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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Flight


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"Alright, alright... Once we're not running, anymore. That's when I'll bug you about a match. Sound good?" she asked with a smirk, sinking to the ground again, leaning fully against the rock. "Ah, geez, it's so boring it's not even worth standing..."

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"Nadya, nice to meet ya. I think Luca likes ya too, which is pretty rare. Ya work for Shadrak?" she asked him in a perplexed tone. Didn't think Shadrak had the money to be hirin' random folk- doubt this guy just volunteered.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Nadya and Luca? Fine names. I work for him as a bodyguard, but only on thr behest of another friend of his. She paid me to look after him and make sure he stays in one piece... Or anything that resembles one piece." -the lilac haired man told the nomadic girl.

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Star Hunter's ears perked up as the man gave the horse one of those crunchy red treats. Walking over to him, Star nudged him with his head. How dare he give the horse a treat and ignore the wonderful Star Hunter???

Lumi sighed and tugged on Star's reins. "Sorry, sorry, he just... he likes apples too and has been looking for a treat for a while now..."

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Nadya giggled slightly at Star's desire for treats. "Well good for him, most of the time Shadrak gets into fights he tends to end up swimmin' in his own blood. Someone to watch out for him should do some good," she remarked to Ingret. It might also put an end to that life suckin' business...

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Outside the Store

Shadrak muttered something as he became the topic of yet another conversation, but didn't actually turn to face anyone. Instead he reordered the books from most relevant to least best on an educated guess. Once that was done, he stood up straight and turned to face the others. "Yeah, not being torn up would do me a lot of good," he said drly. "We should probably head back. I don't have anything else to do out here so it's probably better to wait with the others in case something happens out there."

Luca finished off the apple in record time, but sorely wished he hadn't. Maybe if there'd been two offerings for him. At least it was good. This human was definitely welcome as far as he was concerned. Luca would be sure to check with him regularly for more offerings.

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"Sure, sounds good." Angelica replied back with a grin, leaning next to Eva as the rider did so.

"You know, I could have made it not boring for you if you hadn't been so adamant on pushing me away..." Angelica added with a bit of a pout.

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"...Sort of?" Elliot mumbled. He wasn't very good at explaining this, he was realizing. Thankfully Jamila invited Hoshi over and the dark mage was able to give a much better explanation. "Yeah, that," the avian agreed.


Well, the shopkeeper had certainly taken control of the situation rather quickly... Kimiko was left holding the make up containers she'd picked out as the woman went back and forth through the store picking out merchandise. With a sigh and shrug, the alchemist replaced the items she was holding and walked to the counter. She gave Greta an apologetic look, as the rest would be up to her.


Valter had followed after Shadrak as they joined the other group and had walked over to scratch Phyllis's nose. Though the horseman was listening, he didn't feel the need to enter into anyone's conversation until Shadrak suggested they head back. "I agree. I don't need to be here any longer than necessary," he said.

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Well, there was that to look forward to now... Or be worried about. She didn't know how well she could handle Angelica fighting with her magic and her weapons, especially when they were so finely crafted. She'd have to get her own stuff upgraded while they were in Kigen... Or find replacement stuff. She pondered over that until Angelica said what she'd been expecting. "Yeah, yeah, I know, but I'd rather not deal with the group coming back and seeing that, or having to deal with explaining anything like that... I'm not embarrassed by it because it's us, just... Public displays of affection, and all that. Give it a rest until we have an inn, or something." She sighed, realizing that she'd probably be getting a mouthful when they did get somewhere, after saying that.


Tia had kept quiet for most all of the shopping, not really having a coin to her name currently, and not needing to get anything. Just getting some different sights and sounds was giving her mind enough of a break from that incredibly boring cart ride. Though, perhaps she should try to talk to someone, about certain things, while she was here. She decided to let the people shopping do their thing, and wandered up to Lumi. "Hey, Lumi, uhm... You said you'd be able to help me with cardio stuff, right? Is there anything in town you think would help me with that?"

