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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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"Everyone has a different set of skills, Social skills are not something that everyone comes into easily." Isabella replied, mulling over what the girl had said. Potentially useful to know, but as neither an archer nor a user of heavy armour it wasn't directly relevant to her... oh well, it wasn't such a waste.

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Veronika watched the conversation between Robin and Isabella with some interest. They seem to be getting along, odd as they are. Robin would certainly have an easier time making friends if she didn't bring her lack of social skills up constantly. The conversation progressed to Isabella's background. So she was saved by Thanatos? Is that what happened to Pavel- Thanatos decided to save him from death? She supposed she could try asking Isabella about it, but the woman was rather tight lipped- Gabbie was also an option but she was moody and petulant so that was even less likely to be successful.

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Raquel had been worried for a couple of minutes, now. At last, she knew full well why ... Gytha had, more or less, accomplished her mission with the group. Unlike herself, Gytha wasn't here to take the fight to the organization and destroy them completely. She should have seen this coming from much farther off. First Norbert, and now Gytha. It had been a rough few days and while it was getting better in some areas, it was only getting worse in others.

And now she was calling her 'Captain', again. It made an otherwise gut wrenching moment merely bittersweet. "I'm glad," Raquel began, fighting a tear, "I'm glad you came with us this far." Her arm was heavier than usual, and not due to fatigue or cradling the emblem with a great deal of her strength. Still, she managed to shake Gytha's hand and keep herself composed. It was even more important now to get stronger ...

Jethro grinned, but only slightly. "I appreciate you helping her as much as you did. I'll take it from here," he nodded. He glanced over at Blake who seemed to have Raquel's breakfast with him. From the time it took him, it seemed like food had been prepared already and one only needed to load up their plate.

Dining Hall

"If this headache would go away, I could actually enjoy this," Gabbie muttered as she watched the two socially awkward women converse with one another. "I wonder how Ayano's holding up ..." The kigenese weapon, Ayano, would have been an excellent addition to this strange dialogue, but more than that, Gabbie was wondering if Burke's 'upgrades' were tormenting her. All she had was a headache, but Ayano had much worse to deal with now ...

"Wait, did I hear that right? What was she trying to steal from the ursians?" Ryder inquired from beneath their cloak. That was really the only thing about the conversation that interested the messenger, really.

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"My skills will come to light when the time comes... I am a combatant and tracker, first and foremost. As for interests, nothing worth mentioning. If I come across leisure time it is mostly spent doing whatever catches my eye at the time being." Isabella replied, at this point sitting down. No point in remaining standing, really.

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Gytha's smile bloomed into her full grin at Raquel's reply while she gave the woman's hand a firm shake. It's true... I realla was appreciated. I realla didn't onla cause problems. They don't want t' get rid o' me...they want me around. Heh..heheharr!

Gytha looked over to Jethro as he said his piece, to which she gave a strong, single nod, grin still wide. "See that ye do! I don't plan on stayin' away ferever! N' this crew needs all th' help it can get! Heheharr!" She returned her attention to Raquel, having let go of her hand and looking her dead in the eye with that jaunty, confident gleam. "If I've made amends with me famila b'fore th' year's up, I'll look fer ye again. Like ye've said, yer still in stormy waters. If I can, I'll come back n' help. N' if ye manage t' get yerself safe again without me...then when this is all o'er, remember that I'll sail with ye ana day! Just ask! Yer still a merchant n' I'm still a mariner, so I'll make sure yer cargo's safe from pirates! N' b'sides that, I consider ye a friend. So cheer up, Raquel. Ye've got a good crew on yer hands! N' ye ne'er know what's on th' horizon! Sure there's bad, but there's good, too! Ye'll get through this fine! HAHAHAHRR!"

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Maybe it wasn't so bad ... Gytha didn't sound like she would be away for too long, not intentionally. With one major goal in the mariner's mind right now, it seemed like she could be back in as little as a few months. That was how Raquel chose to see it, at least. It made parting a little easier when coupled with Gytha's jovial nature. "Yeah, we'll be fine," Raquel nodded. She then glanced expectantly at her father. When he noticed it, the words rang loudly in his ears. She was saying that to him, he immediately realized. Of course ...

"Be careful out there, Gytha. I may still need your help again before this is over ... and ... if you need us for anything, please let us know, however you can." Raquel still had reservations about getting involved in side ventures, but Gytha's situation, as Gytha herself had realized long before she ever had, was far too similar to her own to not at least make the offer.

