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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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Grabbing the coin, the innkeeper headed back into the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned and placed the plates in front of Amalia. "There ya go. Hope these are what you were wanting." He went back to cleaning glasses, clearly done with the interaction.

Uri was sitting at the table, digging through his pouch while waiting for Amalia to return. With a grin, he pulled out a small wooden figurine. He'd been working on it for the past couple of weeks and it was almost done. It was a curled up dragon, wings tucked up close to its body. He'd started working on it when Amalia had met Serafine for the first time. She'd been so enamored by the tiny dragon, that he figured she would appreciate a small reminder of the dragon.

Erion shook his head at the question. "Not entirely sure to be quite honest. From what I've heard of them, they're sort of like an armor covered carriage? That have some sort of massive offensive capacity as well. Hopefully we won't be seeing much of them though."

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"Wonderful! Thank you~" She took a moment to get the plates settled in her hands, before carrying them back to the table and carefully setting them down. She wasn't the most dextrous, when it came to her arms (outside of holding a sword, thankfully), and she didn't want to drop anything. Sitting back down, she noticed Uriel holding something, leaning forward a little. "What's that?" She couldn't get a straight line of sight to it, but whatever it was, it seemed small.

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"Wha? Oh, uhm... well, it's not completely done yet, but it's for you..." He held out the figurine to her, before grabbing the plate with his wrap on it, hoping to distract himself with it and not get too embarrassed over making something for his friend.

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Amalia smiled and took it, looking it over and giggling. "It's supposed to be Serafine? It's cute. You made this yourself?" she asked, flipping it around in her hand. It wasn't the most intricate thing, but it was still impressive, considering what Uri did-- healing, that is. She set it back onto the table and poked at her salad. "Well, thank you. I'll treasure it, once you're finished~" She took a bite and smiled at him again, happy that he was willing to give her something that would make a great memento. "Oh, but... I don't have anything I can give you, back," she realized, stopping her grazing.

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Smiling as she seemed to be enamored by it, he nodded. "Yes, it's Serafine. One of the few peaceful moments I have when taking care of her is when she's taking a nap. And I remembered how much you seemed to love her, so I figured it was something I could do to pass the time. It's nothing special, just a skill I've been working on for the past couple of years." He smiled at her, glad that she was so happy about it. "I figured that this way, you'd always have something to remind you of her. Well, until you lose it." He grinned, clearly teasing. As she mentioned that she didn't have anything to give him, he shook his head. "It's a gift. I didn't expect anything in return, don't worry. It's something I do in my spare time, and I figured it would make you happy. You don't have to give me anything in return." He took a bite of his wrap, pleasantly surprised at how fresh and tasty it was.

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"Some of us may need to share, but I have enough to pay for myself and could pay for some other rooms if need be," Veronika answered Zach. I suppose it must be difficult for those who aren't being paid by us or Weyland...matters of gold might be best left in Synthia's hands however.

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"Well... Apparently they're basically completely magic resistant as well..." He shook his head. "Apparently one of Weyland's men has a plan for fighting them, but not anything we're supposed to be getting involved in. So..." He shrugged. "My plan continues to be 'See tank? Run away.'" He grinned at her. "It might not be the most chivalrous or manly plan, but if it keeps me alive, it keeps me alive."

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"Well... Alright. But if I see something nice that I think you'd like, I'm picking it up." It was another quirk of hers, with gifts. She loved them, of course-- especially little, personal ones like this, but she always felt awkward about not having anything to give back. She had to shrug it off, though. No point in dogging him about it. "You're still very good at this. What else have you made? If you have anything on you, that is..." It didn't seem like he would, but if he did, it would be wonderful to see. She took another chomp at the salad, and smiled. A cherry tomato had popped in her mouth, and the sweet taste was making her that much happier.

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Zach rubbed at the back of his neck, glad to hear that Veronika was well off on funds at the very least... probably one of the few in the group that could say that. "I've got enough for a room with double beds for a night... maybe two maximum, then I'm completely out of the personal gold I have left." He replied to the woman "I... don't think anyone would be exactly excited to share with me though." Finishing off with a bit of a chuckle

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After making sure he had an accurate estimate of how many rooms the group would need, Blake entered the first inn. The innkeeper appeared to be cleaning glasses for the time being, which meant he was likely free for the moment. The swordsman, as a result, approached him.

"Excuse me," he said, simply. "Do you have any open rooms?"

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"I am certain that there are some people willing to share with you for a night or two Zach. Spending a night with you is still better than sleeping out in the wagon. I am sure that, in the worst case, all that will happen is that you will have Chip as your roommate." replied Robin, clearly trying to joke, but noticing that it fell flat.

"I am sorry. That was stupid. Zach, why not ask some of the men if they are willing to bunk with you first? I am sure you will have a roommate, if only because it is less expensive to have two people in a room, and I do not think you are as hated as you think you are."

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"Unless you have some extremely strange personal habits I'm not aware of, I imagine some of the men in our group would be willing to share with you," Veronika replied, before thinking more on what Zach have said. "If you are that low on gold however, then perhaps we should begin paying you- you've certainly earned it. I'll discuss the matter with Synthia," she declared.

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The innkeeper looked up at the blue haired man in front of him and then glanced around the almost empty common room and then sighed. "Basically empty here these days. All the fuss that's going on... Can't say most people have wanted to stay unless they're forced to. How many rooms you looking for?"

