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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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Uri relaxed slightly, hearing that she had come to no harm. It had worried him more than he had let on, to think of someone of her temperament wandering alone in this city. "It's frustrating indeed to not be able to help change what's going on here." He sighed and shook his head. Too much of the world seemed to be falling apart an he was stuck here, unable to leave because traveling on his own wasn't safe. If he'd been able to fly then maybe things would be different but with Serafine... He realized that Amalia had continued to talk and nodded. "Well, I'm sure she'd love it. I'm in town for the next couple of days, but maybe after that. I'm likely going to spend a bit more time here than usual. With all that's going on... I suspect a healer will be quite welcome." As she started smirking about his wings, his own smiled widened. It was nice to have someone he could talk to about all that he missed about his home, even if she didn't have the knowledge of Flugel that he did. "Ah, well, humans. Sadly too often they think of their own comfort first." He blushed slightly at the next comment, not quite sure how to take it. He went to brush some of the beaded strands of hair out of his eyes, in an attempt to cover for his confusion. "Erm, well, that's kind of you... Hmm, have you eaten yet today? Should we order food here or head elsewhere if you haven't had lunch...?"


Erion grinned at Tina. "Well then. I'm sure I could help teach you all about the world if you stick with me. Wouldn't do for me to not offer. After all, a gentleman should always help a lady in need, wouldn't you agree?"

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So Gar's 'houses' were actually 'storehouses' on the whole. That significantly changed things; they wouldn't be any better than the wagon, then, at least from the sound of things. From the sound of things, they actually seemed dangerous ...

Of course, the wagon had limited space as it was, even without much in the way of merchandise aboard. Despite her condition, Raquel had still managed to get a few things into the wagon before they left, with a little help. Jethro of course, approved of trying to turn a profit in Ursentius while they were here, but for that, they would need their own stock to sell and trade, as well as what was left of the funds from Raquel's previous jobs with Weyland. With this in mind, Raquel decided to take Blake up on his offer and hope the expense of getting some rooms for those who wanted them wouldn't set them back too much. Weyland was paying them the usual amount, so as long as they succeeded ...

"I guess it would a good idea to rent out whatever rooms you can," she told Blake. "You can have one of them if you want, Robin."

Meanwhile, Jethro nodded in acknowledgement at Isabella. "Good to have you. At least I hope it is," he noted.

That caused Raquel to look over at the two of them. Did Jethro not really approve or was he just a little skeptical? Either way, the urge to cover for his frankness was overwhelming. "No, really, it's good to have you, Isabella," she hurriedly spoke up.

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"I can certainly see one thing she didn't inherit from you." Isabella replied with a light smirk, before turning back to Jethro.

"If it's about the bumpy ride, circumstances wouldn't allow much else for me to get you to her. I would hope you aren't begrudging me over that... or the aftermath."


"Well, it's nice to hear that chivalry is still alive, in places. If I ever need a hand figuring something out and you're around, I'll remember to ask." Faatina replied with a grin.

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"Uri, you're in my head again," she said immediately, as he mentioned something she'd only thought about. It made her sigh, even if he didn't mean anything bad by it. From what she knew of him, it had become a type of defense mechanism to speaking with people. "Then you can go about healing the wounded, and I'll do my best to raise their spirits~ I'm sure when we're done and we go to see Serafine again, she'll appreciate the company." She wondered how big the little dragon had gotten, not having seen it for a while. Perhaps she can make fire, now... "Hey, not all humans are like that. Some of them can be very nice people." She didn't protest too harshly though, she knew that he was right, for the most part. She just didn't like seeing them all painted like that. "Don't worry about what I said, with your wings. I was just being nice. I haven't eaten yet, no. We can eat here, or go out, whichever you'd prefer. I'm not much of a picky eater. Just, no meat. Vegetarian. But, you know that."

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"Thank you Raquel." said Robin, keeping her reply nice, short, and curt. "I am not sure what to do with myself here as well. Maybe that is why I am nervous. Still, thank you for the room." she said as she looked back towards the rest in the wagon. "What about the rest of you? Do you have plans for rooms?"

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"Alright," Blake said, simply enough, before he got off of the wagon and headed off towards one of the nearby inns. Hopefully there'd be enough rooms to host most of the group.

