hand from his arm, he wasn't going to let her have any more alcohol, not with how far along she already was. "I suppose if we're up to breaking a few more international laws, hiring a smuggling ship... again... wouldn't be the worst option." Taking a sip of what was likely his last share of vodka as well. "If not, the warping idea does have merit to it."

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"It would have to be a rather large smuggling ship. I don't know if the warping plan would work or not, one would think than warping a large heavy object would be a difficult task, but I am no mage. Maybe Weyland or Steinn has come up with something," Veronika said, shrugging.

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"I can not decide if I should hope you are right or wrong. To be drunk, or not to be drunk, what a question. To drink and, hopefully, gain friends or remain sober and attempt luck that I have not held." Robin looked down with a sigh, putting the bottle back on the table.

"I do not know what to do. I am lost and confused and you are new here. Do you even care?"

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