Uri took some time to eat his wrap before responding. "Well... I don't think you need to bother, but alright." He chuckled at the question about other things he'd made. "Ah... can't say too many of them have turned out well but..." He hesitated before reaching and pulling out a thin chain with a small wooden charm on it from under his tunic. Upon closer inspection, it become clear that it was a carved symbol of the Order of Mercy. "I know that the Order of Mercy isn't exactly the same as Alta, but it's similar enough that I felt it was a good representation and reminder of what I believe." He slipped it back under his tunic and shrugged. "Everything else is pretty much just practice of specific things. Like those scales of Serafine. It took a lot of practice before I could get them right."

"Glad you feel the same! It'd be a shame if I'd found myself in the company of a crazy woman who decided to charge a tank. After all, I'd feel at least somewhat obligated to try and help you out and then either we'd both be dead or I'd be wracked with guilt over abandoning you." He grinned at Tina, before tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Though... If we were to stumble upon some unmanned ones, I can't say I would object to us stealing one... Thoughts?"

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"I most definitely do need to bother." She was sure of her decision, and nothing was going to change it. Perhaps lack of funding would put it on hold, though... Oh, that's it! A new chain! she thought, as he showed him his other works. Unfortunately, it was a symbol of the Order of Mercy, leaving Amalia hard pressed to continue her wide smile. It shrunk a bit, but she kept her interest. "It's wonderful that you can use your hands for something so intricate. I wish I could, but a sword hilt is as small as I can control. Keep at it~" She chuckled a little, as another body walked into the inn. "Oh, look, people! I'm surprised there's someone looking for an inn right now..."

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"Depends on how many you have. I'm looking for enough rooms for eight or nine people at the least," Blake said, as he heard about how business was drying up thanks to the chaos. "It doesn't matter whether they're in single or double rooms, if that helps."

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"Heh, well, you've got other skills. Somehow I suspect that if I tried to dance like you did, I'd end up tripping over my own, er, feet." He shook his head and then nodded. "Hmm, yeah. Seems to be a mercenary of some sort... Wonder if they're hear to help the government or help out... others."

The innkeeper nodded. "That's no problem. Probably got enough for... 10 if they're all rooming on their own, bit more than that if they want to share a room. At least a couple of 'em have double beds. Probably will be able to give you a discount if you get a lot of them. "

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"Oh, dancing isn't that difficult. Anyone can do it if they try hard enough." Amalia always told people that, because it was something she truly believed. Even she'd picked up the skill in just a few years. She wasn't a master, or anything, but she could do it well enough, and she was sure anyone else could, too! Mercenaries, though... "I hope they're not here to fight. This city doesn't need any more of that..." She cast a worried glance at the counter, hoping Uri was wrong, and this man just needed a place to sleep.

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Zach had to chuckle a bit at that one "I doubt she'll be too eager to pay me, but if you say that's the way it's gonna be, she won't argue too much about it." Suddenly snapping his fingers, the mage looked back at Veronika "You've still got my journal right 'Nika? Find anything useful or insightful for when we finally decide to head over to Skotia?"

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"Alright," Blake said, once he heard about the discount. He proceeded to produce his coin bag, before continuing. "How much would it be for nine rooms, then?"

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The innkeeper considered it before naming a reasonable price for that many rooms, hoping that the blue haired swordsman wouldn't try to barter him down anymore. He'd probably drop the price a bit more if he was forced, but really didn't want to.

Uri chuckled and shook his head. "No... Somehow I suspect that I wouldn't be able to dance anywhere near as gracefully as you. But, well, it doesn't matter. We won't find out I suspect." He grinned, the mental image of him trying to dance being quite an amusing one. Somehow I suspect my wings would be a bigger issue than they are when I try to sit down... Ah well, it's not like I'm especially interested in dancing anyways. "Mmm, I hope they're not here to fight either. Though..." He sighed. "Somehow the conflict needs to end. And I suspect that it isn't going to end by people coming together and talking sadly."

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"You might do better than you think. I'm sure you'd be able to make something rather impressive happen if you incorporated your wings into the dance, as well. But if you're not willing, there's no forcing the issue." She fiddled with her salad some more, trying to get some more tomato-- they were delicious! While she did that, Uri mentioned fighting, and how talking couldn't solve things. Oh, she didn't agree with that one bit, waving a tomato that she'd forked at him. "Hey, talking can resolve things just fine. I don't suspect they've even tried. Humans are always quick to jump the gun when it comes to these sorts of things." She kept her tone civil and caring, even if she was waving that tomato.

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Well, that didn't seem to be too expensive. Blake nodded and paid the corresponding coin to the innkeeper.

"We have some business further in to the capital, so we won't be coming in until later. Is that much of a problem?," Blake asked, once he put his coin bag away.

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The innkeeper frowned slightly, but shrugged. "It'd be nice if at least one or two of ya came in but there's no real reason why it should be a problem. I'll set aside rooms for you. I assume you'd prefer closer to each other and such?"

Uri shook his head. "I never said talking couldn't solve things. You know me. You know my views on fighting. I'm just saying that I don't think that there will be a peaceful solution to this conflict. Which is unfortunate. I think that it could solve it, but it won't. Well... Could maybe solve it. I suppose it depends on what each side wants." He sighed. "I suppose I don't know enough about the situation to judge."

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