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"Wrath dammit... I'm sorry. I promised I'd avoid that with you..." He sighed. "I didn't mean to. Didn't even really realize I was doing it to be honest. Just... did." He shook his head. "I'll try to be better about that..." He smiled as she talked about going to see Serafine and other things. "Well, you always are good at raising my spirits, so I'm sure you've been doing a great job with others too. I'm sure they'll be glad to see a kind face. And I know not all humans are like that." He sighed again. "I probably shouldn't have said it like that. I more meant that even though more of us Dark Avians are coming down than before, it's still much more likely that a human will use this chair than someone with wings. I'm well aware some can be wonderful, just like some Dark Avians can be cruel." As she mentioned his wings again, he rubbed at his eyes, covering up his face again. Sometimes he wished that he hadn't promised to not read her thoughts, simply because it'd be easier to understand her. "Right, of course you were. Should have known that. It's part of who you are after all. So kind and caring. As for food... Perhaps it is easiest to just eat here. After all, they know you and should recognize me at this point. Easier to get good vegetarian options when they know you it seems." He also had just managed to get comfortable, not that he'd bring up that point, but he'd prefer to stay there than have to get up, find somewhere else to eat, have to get comfortable all over again. He loved his wings and wouldn't trade them for anything, but they did get in the way sometimes.


Erion's grin deepened slightly and he nodded. "Oh don't worry. I can be completely chivalrous if the situation demands it. Though I must warn you, I also have a roguish side to me as well. Wouldn't want you to be expecting me to be a perfect gentleman all the time and such. I would hate to disappoint you, so I just warn you ahead of time. That way you know what to expect." He winked.

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"No no, hey, shh. It's fine. I'm not upset at you." He seemed to take that a bit too harshly against himself. Sure, it was an unfortunate thing that happened, but she'd never be upset at him over it. "And I'm not upset at you over the humans comment, either. Humans can be... A bit much, to be sure, but feel free to speak your mind around me, Uriel. I definitely won't end up judging." She smiled to try and show that she meant it. Uriel really seems to worry over me, far too much. I suppose that's just how he is, though I wish he'd try to do so just a little bit less. "Then we shall eat here... Would you like me to go speak to the innkeep about food? Or can you handle that? I realize it might be a bit greedy of me, having been sitting here for a while, but... Well, never mind, I'll go do it. You probably just got comfortable. Wouldn't want to take that away from you so quickly." She stood herself up and stretched her arms out, sighing with a smile. "What would you like me to ask for?"

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Uri sighed as she reassured him that it was fine, knowing that it wasn't quite all right but knowing that pushing it wasn't going to change anything. Deciding to just move on and reply to her about the food, he grinned as she mentioned that he was clearly comfortable now. "Ah, yes, well... I wasn't going to say anything but yes, I am quite comfortable now that you mentioned it. Just got my wings nice and tucked in... As for food... Something with tomatoes or cheese would be nice. But a simple wrap or rice dish wouldn't be objectionable either. I trust you to pick something good."


"Hmm, you're cute when you blush~ Not that you aren't cute at other times too but... I'll need to remember that." He smirked slightly at her before tapping his chin. "Hmm... Well then. If you can't tell when I'm teasing you... Not sure if that will be more fun or less fun than someone knowing when I am... I *could* tell you when I'm teasing, but that takes out some of the fun! I guess we'll have to see, won't we?"

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"Heh... so basically I should keep on my toes around you, huh?" Faatina replied with a chuckle. This was easier to deal with than when things got past a certain point with Reign, but then, Erion probably wasn't doing too much teasing just yet. She supposed she'd have to wait and see.

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Erion considered his possible answers before grinning at her. "I wouldn't have it any other way. It's more fun that way. For both of us. Unless of course, you object... After all, all you need to do is tell me to back off and I will. Just as any true gentleman would." He gave her a slight bow from horseback, before straightening and winking at her.

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"Well, you can always hit me if you want. I'm sure it won't be the worst injury I've ever gotten. Been slapped by a lady before... Though that might have had something to do with my implying that her manners reminded me of a pig. Though in retrospect, that was being highly unfair to pigs... Never been slapped for flirting before. It'd be an experience! Besides, I could never hold it against such a pretty lady." He grinned at her, enjoying the easy banter they were having.

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"She must have been... quite a specimen..." Faatina replied, trailing off. All of the flattery was, admittedly, starting to get to her. She wasn't used to that sort of thing, and wasn't really certain of how to respond to it.

"You seem to be pretty used to laying it on thick, though... you've called me pretty or cute more times in the last few minutes, than from what I can recall from my head before that at all... no need to try so hard."

