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Pacific Rim 2

Master Awesome

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Anyone excited for April 17, 2017, cuz I sure am. Unlike a majority of the critics out there, I actually liked Pacific Rim. Seeing huge-ass, awesome mechs fight better-than-Godzilla-monsters in IMAX was amazing. I kinda felt bad for the people sitting through Gravity.

Haven't heard much about plot, other than the even more epic battles and Newt's possible journey to the dark side. I just hope they move the release date to the summer of 2017. April is just too inconvenient.

Share your thoughts n' stuff.

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Don't worry, I don't have anything against Gravity :) I'm just arguing against the people who criticize Pacific Rim because they were expecting an award winning acting performance and unbelievable plot. Pacific Rim was for action, and Gravity was for acting/plot (basically everything else). I didn't mean to sound critical of it.

In my opinion, when it comes to kickass action movies, the less plot the better. (why waste time doing what you're bad at when you could be doing what you're good at)

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Pacific Rim was a pretty awesome movie, although I liked Godzilla 2014 better. I'm sure the sequel will be even better as that's how it usually is with these big monster movies. Perhaps a Godzilla/Pacific Rim crossover considering they're made by the same studio, that'd be badass.

(on a side not, Gravity is a pretty awesome movie as well)

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Pacific Rim 2 represents to me a thing I am Extremely Hyped about, but also

The sequel will land in theaters April 7, 2017.

holy shit I'm going to be graduated, have a job, and probably be married by the time the damn thing actually comes out.

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Pacific Rim was for action, and Gravity was for acting/plot (basically everything else). I didn't mean to sound critical of it.


That's a good one.

What a great plot and stellar acting. The acting in pacific rim wasn't amazing but it was definitely superior to gravity in every way.

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Gravity looked boring so I didn't bother.

Can't wait for Pacific Rim 2, the first one was such a nerdgasm panderfest that I have no qualms with admitting to having enjoyed. Consider me effectively pandered to, haha.

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What a great plot and stellar acting. The acting in pacific rim wasn't amazing but it was definitely superior to gravity in every way.

Let it be known that I have never seen Gravity, I was just using it as an example of a plot heavy film. (In other words, I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about)

Anyway, if anyone lives by an IMAX theater, I recommend you go see Pacific Rim 2 there, cuz my god it was worth it.

Edited by Master Awesome
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gravity is hands down the best looking movie ever made, even up to today. no other movie has ever captured space that beautifully. and i'm a space nerd that likes space movies. because of this beauty, the honest trailer is completely correct; it's just sad to try to watch it on a smaller-than-theater screen. it's basically not worth it, which is why i haven't tried to watch it again.

as a movie, like, the whole package, it was enjoyable. not jaw dropping like its visuals, but passable. also, george clooney. also, sandra bullock trying to talk to people on earth. that part was hilarious.

i am hyped for pr2. i will forget about its existence soon and get rehyped near the end of 2016.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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gravity is hands down the best looking movie ever made, even up to today. no other movie has ever captured space that beautifully. and i'm a space nerd that likes space movies. because of this beauty, the honest trailer is completely correct; it's just sad to try to watch it on a smaller-than-theater screen. it's basically not worth it, which is why i haven't tried to watch it again.

as a movie, like, the whole package, it was enjoyable. not jaw dropping like its visuals, but passable. also, george clooney. also, sandra bullock trying to talk to people on earth. that part was hilarious.

i am hyped for pr2. i will forget about its existence soon and get rehyped near the end of 2016.

2001: A Space Odyssey.

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it's beautiful, but that movie's strong suit actually isn't its visuals (which again, are stunning), it's the "journey" through the film's narrative. it's a close second aesthetically, and a much better movie otherwise. gravity and it are in different leagues.

edit: or perhaps I should say, "strongest suit," or best part about the film.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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i actually really liked pacific rim because like

other than their barebones attempt at a plotline/subplot, it stuck to what i went to see the movie for - giant robots punching godzilla

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i actually really liked pacific rim because like

other than their barebones attempt at a plotline/subplot, it stuck to what i went to see the movie for - giant robots punching godzilla

My dad has described Pacific Rim as "it delivers." This is exactly what he means, and I completely agree.

While I am not super hype for Pacific Rim 2, I will definitely be going to see it.

...unless the trailers and reviews all suck. Then maybe not.

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Gravity is full of make up stuff. I bet Neil had his face full of facepalm while watching that movie.

The acting in pacific rim wasn't amazing but it was definitely superior to gravity in every way.

How sad...cause it's true...

Edited by Char
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I liked Pacific Rim for the same reasons I enjoy Bay's Transformers movies.

I wonder if this statement would make people mad.

I hate the Transformers movies, but I don't care if people like them.
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I didn't like the transformers movies because the idea of having people interfere with the robot battles was absolutely retarded in my opinion. I wanted to see the transformers beat the crap out of each other, not stupid kids screaming and running/driving away from them.

That's why I loved Pac Rim, cuz there was none of that bullshit. Once the Jaegers were deployed, it was a straight up smash fest.

Fortunately, they have a new writer for Pacific Rim 2, so there won't be as much questionable decisions or plot holes.

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The biggest difference between Transformers and pacific rim is... you have no idea who is who in a Transformers movie fight, whereas it's clearly robot vs monster in pacific rim. Also, there doesn't seem to be any solid physics in a transformers fight, as they fly around, jump high sometimes and low other times, and morph at questionably fast speeds in the middle of falling, etc. In pacific rim, a punch had IMPACT, you felt that shit on the side of your mouth, and seeing a chunk of kaiju get cut off, along with its pained scream really made you clench your ass in sympathy pain.

It the same reason Tom and Jerry was more popular than Looney Tunes, because you actually saw noticable impacts on the characters when they took a hit. That really matters.

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Gravity is full of make up stuff. I bet Neil had his face full of facepalm while watching that movie.

How sad...cause it's true...

NDT actually mentioned it in his podcast, haha!

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