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About the fantasy "boob plate"


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I thought fist that I should have set this in the "general" section but ended up putting it her ecause I thought awakening anyway has them too.

But yes, as some has allready mentioned have impractiacall they are with acctually putting the preasure of the strike into the chest.

but I found a video where they show how a chest-plate formed as breasts acctually is inconviniant.


nothing else really, thoughts?

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Character design is my second least favorite thing about Awakening after the story.

Other than it being ugly (don't make me explain why, look at the Knights, just look at them), the female outfits are all a fetish party, and if the outfit doesn't have anything fetishistic, like Anna, then the foxy poses, the cute crossed legs and the hip shaking will still sexualize the character/class. If you ask me which class doesn't have fetish details, I can only think of healers and mages (minus the dark ones and Emmeryn/Lissa/Miriel' sage outfits, but at least male dark mages are also half naked).

Yeah, the series always had girls with exposed legs, battle skirts, boob armor and such, but it never had such an obsession with it: compare any old FalcoKnight to a new one, or the myrmidons. It's the details that give a completely different feeling.

I can't link pics because my internet is having serious problems these days, but:

  • All mounted units have exposed thights (with the exception of Pegasus Knights). This is even more unpratical that the classic battle skirt of the old Pegasus Knights.
  • Said thights aren't just exposed by a panty and/or high boots, but many intricate little details show the skin in "imaginative" ways (look at the female cavalier or the FalcoKnight, especially the latter: cut pants, high stockings, a piece of robe to cover the panty... is this a fetish parade?).
  • Even the female Knight/General has fetish material in it: their butt and tights are covered in a black, tight suit. And guess what: even all female Great Knights show the tights (except Sully, thankfully).
  • Manakete now are pedophiliac (except Nah (she still has those high stockings though...), and Tiki for obvious reasons).
  • Compare all Female Wyvern Classes to the Male ones... it's depressing. Do you remember Minerva, Jill, etc?? They were as covered as the dudes. Even Vaida isn't half as fetish as those exposed inner thights, the mini skirt on top of the panty, etc... I'd like to see Zelcher get an arrow in that bare back.

Now, I usually don't have a problem with stupid sexy armor, et cetera, and Fire Emblem still has their cavaliers and knights going around without a helm, so it's not exactly the king of accuracy, but Awakening went too far away from the standard of the series, one of the standards that made me respect it because it didn't use sex appeal to sell and always kept its design normal and not too over the top, frivolous or dumbly fetishized. What makes me even angrier is that the male characters bar maybe heroes (dem high boots) and dark mages don't have any sort of sex appeal (don't talk about Warriors and the like because that's a show of strenght, not sex appeal), thus is creates even more separation.

What is jarring for me is that the series wasn't like this, or at least it kept the cute/sexy outfits to a minimum, to a standard that didn't make you think "Y r u dressed like dat ridin a hawrs, for gawd's saek". I play all sorts of games with stupid fetish outfits but atleast they all come from a series that's been doing it from its conception.

The worst part is that I can't ever, ever EVER complain about this. They just tell me to deal with it and to accept this sort of crap because that's how things go!

And don't let me get started on the artworks for the girls! Why is Panne in that sexy pose??! Shouldn't she be serious and stern?!

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My only real gripe is this:

I know you find her in the desert...


...but put on some DAMN clothes! :P

On topic, I don't know enough about medieval breastplates to provide a valuable opinion. But I noticed... why doesn't the lady in the video use her elbows? Do arms need to be fixed in such a straight/stiff position in order to strike effectively with a sword?

Edited by Red Falcon
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On topic, I don't know enough about medieval breastplates to provide a valuable opinion. But I noticed... why doesn't the lady in the video use her elbows? Do arms need to be fixed in such a straight/stiff position in order to strike effectively with a sword?

you get more power into the blow if you use your full arm, and you acctually don't just use just your arm, but try to (as in most if not all marshall arts) use your hole body to put as mush power as possible into the blow.

And if we go into awakenings design, especialy for the women, I could nitpick the hell out of them (even Lucina, who coincidentaly wears a boob plate and wields a 2-handed long sword as a great lord), but I've tried to stay away from that, I think the guys designs fit no more heroes, but fire emblem... not so much.

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I thought fist that I should have set this in the "general" section but ended up putting it her ecause I thought awakening anyway has them too.

You should have gone with your initial impulse. The portrayal of women is an issue extends well beyond Awakening and into media at large. This is a topic that is worth discussing, but it will likely just turn into another thread where people levy the same criticisms against Awakening that we've seen many times before. I'm going to move this to general where it can hopefully become more than a thinly-veiled Awakening hate topic.
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You know, society should stops relying on sex to sell and attract the lowest common denominator. If people could come up with good writing and clever advertisement instead, this stuff might die out and more practical outfits can be made. By the way I'm night saying anything related to sex should go away, just lower it down.