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"Hmm, not trying hard. Just being truthful. If others haven't told you, then you clearly haven't been hanging around the right people. That being said, I'll back off for now. Don't want to make you uncomfortable." He gave a half shrug before continuing, "So, you've been with this group a good bit longer than me it seems. Tell me, this Organization that we ran into... How did the fights against them go before? I know how poorly things went this time but... From what I've overheard, we've faced them before and yet managed to escape fairly unscathed? Unless people have been avoiding topics because they're too sensitive or something... I figure I should know since we'll likely be running into them again if Raquel has any say in things."

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"Well... I haven't been here all that long myself, but... whenever we've had casualties, it's been when we're fighting things aside from the organization. They definitely have a lot of firepower, so we may have gotten lucky, but... we've managed to do okay, fighting them. It's not good to get complacent, though." Faatina replied, thinking back on it. To be truthful she was one of the worst to ask for advice on that front.

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Robin shuffled about nervously. They had only just arrived, yet people were already going off and doing their own thing it seemed like. Erion was flirting with Faatina it seemed and people were going to find their own rooms. She envied them. A lot. Her recent attempt at making friends with Isabella seemed to have fallen flat and Isa did not seem like the kind of person interested in forming relationships anyways which left Robin with little more than people who hated her, people who didn't care about her, and people she was too scared to approach.

"Erion, would... would you mind keeping it down a bit?" she said, doubting he could hear her, hoping he couldn't. What was she to say? That his flirting was actually making her more on-edge than normal?

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"Uri, please," she said, using his little nickname, "it really is fine." She kept her smile. He looked a bit distressed, so she assumed it was over what he'd said. Better to be safe than sorry! "Good, stay comfortable. I'll go get us something. I'm sure they'll have something for both of us on hand." Amalia, light as ever in her step, proceeded to approach the bar counter, hoping they had something special, today. Today felt special, for no reason, at least not one apparent to her. "Excuse me. Would I be able to get a garden salad, with a vinaigrette on top? And a wrap for my friend, with cheese and tomatoes... Unless you have fish. I don't suppose you would...?" Uriel didn't eat meat, but he certainly did enjoy fish.

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The Wait

"No, it's got nothing to do with that," Jethro shook his head. Now, unless there was more conversation to be had, he could wait until Blake had taken care of the room situation. Then, they could move on to Weyland Enterprises and get an update on the situation. Looking off toward the city, he could tell it would be another hour or two before they could reach it. There wasn't much traffic off the main roads, but the added patrols like the one that they had passed earlier weren't helping matters.

"Aftermath?" Raquel asked, having caught wind of the conversation. "You mean Gabbie?"

"Let's just move on," Jethro shook his head again.

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Erion nodded thoughtfully. "Well... It will be interesting then. Though I suppose for now we should focus on the enemy ahead, huh? The ones with the tanks and such. They're the more immediate threat after all." He didn't hear Robin's comment due to being separated from her by a good number of people.

Uri smiled as she headed off to get them food. He was glad that he had met her, even if she utterly confused him sometimes. But that was neither here nor now.

"Hmm, can do little lady. Sadly no fish today, but we can do a nice veggie wrap for him. That'll be one gold. Know that's a tad expensive but with all the chaos going on in the city, people are raising prices." He shrugged apologetically and held out his hand.

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"Very well, then." Isabella replied... it was obvious that Jethro did not want to discuss it, whether it was just in front of Raquel or in general she wasn't sure, but no need to press it. If Raquel was that interested she's approach her again later on.


"Yeah... I've never seen a tank before, but... from what people were saying about them they sound pretty intimidating... do you know what they are, Erion?" Faatina asked, as the subject was brought up.

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Inns... that required money. Money Zach wasn't entirely sure he had to spend. Calculating things in his head, he figured he could probably afford... one or two nights of a two bed room, and that would be the last of the money he had for himself, until Weyland paid them at the very least. "I suppose you've got the coin for a room Veronika?" He questioned the redhead after he finished taking account of his own.

If it came down to it, he'd give up his gold to let a few of the girls have a room to themselves, while he slept in the wagon or something.

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"No fish, alas... Alright. Salad for me, wrap for him. Don't forget the cheese, please." She nodded, and placed the gold on the counter. Things were getting expensive, but that was no reason to be frugal. These people probably needed the money more than she did. "Now, where am I going to dance today...?" she asked herself, thinking about where in town would make a good spot to ear some pocket money.

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