Dining Hall

"No, I meant what, not who," Ryder briefly explained, though they did find the idea of robbing a whole country, as opposed to a bank, household, or museum, amusing. It sounded like this was a national treasure or landmark. Then, with almost no warning, the messenger stood from the table and flipped their cloak back into place. Given its length, it was a somewhat impressive display to Gabbie. Equally impressive was that Ryder's plate was spotless, as if no food had ever been there. Of course, as she looked up to Ryder's face, the mask was back on ... mostly. It was still being put on, but it would have been impossible to make out the face beneath. All she could see was what had to be the left side of the messenger's jawline. It was, unsurprisingly, but also extremely pale. She'd only caught the briefest glimpse of Ryder's complexion before the mask was back on. She was beginning to suspect that the sun hadn't touched Ryder in ... years? Decades? Ever? Anything was possible with that kind of complexion. Weyland had seen it too but said nothing.

"Ascension," Gabbie said, deciding to leave the other matter be. "From the museum in the capital."

"You mean that huge four thousand pound vasilus killing relic from the rebellion? Oh the irony ..." Ryder replied. "You know that Lilith's the one that originally owned that thing, right? She just walked out of here with it a few minutes ago." Ryder asked Robin. "I mean it was cloaked, so you wouldn't notice she had it on her unless you tried to take her from behind, but it's definitely there. Does she know you wanted it? ... do you still want it?"

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"W-what?" Robin stutted as she took a small step backwards, in shock. Lillith had just been by and she could wield that ultra-heavy blade? How? Wait. She was one of those god-beings, right? So doing something like that wasn't impossible, right?

"I do not think she would know I wanted it. I mean, even if she knew that there had been a break-in, unless she hunted down the guards records, if any where even made, she would not know I, along with several others, tried to take it. How could she unless she can read minds and thought to read mine? As for if I still want it..."

Robin looked down at the ground, trying to figure out a good answer to the question. The truth is that part of her DID still want it, if only to spite the Urswine, but even if the blade somehow fell at her feet, and didn't crush them, would she abandon her oath to Raquel? Just for something like that?

"It does not matter. I have sworn to protect Raquel. Even if I were to, somehow, be presented with the blade I could do little until I had finished my service too her. Even then, I do not... I do not know. I sought it out to spite the Urswine. Partially out of a feeling of loyalty to my country, partially out of a desire to spite my brother, and partially... I do not know. W-why? Do you think she will kill me for even con..." Robin's face suddenly went deathly pale as she stumbled backwards, almost falling to her knees out of terror. "Oh no. I am so dead if she ever finds out!"

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"I will!" Gytha replied with that big ol' grin of hers. Then, she turned around and strode toward the infirmary door. As she was leaving, she gave Raquel one, last smile and a wave. "Goodbye, Raquel! If all goes well, I'll see ye again b'fore th' year's end!"

And then she was gone. Off to collect her things, find Maw, and say goodbye to a few others, not necessarily in that order.

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Blake waited until Gytha had left the infirmary before he approached Raquel's bed.

"Here you are," Blake said, offering up the plate first. "The kitchen staff send their best."

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So she had tried to steal an Ursian relic, huh? Well, it was no real matter as far as Isabella was concerned.


'<Understood.>' Annelise noted back, in that case, a full frontal assault was the simplest way. Grabbing another ball so that it wouldn't leave her unarmed, Annelise swiftly tossed her original ball hard towards Evert. If he failed to catch it and outed himself, that was just fine with her.

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Gytha was gone, and breakfast was here; Raquel supposed it was time to change her focus, or at least try to. She didn't want to think about the emblem or friends leaving. Something else, anything else, even if it wasn't necessarily good news, she'd take it if it distracted her from those topics. "Thanks. So ... what else is going on?" she asked as she balanced the plate on her lap. Jethro took the orange juice and and held it for the time being.

Training Room

That was just what Evert was waiting for, one of the fallen to try outing him with the ball. Once he caught this one, Mark would be back in. There was just one thing bothering him as he readied himself to catch the ball. He had to make sure that Mark didn't return to the field right at the center. He'd be nailed immediately. Even he had to know that, but Evert was still worried. Just as the ball came to him, he yelled, "No attacks until he's inside," the ball reaching him by second word. Mark wasn't paying close enough attention, though. He'd been expecting Evert to catch the ball and had broken into a jog the second Evert caught the ball. He was already in bounds before he realized the mistake.

<Take him,> Steinn ordered. He'd out Evert at the same time.

Dining Hall

Ryder snorted beneath their mask. "'Urswine', good one. Anyway, I don't think she'd hurt you or anything, well not physically. She's known to be pretty cutting with her words, though. Truth be told, she didn't even kill any guards at the museum and I'm sure they were out for blood once they realized she was there to steal a relic older than this country. Probably some 'issues' with just cutting them all down, though why she'd care is anyone's guess."