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"But we have cover~ We're even facing away from the city, so they won't see us on the way back, either... but in that case, you realize that you;re not getting out of it once we wither set up a tent for camp, or have a room, right? Even though no one would see us here unless they were explicitly trying to peek... it's not even public anymore, really." Angelica replied with a smirk.

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"Are you really that horned up for me...?" Eva asked, almost unable to believe that Angelica wanted this so badly. "Geez, just... Cool your jets. I'm still thinking about things. Be glad I even said to wait for a room, I could've just been vague about it." She waved her off with a small gesture, hoping she would cool her jets long enough for that. "Now, if you don't have anything else to talk about, I'm going to take another nap, until we start moving again." She closed her eyes and tried to get comfortable, relaxing against that rock.

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"You're the one who was looking for something to do. Not my fault if you don't want to take the easy out." Angelica shot back with a smirk, before Eva began to rest against the stone.

"Nothing that comes to mind. I'll wake you up if anything comes up."

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Appeasing another cool character

Ingret sighed as this time, a pegasus nudged him, prompting the knight to stick his hand back into the pocket and acquiring another apple. The lilac-haired man did not attempt to do any fancy tricks with this treat and held his hand out for the equine to devour the apple. With that done, he turned to the pegasus' owner, and nodded.

"Not to worry, I've been in plenty of situations... well I've met children like your friend. They're quite rambunctious." Then the knight turned to Nadya and considered what she said before responding to the nomad girl.

"Somehow, I don't doubt what you've said."

Then Shadrak spoke up, declaring that he wanted to leave, with Valter agreeing with him. "I don't mind leaving, but you wouldn't want to head back as a group? Course, if that's your decision then I'll go."

And then a child was apparently talking to the man who owned the pegasus. All that Ingret did was look pointedly at the child, not glaring, just staring.

Edited by GoD
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"We still got some shoppin' to do," Nadya commented to the fellas before chiming in on Tia's situation. "Ya probably need to build up some muscle if ya want to fight too- I'm pretty sure I could break your arm right now and I ain't exactly the strongest person here," she remarked bluntly.

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Lumi frowned slightly at Nadya. "Yes, while that's true, it's also important to focus on getting in shape first. Trying to build up muscle while not being able to endure the requirements isn't going to help anything. Besides, it's not always about who's strongest if you can be quick enough." Turning back to Tia, she considered the question and then nodded slightly. "Right, you should look for any hills or steps. You want to jog up and down them until you're tired enough that you can't do that anymore. Carrying boxes is also a good idea. It helps build your muscles," she glanced over at Nadya at that comment, "As well as helping to keep your stamina up if you carry them around for a while. There are other exercises I can show you back at camp, though spending some time every night jogging would be a good idea as well."

Meanwhile Star was in heaven. New guy had given him a crunchy red treat and everything was perfect.

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"If I may ask... young lady. If you're traveling with this group, perhaps you'd stick to a profession that is, a bit lighter. Rather than training yourself in something that requires physical effort, perhaps you should train with an item that stresses the mind? Magic might be safer for you, you would not have to get close to others, and you can fight from a distance."- Ingret asked of the young lady, then turned his attention to the pegasi owner.

"By the by, my name is Ingret. I'll be joining the group as Shadrak's escort. May I ask your names?"

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"I can't do magic anymore," she said with a glare at whoever this man was. She didn't recognize him, so he probably had no idea of what had happened to her, but she wasn't going to entertain anything like that. Nadya's comment as well, she didn't bother saying anything towards, because it was obviously a dig at her. Geez, why does she hate me so much? I get that I can be annoying, but you'd think she'd let go of whatever's eating her by now... She sighed, and did her best to pay attention only to Lumi, as she was giving actual advice. "Sure. I can manage that. Should I, like, start while we're in town? I mean, I don't really want to be a sweaty mess back in the cart, but... A head start's a head start, I suppose."


"Yeah, easy, bleh, whatever..." Eva mumbled, bracing herself against the rock as best as she could. "And don't touch me while I'm sleeping," she warned, finally closing her eyes and trying to doze off. She figured Angelica wouldn't think of such a thing, but... Better to be safe than sorry. Or strung up. She shuddered, for but a moment.

