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What was your Reaction, in Smash bros tralier?

Tide of Waves

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I like How they put Captain Falcon, Avatar, and Lucina in.

Avatar was the best choice for smash, but your reaction, to Avatar's Final Smash, as Chrom?

Lucina, was pretty cool, and her final smash tho.

Captain Falcon returns. xD

What do you guys think?

I'll be maining them now. xD

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My reaction at first: "...Lucina? Seriously? Over Chrom or Avatar? BLEH."

My reaction when Avatar showed up: "OMIGOSH AVATAR TOO!! FUCK YEAH AVATAR!! I KNEW IT! Suck it, Chrom fans! Suck it, Gematsu!"

Yeah. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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I was more excited about Captain Falcon.

Lucina even shares the same idle poses as Marth which is lame.

Robin looks like he/she'll be fun to play, but I'm not a fan of the character.

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The Avatar was obligatory in SSB4 for me, because he/she is the main of FE13 and works different to the other FE characters. He/she can also use magic and you can choose the gender.

Lucina looks like a clone of Marth. And it's inconsequent to add Lucina, but not Chrom, because their importance in the story is equal. Probably Chrom is even more important, because Lucina can die in any point in this game unlike Chrom.

Captain Falcon.... YEEESSSSSS!!!

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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It was something like:

  1. *sees Lucina beat back by some unknown entity* Oh, Lucina is in? Probably a reskin for Marth. Also screw you Shulk [:
  2. *notices Chrom half-dead in background* Um, okay
  3. *sees Lucina Wakes her Blade?!* She's a... new character? That's a bit surprising
  4. *sees Captain Falcon with Awakening's cutscene art style* OOOHHH MYYYYY GOOOOD THE CAP'N IS BACK x*insert large number here*
  5. *sees Robin floatin' around* Robin? That's interesting. Tonton's probably creaming his pants right now--dude wanted Robin in so much :L

Then Lucina being shown using most, if not all of Marth's already-known moves pretty much confirmed in my head that she was an alternative skin for Marth (now we know different); Chrom being all optimistic at the end was, like, "okay," then seeing him physically in the game made me think he was either a playable character or another alternative for an already-shown character (Ike popped into my head, for whatever reason), then I rewatched it and noticed he was part of Robin's final smash, which is pretty sweet

Basically it was pretty fucking sweet

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Honestly... I couldn't breath, I was so excited.

I mean, yes, I prefer Chrom, but... the idea of having 3 male Lords... it wasn't too appealing.

Plus, Chrom would be needed for Robin's Final Smash. Otherwise, what would it be? I'm curious what Lucina's Final Smash would be.

Everyone, including me, thought Little Mac replaced Captain Falcon. But since he's returning once again, being a Veteran n' all, can we count on Ness and Jigglypuff coming back too? I could care less about Jigglypuff, but I actually liked Earthbound.

Either way, I like the idea of Robin. I don't... like how he equips a Bronze Sword, if you looked closely, but at least he has a Levin as well. Again, I love this "Tome" concept he's got going.

But Sakurai heard everyone's wishes for Chrom to be added. At least he's in the game indirectly.

Plus, anyone noticed how Chrom entered the stage upon being called from Robin? The Ol' Teleport Staff animation that Marth and Ike used in the past? Preeeetttyyy cool if you ask me...

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Lucina: Woo!!!

Robin: 4 FE reps!!! The Awakening self-insert character?? Cool, I think???

Falcon I already knew had to be in, so I wasn't surprised at all but I was super happy about him. Disappointed they didn't give him the usual "Captain Falcon returns!!!" screen like they gave Lucina and Robin but his cameo was amazing enough to satisfy me.

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no sigurd 0/10

Don't play with my feelings! This is supposed to be a good day! It's what I expected more or less, but super stoked to see Robin confirmed. Although Lucina looks just like a Marth clone, hopefully she has moves that make her stand out in some way at least, other than fan gushing.

Edited by Professor Vasuda
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Falcon was wrecking face. This pleases me.


FE-wise... YESZ.

*TWO* reps. I got hyped. I didn't care who it was, I wanted Awakening representation.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The other two were okay. Robin is nice, but Lucina.... eh, not a fan of Awakening getting two characters. Especially when one is a clone....


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Everyone's forgetting Sakurai made multiple moves for each and every character. That's what the little IRL Trophy thing will come into play. Where you can customize your character?

Right now Lucina looks like a Marth-Copy. But I'm sure Sakurai has some plans for her to bring new things to the table.

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My reaction? Please Snake just appear and snap robin's neck for the love of every god.

To me Lucina shouldn't have been anything other than a skin for Marth, but I'm fine. Robin on the other hand... let's just say that I would have been happier with Hector, and I can't stand Hector.

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Holy shit yes...

I've been waiting for this for a loooooong time. They couldn't have introduced Captain Falcon any more awesomely. I'm genuinely surprised we get both Lucina and Robin, but excited nonetheless. Poor Chrom.


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Why are people still saying "Avatar?"

Anyway, my reaction went something like...

When the trailer first starts and we see Lucina with Chrom on the ground - Well, it's not Shulk, suck it Gematsu, and Lucina appears to be the reveal! Yes!

When Captain Falcon appears - Hell yeah! Captain Falcon!

When Lucina gets her splash screen - Fuck yes! Lucinaaaaaaa!

When Robin appears - Holyshitwhatthefuck Robin too? Oh my goooooooood!

*Proceed to move around in excitement a bunch while the trailer is going*

When we see female Robin as well - This is the best trailer ever.

Totally worth waking up at 6:45 for.

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Me watching the trailer:


Lucina? On one hand, I wanted her to be in this game more than any other FE character before I heard of the Gematsu leak, and Captain Falcon looks really badass as always. Cool to see him, even though there was (f-)zero doubt about his return. It sucks that Shulk isn't in, but it could be worse, at least the Awakening rep isn't... (sees wind attack) is THAT Shulk? Well, that doesn't look like any technique Shulk knows, but maybe Sakurai decided to make the Monado Buster look different Wait, that doesn't look at all like... FUCK!!! (repeat thought for rest of video, especially moments when it becomes clear that Lucina is exactly like Marth down to the idle animation)

Closing thoughts: I'd rather have dysentery, leprosy, and gonorrhea all at once.

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YESSS!!! I for one am so happy that both Lucina and Robin are in and I think they'll be favorites of FE fans and people who haven't played FE (as those are the only two categories of people) alike. Now I get to main 4 characters! And I'm glad FE is getting so much representation now, this brings a lot of hope for the future of the series and will certainly increase its popularity.

Time to tip the scales, amateurs!

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"Lucina? Chrom? OMG CHROOOOOOOOM! (٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭) YES YES YES! Wait...."

*vid plays, stuff happens*

"Robin and Lucinaaa!! I'm so happy (٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭)"

*Part with Marth and Ike vs Robin and Lucina*


Take my money right now Nintendo! Take it!

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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