"Some people were surprised there were no fatalities, given the reports," Weyland noted quietly.

Edited by Phoenix
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There was another batch of nonsense Xenia didn't want to bother herself with so she kept silent until the food arrived. "Tell me you got some booze."

A Man Called Gar

"Alright then," Gar vaguely agreed with the point. He went over and settled his cloak down on the ground.

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"Sorry, I got sidetracked along the way and forgot to get some," Blake said to the female healer, before turning back Raquel. "Well, among other things, most of the mercenaries are getting ready to head up to Ursentius. Apparently there's a group named Invictus that's been causing havoc up there, and Weyland thinks that they're linked to the Organization. As a result, we've been hired to stop them and try to capture or kill the leader of that organization cell."

"There's a bottle of whiskey in the medicine cabinet, if you really need a drink," Ethan said, as he stepped away from the cabinet.

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Invictus? Raquel had heard of them before, but she thought they were just a street gang or something. Every now and then she'd hear about some minor incident involving them, but nothing that could be called 'havoc'. She supposed that if they were throwing their lot in with the organization, however, they could indeed wreak havoc all over the city. To what end, though?

"Must be Zerachiel pulling their strings, then," Jethro mused aloud. "He's a vicious bastard, and a genius in battle. Don't go in expecting to have one or the other. He's just as likely to lay a clever trap for you as charge you down and beat you to death with his bare hands."

To Raquel, that still sounded less dangerous than Samael for the moment. She did take into account that Zerachiel, if he was really the one they had to worry about, had an additional group to call on, not just the organization. Hopefully they would have some backup of their own for a change. "Well ... I guess I should just say it right now: I'm going with everyone to the capital. I can be ready by noon."

"You can't even stand on your own, yet," Jethro said, giving his daughter an annoyed look.

"I don't have to be able to stand much while we're traveling. It'll be about two days before we get there unless we're really pushing ourselves, right? So I'll be fine."

Training Room

It was over in an instant. Evert only realized he was under attack when a large black blurred sphere appeared, obscuring nearly everything to his right. The next thing he knew, the right side of his forehead was throbbing and he was on his rear. Looking over as his vision cleared up, he saw Mark in a similar situation, splayed out on the floor with a ball rolling away from him, and laughing at himself for such an obvious mistake.

"Good. That was almost perfect," Steinn said, though he didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular at first. "So, it looks like we've won this round."

Dining Hall

"I doubt they're evenly matched anymore, but yeah, Lilith's no slouch when it comes to magic. She could really ruin your day, but again, I wouldn't worry about it too much. The only thing that matters to people like her is the mission," Ryder explained. "Well then, I appreciate the food, Weyland. Maybe I'll stop by again in a few days."

Weyland smiled. "Hmhmhm ... please don't," he half asked, half demanded as he shook his head, the smile still on his face.

"Then don't get carried away with the new project, okay?" Ryder replied in an overly friendly tone, clearly matching Weyland's smile. "Well, I should get going, now. It was nice speaking with some of you. I've got to get back my work, though."

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"Is he one of the artificials?" Blake asked Jethro, before Raquel said that she'd be going along to the capital as well. Apparently nearly dying didn't sway her, nor did rescuing her father.

"How do you expect to get around, even the little that you'd need for the trip?," he asked to her. "I mean, your father is recovering from injuries as well, so I don't think you can in good conscience ask him to help you for the short term."

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"Yeah," Jethro nodded. As soon as Blake noted that he was injured and shouldn't be persuaded into helping her around, he laughed. "You don't know my daughter too well, do you? As far as she's concerned, I owe her that much for willingly working with the organization and 'forcing her hand' like this."

As soon as he looked at Raquel to gauge her response to that, she said, "Well, yeah!" To Blake she added, "I know it's not the best way to go about it ... I'm imposing pretty heavily, but if the alternative is to stagger about everywhere while everyone freaks out, I'd rather just be imposing and have him help me."

"I've got to go with you people anyway, so I'll handle it."

Training Room

"Can we take a five minute break?" Evert said, keeping the spot on his head firmly covered with his hand as he rose up. "This is gonna be distracting ..."

"Of course," Steinn nodded.

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"The alternative would be actually staying back and recovering, but since Jethro agreed, I guess it can't be helped," Blake said, shaking his head, before turning to Jethro again. " I guess that makes asking for more details about Zerachiel less urgent, though. Regardless, let me know if you need help."

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