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Letting out a light giggle as Eva gave her warning, Angelica leaned forward and gave the resting rider a firm poke on the cheek. She did need to maintain a certain minimum level of defiance, after all.

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"Anymore? What does she mean by that?"- Despite his growing curiousity, Ingret decided not to pester the girl with questions about why she could not use magic. Instead he attempted to shift the conversation from his blunder. "I meant no offense little lady. I apologize for my rudeness."- the knight bowed his head to younger girl, his expression as blank as ever.

"If you are still looking to exercise yourself physically, perhaps I could give you some of my equipment to carry?"- he shifted his backpack, which caused the sounds of metal grinding against metal, simply to prove that he had something that the young girl could carry.

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Shadrak winced at the suggestion of Tia using magic. It was fine as far as Shadrak was concerned; Ingret had no idea what Tia had gotten herself into back there. He considered telling the man in private on the way back so he could better stand her initial reaction. "I don't suppose any of you know how much longer they'll be?" Shadrak asked, nudging his head toward the store's entrance. He was only waiting around to give his arms a moment's rest, really, and he didn't have anything else to inquire about.


"Huh ... well okay, then," Greta said after getting the shopkeeper's price for the cosmetic bundle. She had a bit of coin left over which was more than she expected to see once the woman took over gathering things for them. "Here ya go ..." Greta said, feeling awkward as she poured most of the coins into the shopkeeper's hand. She could see the woman counting them up as fast as they fell into her grasp. Once the last coin came to a rest atop the small pile in her palms, she stepped back from the counter, having already counted them up, and put them away somewhere. "You know ..." Greta risked an observation, "I was expectin' the total to be higher ..."

"Oh no, business is doing well here, despite the chaos, and since demand isn't very high to begin with, it's really not profitable to raise my prices. I'd prefer to foster goodwill and a good reputation in times like these. You are a merchant as well, aren't you?"

"How could ya tell?" Greta chuckled nervously.

"Just a guess," the shopkeeper gave an exaggerated shrug.

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"Oh, uh, he's probably talking about alchemy then, yes. Here, watch this." She pulled out one of the dark tendrils that she kept stored on her. "See, this is a dark tendril. We can use it to probe a material. It will give us information about the material that makes up that item. Uhm, from there, you can use dark magic to convert one thing to another. And you can use it to reinforce material or even change their base properties. It's a bit hard to, uhm, explain more without getting into deep theory, but... Basically the magic can be used to convert things through dark energy into another thing."

"...Sort of?" Elliot mumbled. He wasn't very good at explaining this, he was realizing. Thankfully Jamila invited Hoshi over and the dark mage was able to give a much better explanation. "Yeah, that," the avian agreed.

Jam almost jumped back as Hoshi revealed what looked like a snake. Once Hoshi started explaining, the dancer scooted closer, desiring to feel what magic felt like.

"So, if I grab this thing, will you know what I'm made of?" Jam suspected it was just physical properties; it would be just creepy if it could peer into your soul.

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Lumi smiled slightly. "You can start now if you want, or if you'd rather wait until you got back to the camp, that would work too. But doing a lot of running, especially on hills and steps, will be the best thing to help build your stamina. It's probably best, actually, to not go running in the city. You don't want to draw attention to yourself after all."

Hoshi smiled slightly and shook her head. "It's not quite like that. Uhm, if you tried to grab it, you wouldn't really be able to grab hold. You would end up sort of just passing through it. However, if I decided to use it on you, I would be able to tell some about what makes you up, although living things are, uhm, more difficult than non-living things. Something about the life force must interfere I think."

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"Well... I suppose I can take his offer to carry stuff, then," she said, turning to look up at the new guy, and holding her hands out. "Give 'er. It's not too heavy, right? And it's fine that you don't know what happened. I'm sure Shaddy'll tell you, if you're hanging around him." While it hurt to have everyone know what happened, it was better than people randomly suggesting magic, again and again. That hurt a lot more.


"Mmm... Mess wif, later..." Eva mumbled, finally dozing off.

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