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You should have gone with your initial impulse. The portrayal of women is an issue extends well beyond Awakening and into media at large. This is a topic that is worth discussing, but it will likely just turn into another thread where people levy the same criticisms against Awakening that we've seen many times before. I'm going to move this to general where it can hopefully become more than a thinly-veiled Awakening hate topic.

yeah, my bad, I should have just done as I first thought and just thrown in it "general"... I wonder what I was thinking throwing it here since this is not a critic about fe:a but fantasy armor in general.

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A good character designer should be able to do both. There's adding decorations that looks good but doesn't hurt the functionality, and then there's utterly disregarding character and functionality. Furthermore the boobplate is grossly overdone and doesn't even look good, while being a major hindrance to battle. While I may not write off every designer as unskilled if they use boobplate (because unfortunately some artists who does otherwise really great designs use them and it makes me sad) I will say that they don't really know what they're doing when it comes to armor. There's plenty of ways to draw good-looking armor and none of which requires boobplate. Trim decorations, plate edges, engravings, etc. So many ways to design armor to look good in a sensible fashion, there's no reason to sacrifice functionality at all. Overdone as all fuck, too. Super boring.

That isn't to say all instances of boobplate is automatically awful as shit. If it's done entirely for show/ceremonial purposes and not meant for actual battle then it can be treated like any other piece of impractical as fuck jewelry that the wealthy of the corresponding setting/time period might often like to wear to show off anyway. To the battlefield? No warrior who takes themselves seriously would wear that shit to the battlefield. Ever.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I like how the thumbnail is just the bloke staring at her tits

Yeah, I'm not gonna defend the "artistic direction" of games with such exposed/tight armour but generally the demographic they're gonna appeal to is a bunch of horny teenagers that are most likely a little socially awkward and will easily fall for this type of stuff, not to mention Japan's quite obvious problem of misogyny/sex discrimination.

Edited by Alb
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I thought the video was going to be something about how boob plate is basically designed to redirect all blows to a woman's sternum and cause it to break and pierce her through the heart. Because that's another practical problem with it.

And these arguments are still without getting into the big, obvious one (which others here have already pointed out) that fetishizing all your female characters is misogynistic as fuck.

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IMHO... when Eroge characters dress more reasonably than the Awakening Females... that's a big No-No for me.

Case in point:


It saddens me to see the direction FE took.

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Sex sells, that's not only in the fantasy genre but in many media.

Though one may note in this saying that "sex" means "sexualization of things which are not sex" as often or more often than it does "intercourse"

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Though one may note in this saying that "sex" means "sexualization of things which are not sex" as often or more often than it does "intercourse"

^ Yeah... sexualisation. That's what I meant.

Edited by Naughx
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IMHO... when Eroge characters dress more reasonably than the Awakening Females... that's a big No-No for me.

Case in point:


It saddens me to see the direction FE took.

yes, lets choose one eroge from 10000000000000000000000000 others

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yes, lets choose one eroge from 10000000000000000000000000 others

Most eroge characters (barring the ones that are just "Sex, Sex, and MORE Sex! Screw this gameplay/story/character thing!") are actually pretty reasonably dressed (outside the sex scenes). I'd say that regular, mainstream games have overtaken them as far as dressing slutty goes a good while ago.

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we can avoid this discussion

looking back through the awakening art though, they really did badly with that game. It doesn't even look good.

Edited by Tryhard
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Most eroge characters (barring the ones that are just "Sex, Sex, and MORE Sex! Screw this gameplay/story/character thing!") are actually pretty reasonably dressed (outside the sex scenes). I'd say that regular, mainstream games have overtaken them as far as dressing slutty goes a good while ago.

Well I mean they don't really need to sell us fanservice anyway since we already know we're gonna see them get nekid.

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Fine. Let's eliminate the boob plates. While we're at it, let's redesign Chrom's Falchion, as well as all the other weapons in Awakening and past games, so that they're developed at their most damaging potential. While we're at it, let's take out wyverns and pegasi, since I doubt you can make lizards and horses fly simply by adding wings to them.

Once I read that the human chest isn't strong enough to handle the beating of wings... And, guess what, we still have lots of angels in fiction.

It's a character design. Looks are the priority, not realism. Even Nidoqueen has boob armor:


That's to reinforce her female looks. Who cares if she would be damaged more easily in battle, it's not supposed to be realistic anyway. People don't have 80 HP in real life either.


But Saber had to pretend she was a man. That was also the reason Nasu designed her with small breasts. And, really, it's not like FSN doesn't have women fighting in completely unrealistic outfits designed to appeal to men (case in point, Rider/Medusa).

Edited by Bird Jesus
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